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Wikileaks: India a puppet in the hands of US?

Its not far when your shrinking economy goes down. Because your economy is not self dependent and internally strong.

So pray for Chinese economy cause their economy is not self dependent
oh my goodness. is india taking military aid from US? Is India has given US its bases? Is India given US route to attack another country? Is US killing Indians daily with drones? Is US raiding inside India? :P

good answer...
Thread starter convincingly Left the "IS" from the heading to quote..... The Original says " Is India a Puppet in the hands of US?
The person who wrote the title was having pot.
THe title says india a US puppet and news says india stood upto us pressure and appointed somebody as minister who was not preferred by US.
THere can be only two conclusions. The person who wrote the title has no idea of what a puppet is or he was having pot.
THread starter if you can give your address we can send a stick which you can beat urself up with ....
erm okay so Hillary wants to know what the Intentions of India's ministers are... sounds like she's doing her job. I'd be surprised if Indian diplomats weren't doing their best to find out US intentions.
I am Talking about Economic Reforms not Liberalization.....

brother liberalization is not the key to success but rapid deployment of basic necessities of life....dont you think NSG if it gives up its share or cuts its budget can directly effect the GDP of india and increase the volume of imports and improve the quality of life of average indian?
brother liberalization is not the key to success but rapid deployment of basic necessities of life....dont you think NSG if it gives up its share or cuts its budget can directly effect the GDP of india and increase the volume of imports and improve the quality of life of average indian?

NSG Budget, thats New.... What NSG Budget?? Increase the volume of Imports and Improve quality of Life?? Hmnn... Sounds Fun talking to u.... Tell more... Id like to listen...
The person who wrote the title was having pot.
THe title says india a US puppet and news says india stood upto us pressure and appointed somebody as minister who was not preferred by US.
THere can be only two conclusions. The person who wrote the title has no idea of what a puppet is or he was having pot.
THread starter if you can give your address we can send a stick which you can beat urself up with ....

I swear.. LOLZ!.. may be we don't have to send the stick.. US is spanking them all the time..LOLZa!
And i doubt wikileak is puppet of US at least this last 6 months after julian's arrest and release
So pray for Chinese economy cause their economy is not self dependent

china's is not "self dependent" yet during the recession china grew faster than india?

how can indians claim that india help the world get out of the recession if not "dependent"?
I would actually contend Indians take over of American companies is more likely. Be it

Indra Nooyi -- Pepsi

Vikram Pandit -- Citi

Sanjay jha -- Motorola

Rajat Gupta -- Mckinsey ( although disgraced now)

Vinod Khosla -- Sun Microsystems

Ajay Banga --- Master card

Ajit Jain -- Possible successor of Warren Buffet

Rakesh Gangwal -- US Airways ( Former)

Leave alone the corporate sector, look at the Obama administration. There are 16 Indian American civil servants at the highest position in their respective department. I could list them but one could easily look it up on the internet. I am gonna give few names though.

Rajiv Shah, former Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics and current Administrator of USAID.

Vivek Kundra, Federal Chief Information Officer of the United States of America.

Aneesh Chopra, Federal Chief Technology Officer of the United States of America.

Arun Majumdar, Director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E).

Subra Suresh, Director of National Science Foundation

Neal Katyal, is the Solicitor General of the United States.

Islam A. Siddiqui, is Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR)

Joy Cherian, first Asian head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Farah Pandith, is currently the Special Representative to Muslim Communities for the United States Department of State.

Rashad Hussain, is the U.S. Special Envoy to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference

Not to forget elected officials.

Bobby Jindal, is the 55th and current Governor of Louisiana and formerly a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Nikki Haley, is the 116th and current Governor of South Carolina.

Mervyn M. Dymally, was the 41st Lieutenant Governor of California (1975–1979) and in the U.S. House of Representatives (1981–1993)

Dalip Singh Saund, was the first Asian and Indian American member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California.

Kamala Harris, is the 32nd and current Attorney General of California.

Swati Dandekar, Iowa State Senator

I can go on. Actually their influence is further gonna grow which would further our relationship with America.

bobby jindal loyalty is to america... not india. indra nooyi- possibly one of the most influential women in he world- is working on befalf of pepsi and its share holder..not india. indra has invested 10:1 of pepsi into china rather than india.

and most other indians american you brought up are a dime a dozen in the US. even the indra, and jindal, you could argue are the most high profile american of indian descents are not very well known to the average american. yes the indian media are always on top of indians americans moving up in high places in US circles, in reality only jindal and indra are of any significant in the grand scheme of things...and i can said with certainty that dont have india at heart like you.
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