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Will Iran be bombarded from Georgia?


Dec 25, 2010
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Today, on January 30 Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili will meet his American counterpart Barack Obama. According to the experts Georgian possible participation in the military operation against Iran will be the main issue of the discussions. Mr. Saakashvili seems to be ready to present Georgian territory for the conflict against Tehran and he will explain its readiness with the necessity to be protected from the “Russian military danger”. Russian kommersant.ru writes about this.

According to the source Georgian opposition claims that Georgian coming Parliamentarian and Presidential elections will be another theme of the discussions. “Obama will claim that the Parliamentarian elections on 2012 and Presidential elections on 2013 passed fairly and without falsifications”, representative of the political party “New Rights” Davit Gamkrelidze informed “Kommersant”. “Saakashvili will be claimed to present clear responsibilities and it will be really hard for him to violate the responsibilities in front of the US President”.

At the same time the representatives of the “United National Movement” (UNM) denies this information. “The USA will not be involved in the inner issues of Georgia and will not give any orders about the elections”, UNM deputy Davit Darchiashvili assured. “President’s visit underlines the strategic character of our relations and alos in the security sphere”.

As independent expert George Nodia considers “first invitation o Saakashvili from the US President is not connected with the elections, but is for the regional situation, cooperation between the USA and Georgia on the security sphere including from the point of view of Iranian processes.”

The experts are sure that just Iran will become the main issue of discussions in Washington as the USA intends to use Georgian territory for escalation of Iran. And it is not accidentally that the USA gives much money for the military airports in Vaziani, Marneuli and Batumi.

The experts have no doubts that M. Saakashvili will agree with the USA> “Georgia will be more loyal in case of war with Iran compared with turkey and other Iranian neighbors”, experts on conflicts Paata Zakareishvili assures. Tbilisi has demonstrated its devotion to Washington for many years. On 2012 Georgian forces in Afghanistan will be increased and will include 1600-1700 soldiers and officers and will become the biggest staff in Afghanistan of the countries which are not NATO members. “I do not except that Saakashvili will participate in anti-Iranian campaign for keeping his position”, Georgian ex-President Eduard Shevarnadze considers. It may become a real catastrophe for our country. War against Iran must not be led from our territory”.

Anyway, many military experts are sure that Georgia is unable to refuse to assist the USA, if it wants it. “Of course it will be more comfortable for the Americans to bombard objects in Northern Iranian part from the South Caucasus. But Georgia has no common border with Iran and Armenia and Azerbaijan will hardly agree to give the territory”, editor-in-chief of “Arsenal” military-analytic magazine Irakli Aladashvili said.

“Besides this, South Caucasian air territory is completey supervised by Russian systems, which are situated in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. USA may lose the effect of the surprise. Russian side will just inform Iran about the approach of the American planes to their territory”.

Will Iran be bombarded from Georgia?
There is no question that Saakashvili is a US puppet, however its unlikely Armenia with Azerbaijan would give corridor to US. If Turkey will allow to bomb Iran from its territory, then US wont need Georgia anyway.
If Georgia do anything stupid,it will see the hell coming to it's country.I hope they do the right thing.
I think these are just wild talks...Nothing is going to happen...US is trying to create some pressure before election in Iran...
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