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Will you apologize to Muslims you killed?

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Yep, Americans have a thick skin for others dying, so much for shared humanity.

Btw, Obama is total crap without autocue, very average without a script.
well right now non Muslim armies are waging war in Muslim lands....not the other way round

And when the muslims did that, it was justified under the bandwagon of 'Spread of Islam'? And what about the muslims killing muslims? Care to look in Syria, or your own backyard for the bigger picture.
Oh what is this BS
Will Muslims apolgise for the centuries of Loot & plunder they committed or was it justified in the name of Islam
Mr. Obama is an entirely political person, I don't think he has an strong opinions on anything - He senses that Muzloums are exhausted and that US policy has achieved it's objectives -- Libya is history, Syria will be one way or another, Wahabis will be history once their role in US policy is played out - Iranians are hanging on by the skin of their teeth, and Pakistan, well, we all know - So now the focus is on Muzloums in the West who may "self Radicalize" (combust in the absence of a catalyst) -- Hint: coming to a Muzloum near you, and the Muzloum you save may be yourself
very true.........
but if muslim kill american that could be revenge of muslim .......muslim world majboor hogaee hein sehte sehte....

What majboori led the muslims kill 3000 American in 2001 ?

That America helped in stopping the massacre of muslims in Bosnia and helped them get a country ? or that America helped Kuwait free itself from that maniac Saddam ?

Oh wait 9/11 was done by jews and CIA . Sorry i forgot :rolleyes:
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