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Wife takes husband to court over Whatsapp use

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Wife takes husband to court over Whatsapp use | GulfNews.com

Manama: An unhappy wife in Yemen has asked a court to oblige her neglectful husband to devote as much time to her as he does to the WhatsApp application.

In the unprecedented legal case in the country, the woman in her 30s accused her husband of being “abnormally” addicted to the popular cross-platform mobile instant messenger to the point that he had neglected her and failed to assume his responsibilities, a report published in Yemen said.

The Aden resident complained that her husband’s addiction to the instant messenger had reached alarming proportions and requested the court judge to force him to at least divide his time between her and the Whatsapp application equally.

“This is a rather strange case, but it is a reflection of the times that we are witnessing now in the Arab world,” Rasha, a lawyer in Manama, said. “Escapism from reality into a virtual world or into a world of fantasy is now quite common and families are increasingly suffering,” she said in comments on the case.

The California-based WhatsApp Inc. last month said that the instant mobile messaging application developed for smartphones in 2009 and later upgraded to allow sharing multimedia content such as photos and videos, has over 400 million active users every month.
Naah then that guy should've got married to whatsapp.8-)
he was forced to use whatsapp b'coz his wife didn't pay attention to him...and when she looses his attention, she complained..
How is that right..:lol::lol:
This isn't a common thing, it's funny how secular media cites on example and brushes the rest of the population with similar behavior.

Whenever they see something unlike the usual norm they try to make something significant out of it and lie about our societies.

They want things to be their way and will attribute any certain behaviors to our societies when they aren't widespread.
I feel sad for the poor chap (why all the husbands in this world have so many things in common?)


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