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Will the US defend Philippines if China attacks?

And the next US SecState will say: "While the US have no territorial claims in the region, the US is committed to free trade and sea lanes access through the region. The US will commit to the defense of said freedom and will not allow China to control the region."

That is hilarious coming from someone who made all kinds of wild fantasy scenarios for the J-20. Many of them defied the laws of nature.

You haven't been following the news. China has explicitly stated that commercial ship traffic has never been impeded nor will it be impeded in the future in the South China Sea.

Do I have to provide a citation for such general knowledge to you? You live in your own little anti-China world and you seem oblivious to the situation in the real world.
Guys, this is a professional defense forum. We do not engage in fantasy scenarios.
wow, words cannot fully describe the fail in this one

China has explicitly stated that commercial ship traffic has never been impeded nor will it be impeded in the future in the South China Sea.
are you seriously expecting us to believe Chinese promises/claims??
wow, words cannot fully describe the fail in this one

are you seriously expecting us to believe Chinese promises/claims??


Name one commercial ship that has been prohibited from traversing the South China Sea. You can't.
China also has a strong carrier Varyag:
This is a latest photo of the carrier Varyag:


PLAN has virtually no experience in operating a carrier.
Guys, this is a professional defense forum. We do not engage in fantasy scenarios. The U.S. cavalry isn't coming for communist Vietnam or the Philippines.

You were the one calling for war with Russia and than making some fantacy claims about how to do so. It's pretty evident you have no military experience, nor do you have the slightest clue about military planing.

Name one commercial ship that has been prohibited from traversing the South China Sea. You can't.
no country is believing chinese tall claims of following law and order. especially after throwing tantrums like banning rare earth exports to japan just because it arrested a chinese criminal. the japanese should have done it the russian way, shoot first ask questions later.

people who feed their own with sewer oil and formaldehyde shouldn't expect foreigners to trust their promises
What is this? Everyone that has a grudge against me is going to air their complaint?

Ahem, my point stands. China has never blocked a commercial ship from traversing the South China Sea. Freedom of navigation is not an issue.

People, try to stick to the topic. Please!
What is this? Everyone that has a grudge against me is going to air their complaint?

Ahem, my point stands. China has never blocked a commercial ship from traversing the South China Sea. Freedom of navigation is not an issue.

People, try to stick to the topic. Please!
on topic: currently, china does not have the capability of blocking a ship in the SCS, neither does it have the capability to attack Philippines.
What is this? Everyone that has a grudge against me is going to air their complaint?

Ahem, my point stands. China has never blocked a commercial ship from traversing the South China Sea. Freedom of navigation is not an issue.

People, try to stick to the topic. Please!

Tàu Trung Qu


Do you think a country which had such an aggressive action like that will never try to block other ships in South China Sea?
What is this? Everyone that has a grudge against me is going to air their complaint?

Ahem, my point stands. China has never blocked a commercial ship from traversing the South China Sea. Freedom of navigation is not an issue.

People, try to stick to the topic. Please!
That is a fail at logic. China have no control over the sea to make any promises. That is like the US saying we will not prevent anyone from landing on the Moon even though we have no effective control on traveling to the Moon.
Not a real one. Besides, the Chinese version is not as capable. When a US carrier group sails, it is accompanied by 'blue water' subs. You can see four such wakes in post 151. China does not (yet) have such capable subs. So if the Chinese carrier takes on a fight with the US, it will be sunk, probably AFTER it launched its fighters and they will have nowhere to land.

PLAN has virtually no experience in operating a carrier.

So it is a fake carrier photo!
How can we recognize China's things are real or fake?
I hate to break it to you guys. No Western scholar has challenged China's first discovery and claim of the South China Sea islands from the Han Dynasty and onwards.

Did you read my citation of Chinese relics found on the South China Sea islands from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)?

Chinese relics can be found all over the South China Sea and on the islands themselves. The South China Sea has been China's backyard for 2,000 years.


There are 2,000 years of Chinese imperial records and maps. Chinese skeletons were physically discovered on the South China Sea islands. The Chinese pottery/bowls were also found on the South China Sea islands.

Some of the larger South China Sea islands have Chinese-built wells.

The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

Want me to start going through them one by one? I can give you screen captures from the documentary videos of the archaeological digs on the South China Sea islands. Some of the Chinese-built wells have been there a long time.

I have never heard of an old Vietnamese or Filipino well on any of the South China Sea islands.

Below, I have provided a citation of Chinese relics from the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) found near Hsisha Islands in the South China Sea. Can any Vietnamese or Filipino provide a reputable citation of Vietnamese or Filipino relics in the South China Sea that predates 1368? If you can't, you have just admitted to Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea islands.


Chinese Archeology,chinese civilization

"32 cultural relics discovered in South China Sea


Archaeological teams have discovered Yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain for the first time in the South China Sea along with 32 newly-discovered ancient sites near Hsisha Islands, the 2010 South China Sea underwater archaeological team announced on June 1.

After 35 days of underwater archaeological work, South China Sea underwater archaeology team discovered 32 underwater cultural relics and found blue and white porcelain of Yuan Dynasty in South China Sea for the first time.

Source:Xinhua News"

[Note: China's Yuan Dynasty was from 1271-1368 (see China Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), Mongolian, Kublai Khan, Emperors)]

Who can certify that your archaeological relics have been unearthed from the Paracel islands and Spratly Islands of Vietnam?
If the Chinese to Bach Dang River estuary, I'm sure they'll dig a lot of rotted woods from ships, skulls and bones of the Chinese, ceramic plates and bowls ... were left from 938 or 1288. And no small part of them were drifted at sea.

In Lý-Trần Dynasty era, the problems of construction the naval base, set up the naval forces were in place. Specially, the Van Don port has an important role to protect the northeast sea of Vietnam. In 1077, the Vietnamese Navy fought the Battle of Cầu River against the Chinese Song Dynasty forces. This was the final battle China's Song Dynasty would fight on Vietnamese land or waters. The battle lasted for several months, and ended with the victory of the Vietnamese Navy and the loss of many Song's (Chinese) sailors. This victory demonstrated the successful tactics of war and active defense of the famous Admiral Lý Thường Kiệt who faced a naval force several times larger than his own.[2] The Song Dynasty lost a total of 80,000 soldiers/sailors and 5,19 million ounces of gold, including all costs of the war.[3]
The largest battles (officially recorded in history) were three naval battles (all three are called Battle of Bạch Đằng): Ngô Quyền against the Chinese Southern Han forces in 938 (killed over 100,000 and captured a thousands Chinese sailors, killed Chinese Prince Liu Hongcao);[4] Lê Hoàn against Song Dynasty in 981; and Trần Quốc Tuấn against Yuan Dynasty (Mongol) in 1288 (killed over 80,000 Yuan Mongol sailors, destroyed more than 400 Yuan ships, killed Sogetu, and captured Yuan Admiral Omar).[5]
One of the greatest victories in Vietnamese Naval history was the Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút in Tay Son dynasty, during which Nguyễn Huệ (Emperor Quang Trung) defeated the Siamese (Thai) naval force. The battle occurred in present-day Tiền Giang Province on January 19, 1785. Nguyễn Huệ's forces completely destroyed over 50,000 Siamese sailors and 300 warships.[6]

Beijing think that the Chinese wrecks found at the bottom of the East Sea (SCS) were evidences to their claims in the East Sea (SCS)?
If everybody follow this logic, Europeans can claim sovereignty over all seas and all oceans.

OMG, LOL stupid evidences! :lol:
So it is a fake carrier photo!
How can we recognize China's things are real or fake?

The photo is obviously fake but the aircraft carrier and aircraft are real/fake. You see the carrier was purchased from Ukraine and the story was that it would be turned into an amusement park, turns out that was a pretty fake story, and the aircraft in that picture are fake copies of the original flanker.
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