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Will India ever give all of Kashmir to Pakistan in future? what u guys think???

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Sep 7, 2009
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I was just thinking will it ever happen in future that India will give all of the Kashmiri territory to Pakistan to create peace between the two nations and end the bitter anger and long years of hatred towards each other. Plus Pakistan has been claiming it is the part of their country and mostly all Kashmiri people want freedom from India. But on the other hand India says Kashmir belongs to India and even the Pakistani Controlled-Kashmir region is the part of Indian territory as it is shown in all Indian Maps. So, whats ur opinion and thoughts guys??
I will give you answer.. You are true... Actually pakistan occupied Kashmir forcefully and that whole part of Kashmir is part of Indian State. But unfortunatly our politicians are silent on this!!! But sooner then later India will be a unified India!!! hope you can understand!!!
I was just thinking will it ever happen in future that India will give all of the Kashmiri territory to Pakistan to create peace between the two nations and end the bitter anger and long years of hatred towards each other. Plus Pakistan has been claiming it is the part of their country and mostly all Kashmiri people want freedom from India. But on the other hand India says Kashmir belongs to India and even the Pakistani Controlled-Kashmir region is the part of Indian territory as it is shown in all Indian Maps. So, whats ur opinion and thoughts guys??

let me tell you one thing. there is no guaranty of peace even if india hand over whole kashmir to pakistan, at least i don't believe that
if india does that ,it ll be end of republic of india because then china will aggressively ask for sikkim and arunachal pradesh, naxal will ask for their own land so big NO NO
I will give you answer.. You are true... Actually pakistan occupied Kashmir forcefully and that whole part of Kashmir is part of Indian State. But unfortunatly our politicians are silent on this!!! But sooner then later India will be a unified India!!! hope you can understand!!!

What a joke. When did you hear of a protest in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir against being part of Pakistan and in favor of india?

Have you ever thought what Kashmiri people want for Kashmir?

Its been 62 years since Azad Kashmir became part of Pakistan and India still hasn't been able to take Azad Kashmir from us, so just try to take it from us if you can.

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I was just thinking will it ever happen in future that India will give all of the Kashmiri territory to Pakistan to create peace between the two nations and end the bitter anger and long years of hatred towards each other. Plus Pakistan has been claiming it is the part of their country and mostly all Kashmiri people want freedom from India. But on the other hand India says Kashmir belongs to India and even the Pakistani Controlled-Kashmir region is the part of Indian territory as it is shown in all Indian Maps. So, whats ur opinion and thoughts guys??

Peace in J&K by "handing over" is simply not an option.
if india does that ,it ll be end of republic of india because then china will aggressively ask for sikkim and arunachal pradesh, naxal will ask for their own land so big NO NO

Ding ding ding!

We have a winner. An honest Indian answer.
I was just thinking will it ever happen in future that India will give all of the Kashmiri territory to Pakistan to create peace between the two nations and end the bitter anger and long years of hatred towards each other. Plus Pakistan has been claiming it is the part of their country and mostly all Kashmiri people want freedom from India. But on the other hand India says Kashmir belongs to India and even the Pakistani Controlled-Kashmir region is the part of Indian territory as it is shown in all Indian Maps. So, whats ur opinion and thoughts guys??

how can you think like that ? even on your dream ?

first time when i read about your thread i really feel anger on you, but now i am feeling that indian could be fool as you are
No, it won't.It will remain that way for long period of time..its just like Israel/Palestine..Turkey/Cyprus/Greek issue.
^ Another joke of a post.

Pakhtuns of Pakistan are the ones who freed almost half of Kashmir and made it part of Pakistan. Gilgit, Baltistan, Muzzaffarabad...all those areas Pakhtuns freed for PAKISTAN after they heard that trains packed with dead bodies of Muslims were coming from the indian side into Pakistan during partition, Pakhtuns decided to take action and free Kashmiri Muslims from this act of terror (of hindus/sikhs murdering Muslims and sending their dead bodies into Pakistan).

You really dont know anything about Pakistanis.
how can you think like that ? even on your dream ?

first time when i read about your thread i really feel anger on you, but now i am feeling that indian could be fool as you are

First of all Mr. Manishmaithani I aint a fool:nono: and the reason i thought about this is because i am tired of listening and watching thousands of innocent people being killed by Pakistani terrorists who shed blood in the name of freedom fighting. So this is the reason i said what if to create peace n stop innocent people being killed......India give all of kashmir to Pakistan so Pakistan will stop sending militants across the border and pakistani terrorists will also stop blasting n killing our own indian people like they did in Mumbai and they do all over India:angry:.
But I know Kashmir is the part of India and even the Pakistani controlled Kashmir belongs to India because all of Kashmir was in India even before Pakistan was made.
So by your stupid analogy Pakistan too was in India which by the way was British Colony before it was created so Pakistan too belongs to India..?Get off your dirty Colonial Mind.
same goes for pakistan. if pakistan leaves demand of free kashmir and handover PO.K to india in favor of peace then baloch and NWFP areas will ask for freedom isn't it?:woot:

Azad Kashmir is not asking for separation, unlike the Indian occupied Kashmir.
Do not need to give it to Pakistan. Kindly vaccate Kashmir which you have occupied illegaly and where you are killing Kashmiris brutaly and where you are raping Kashmiri women.

Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris not India or Pakistan.

let the Kashmiri decide what they want do it under neutral UN not at gun point
dont feed me crap. see the situation now and then talk about it. baluch wants freedom and NWFP is already troubled with armed conflicts with locals.

Baloch make up 3.5% of Pakistan's total population, only 2 tribes out of 50 tribes are giving Pakistan headache.

Swat had a Taliban problem (Taliban are not separitist groups) and Pakistani army cleared them out in 3 months. The people of Swat took Pakistani army's side. They are not asking for a separate country.

Theres many Pakistani members from NWFP in this forum they can tell you.
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