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Will Pakistan-TTP Talks Succeed?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Many questions are being raised regarding the probability of success as Pakistan government begins talks with Pakistani Taliban (TTP). Each side has named representatives who look more like sympathetic intermediaries than empowered officials. World's largest software company Microsoft has named Satya Nadella, an Indian-American from Andhra Pradesh, as CEO in a bid to revive its fortunes in the rapidly growing cloud computing arena where it has been a laggard. Viewpoint From Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses these and other topics with Ali Hasan Cemendtaur, Sabahat Ashraf (iFaqeer) and Riaz Haq (Haq's Musings

Depends on the our military who is on a Pentagon's payroll. Whatever Pentagon tells our military, they do it
Depends on the our military who is on a Pentagon's payroll. Whatever Pentagon tells our military, they do it

One of the reasons could be that like in the rest of our society, there might be a culture of favoritism in several security institutions which hurts those people who are true professionals in these institutions and these institutions start to become hollow when it comes to the true objective of these institutions but they start to successfully do all sort of other things that must not be done by them.

Really when political leadership appoints army chief, as we witnessed in the past, they are usually more concerned with the sole issue of who is more sympathetic to political leaders and parties. And whoever political leader used this criteria, shot himself in the foot because of their myopic choice and bad criteria to choose the chief of armed forces. The most important and probably the sole criteria while making this choice should be professional competence and a solid character, and we should not confuse character with 'being religious'. And professionalism will naturally follow as a result of good choice of army chief. Really if our politicians always used this measure of professional competence to choose the head of armed forces, both the democracy and the armed forces themselves would have been better off in our country.
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You know, just write on top of the constitution that the sharia has been imposed and be done with it. It's not like these dumb illiterate savages have any clue as to what the Islamic sharia is anyway, nor are they actually fighting for it. This will help delegitimize their fight.
They are being set up to fail.

Both sides then shall have that " Look.. I tried & he doesnt budge" approach.
Talks between sheep and wolves always succeed!
I doubt...I back Imran Khan who said these talks are bound to fail.
Come to think of it ,Taliban has kept ppl hostage and has called for peace talks at gunpoint.Why doesnt the military go strong on them???
One of the reasons could be that like in the rest of our society, there might be a culture of favoritism in several security institutions which hurts those people who are true professionals in these institutions and these institutions start to become hollow when it comes to the true objective of these institutions but they start to successfully do all sort of other things that must not be done by them.

Really when political leadership appoints army chief, as we witnessed in the past, they are usually more concerned with the sole issue of who is more sympathetic to political leaders and parties. And whoever political leader used this criteria, shot himself in the foot because of their myopic choice and bad criteria to choose the chief of armed forces. The most important and probably the sole criteria while making this choice should be professional competence and a solid character, and we should not confuse character with 'being religious'. And professionalism will naturally follow as a result of good choice of army chief. Really if our politicians always used this measure of professional competence to choose the head of armed forces, both the democracy and the armed forces themselves would have been better off in our country.

The politicos prefer apolitical generals who are only interested and have excelled in their own profession, and keep this criterion in their minds during the selection of COAS. The generals prefer corrupt politicos who they can control like their courtesans. I would say the wannabe Napoleons have been more successful in their selections.
I doubt...I back Imran Khan who said these talks are bound to fail.
You back imran Khan or not. It doesn't matter. Yesterday, drones were flying there, even sami ul haq confirmed it.
Taliban will run due to new generation missiles, but still Taliban can't save ***, from State of art technology, Taliban should appreciate research & development process , advancements, instead of Stone age rule otherwise drones ,new gen missiles are ready to make them cry from state of art technology and benefits of research & development ;)
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One thing I don't understand is how do they define success? What could be considered as a successful resolution from these talks?
We know TTP won't surrender, we know that the overwhelming majority of them do not wish to integrate into Pakistani society.
We can't have them as an independent group or movement unless they radically change their stance, and something of that sort will never happen.
Never going to work. I find this really strange. I can imagine these kinda talks taking place in a country like Somalia or those impoverished countries ravaged by decade long civil war. But Pakistan has a rule of law, established institutions, strong armed forces & all that kinda stuff. But they decided to hold peace talk with this outlawed militant & terrorist group? Is it just me or... this whole idea is really fcukd up?
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You back imran Khan or not. It doesn't matter. Yesterday, drones were flying there, even sami ul haq confirmed it.
Taliban will run due to new generation missiles, but still Taliban can't save ***, from State of art technology, Taliban should appreciate research & development process , advancements, instead of Stone age rule otherwise drones ,new gen missiles are ready to make them cry from state of art technology and benefits of research & development ;)
Oh I understand your plethora of feelings,but had your army been vigilant enough then things would not have come to this.These taliban guys have even taken umbrage to the fact that govt. is holding talks within the framework of constitution.
Its very unlikely that these taliban guys would cede to any pressure tactics....
These talks are faced with high hurdles.IMO.
TTP is mocking your govt and army.
But I do hope your army can smoke out these pests from your country.

@Leader pls join this discussion.And could you tell me what is Sunnah & Islamic shariah???
Oh I understand your plethora of feelings,but had your army been vigilant enough then things would not have come to this.These taliban guys have even taken umbrage to the fact that govt. is holding talks within the framework of constitution.
Its very unlikely that these taliban guys would cede to any pressure tactics....
These talks are faced with high hurdles.IMO.
TTP is mocking your govt and army.
But I do hope your army can smoke out these pests from your country.

@Leader pls join this discussion.And could you tell me what is Sunnah & Islamic shariah???

Sunnah is to adopt and follow the ways of Prophet Muhammad, from personal conduct to social conduct.. these are reported in researched books that were written on life of prophet muhammad. there is a mechanism(chain of reporting, repetition etc ) that was adopted to determine the authenticity of the precepts or sayings.

Islamic Shariah is the Islamic jurisprudence driven from "certain" Quranic verses, certain precepts of Prophet Muhammad, Qiyas (logic), and Ijma(consensus).

Qiyas is used when one doesnot find the answer in Quran and sayings of Prophet Muhammad. its intelligent guess or deduction of principle or use of logic and reason.

Ijma is consensus on an issue of the jurists.
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