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Will minorities(Sikh) ever get justice in India?? Your views

hey people cut with the Troll fatwas and name calling
I think its about time i get this thread closed

I was replying to every post honestly and you know what Mr. RREPORTER DID?
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No body is giving you either, ask the Sikhs protesting in UK. They would tell you all about it.
Did you know that the largest Sikh Gurudwara in the UK has a Indian flag outside? Did you see the videos when India one the World Cup all the Sikhs ran outside celebrating in Sikh areas? Cut your BS, you have never met a Sikh in your life, I have Sikh family and I live in the UK so cut your crap.
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@Zakii @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz

Whenever someone drags another country in a thread already running...they should be issued a warning or banned...UNLESS there is a reason for dragging another country into the thread, this should NOT be made a habit! I am getting disgusted with this deny the present issue and drag the other country down to feel GOD KNOWS what pride!!

Seriously if you need to bring another country down to feel great then you are NOT great AT ALL!!
I'v been here more than 4 years. I think i know what i'm talking about when i see a fake tears in Pakistanis like the trolls who's sole purpose is to bash a religion or race in that regard. Innocence was long faded away by some people who were hell bent on making posts for post counts and trolling unchecked. Now that when you corner one he wobbles like a immature child.
What I find funny is the fact that the two Sikhs that have started the discussion are still happy to be Indian so I don't know why these obsessed Pakistanis are posting random and selective pictures.
No body is giving you either, ask the Sikhs protesting in UK. They would tell you all about it.

I know that and they also don't need your sympathies and i replied to Sane members posts in detail, but you ain't, so not to you.

PS: there are some Pakistanis in UK who have similar grevencies like Khalistani supporters. :sarcastic: shed your crocodile tears for them.
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its so godamm funny and sad, i would almost laugh if i wouldnt ave been disgusted by this pathetic attempts by pakistani's to take solace over indain minorities.The highest no of indian generals have been froms sikhs in minorities.The richest ethnic group in india are sikhs....lol...pakistan should first take care of its own minorities, its own people before cryiong about india

:agree: your country is made up of 2 Sikhs :rofl:

Go get a survey from all sikhs....their patriotism towards this nation is highest among any community in india,
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