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Why we dislike America



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Jun 3, 2011
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Global agenda with economic debt
Dr Raja Muhammad Khan

Under the current scenario, once US is in a fix, mainly because of its worst economic crisis, and a total failure on Afghan front, it badly needs a scapegoat to satisfy the American audience and its European partners. While it might find the scapegoat in the form of Pakistan and Afghan Pashtuns, its European partners and masses back home are getting tired and are highly critical to US policies of global imperialism. There is a growing realization among the European nations that some of their influential rulers have made them hostage to US policies over the years. Feelings of US masses are not very different from the Europeans.

The economic debt, U.S is suffering and the global hate, it has earned for itself is because of its ill-conceived global agenda of controlling the globe and its resources, which necessitated over-stretching of its military might out of proportion. According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), United States has increased its “military spending by 81 per cent since 2001, and now accounts for 43 per cent of the global total, six times its nearest rival China. At 4.8 per cent of GDP, US military spending in 2010 represents the largest economic burden outside the Middle East.” As per the latest figures provided by SIPRI, the top four military spenders of the world are United States with; $698 billion, China; $119 billion, Great Britain $59.6 billion, and France $59.3 billion.

American masses have their serious reservations, as to why the taxpayer’s money is being wasted in areas like Afghanistan, Iraq and West and East Asia, from where they get back nothing except bodies of their loved ones. The families of those soldiers, who lost their lives in Afghanistan or Iraq for the baffling mission are now questioning US war wagers as to what did US get in return of these body bags. They perhaps are not aware of the gains of oil and gas contractors and the neo-conservatives, supported by CIA, Pentagon and the owners of arms factories. US masses and independent analysts feel that if at all these overseas American wars were designed to support the US economy, why this global giant is facing worst economic crisis of its history; indeed, it barely sustained an economic collapse.

Alongside Americans, the new European generation have developed two perceptions about US global policies and undermining of European role. A section has the feeling that, this US policy might be result of its retribution of once being a European (British) colony in its early. Whereas, the majority has the feeling that, while being on the extreme corner of the world and remaining safe, US is deliberately keeping its soil free from the global mess, whereas, using European landmass and resources for its vested interests elsewhere in the world. They do realize that the Trans-Atlantic Military alliance (NATO) is a tool in the hands of United States to be used as per US desires, mostly to the disadvantage of European nations.

Some of the EU countries like Poland, Denmark, Germany and Italy have desired immediate pullout of their troops from Afghanistan, the moment the drawdown start in July 2011. As per a Guardian report, in March 2011, the former Defence Secretary had shown US annoyance over this thinking. He even said, “Unfortunately, some recent rhetoric coming from capitals on this continent is calling into question that resolve. Frankly, there is too much talk about leaving and not enough talk about getting the job done right.” European also have a feeling that America is the biggest hurdle in a true European integration on political and economic fronts. The present arrangement of EU cannot be called as the real integration, its leaders once envisioned.

It is worth mentioning that most of the European countries are dependent on Russian Federation and Middle East for their growing energy needs like oil and gas. They therefore, feel that their future stakes are linked with this resource rich Eurasian landmass, still having largest area because of its geographical extent. Thus, Europeans are very much desirous of improving their relations with the former super power, indeed a resurgent power. United States however, is pitching the Europeans against Russia, using the strategies of cold war and presenting the later as of having the mindset of Communist Russia. US lure in some of the Eastern European countries having the experience of living under the Communist Russia, for giving them protection against the Russian missile or even the least expected use of nuclear attacks from Russia. In order to sustain its rapidly worn-out war industry, U.S has offered them anti-missile shields and most sophisticated weaponry to fight Russian military might.

Away from Europe, United States is maintaining symmetry in its imperialistic and discriminatory policies. In Asia, the growing economic hub, it sees rising power of China as the biggest threat, thus, made strategic alliances to offset it, right in the region. South Korea and Japan together with Taiwan (a Chinese territory) are being prepared to take on China in East Asia and Pacific. U.S has established strategic and military ties with these countries and has provided them enormous firepower to challenge the growing military might of China. On its part, China believes in a peaceful rise and mutual coexistence with economic interdependence. At regional level, Japan has come up as its biggest trade partner, whereas, at the global level, US enjoy this position with China.

Besides, the super power is collaborating with ASEAN countries and trying to bring them under its security umbrella against China. These countries are being pushed to begrudge Chinese domination of the South China Sea. U.S has concluded a civil nuclear deal with Vietnam, on the pattern of Indo-US nuclear deal. On the South Asian front, US is rapidly enhancing the Indian military might to counter its peer competitor, China. In lunacy of developing its strategic alliance with India, U.S has sufficiently degraded its cold war ally, Pakistan, which still supports its military operations in Afghanistan as a front line state and has suffered a lot on economic and security fronts. Indo-US nuclear deal and massive armament of India, has enhanced the threats to the security of Pakistan.

Besides, US is promoting Indian role in Afghanistan to a decisive level, thus further increasing the security threat for Pakistan along its western borders. In a way implementing strategic encirclement of Pakistan by India supported by US. While being in Afghanistan, it can easily take care of Afghan and Central Asian front with China, besides fuelling insurgency in Western Chinese region (Xinjiang) on the name of Islamic militancy by ETIM, but trying to involve Pakistan for creating a rift between Pakistan and China. This is being done to penalize Pakistan for not siding with U.S against China. In Africa, and Middle East, this super power is hauling out the regional resources by creating internal strife, either between the states or intra-state. Besides its military presence in Middle East, its African Command is poised to take care of any other global actor, attempting to challenge the US authority.

The question arises, should U.S continue pursuing its agenda of global domination with its worsening economic condition? Certainly, the people of America have to decide this. However, they have to remember that, it was economic debt, which forced disintegration of former Soviet Union in 1990, and Britain could not maintain its super power status after WW-II, owing to its heavy expenditures on overseas wars. Should not US policy makers read the writings on the wall and learn from histories of once super powers?

Then Indians and americans wonder why we pakistanis dislike america
We don't wonder, we just don't care. Love/like should not be cheap.
We don't wonder, we just don't care. Love/like should not be cheap.

You are such a lieing git. If you dont care why do you come up on loads of threads in the past asking me and defending americans
You are such a lieing git. If you dont care why do you come up on loads of threads in the past asking me and defending americans

Do you ever make sense? I am an American. Do you get it now?

---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------

did anybody say that we care about what you have to say?

Then why are you replying? Obviously you felt the "need"...
Do you ever make sense? I am an American. Do you get it now?

You are such a liar you said you had some indian in you on another thread. So you are american when it suits you and indian when it suits you. You gonna tell me you had some chinese and pakistani in you. Is there any nationanlity that you have not had in you
Do you ever make sense? I am an American. Do you get it now?

---------- Post added at 08:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------

Then why are you replying? Obviously you felt the "need"...

actually, i replied because you thought that some ppl actually cared about what you had to say, i dont care and nobody else does.
Brilliant brilliant article with extremely astute observations, logical reasoning skills coupled with a masterstroke of deduction with the American disintegration due to its economic debt a fait accompli, like an almost foregone conclusion. I wonder why haven't Pakistani journalists starting from pakobserver.net , and the gifted rupeenews haven't produced any Pulitzer prize-winning journalists yet. A thoroughly engaging read, and finally a pfennig(or a rupee) for their thoughts.
You are such a liar you said you had some indian in you on another thread. So you are american when it suits you and indian when it suits you. You gonna tell me you had some chinese and pakistani in you. Is there any nationanlity that you have not had in you

all in one package.
You are such a liar you said you had some indian in you on another thread. So you are american when it suits you and indian when it suits you. You gonna tell me you had some chinese and pakistani in you. Is there any nationanlity that you have not had in you

I wonder all the time how you got to UK. Obviously they need to improve the quality of immigrants.
I wonder all the time how you got to UK. Obviously they need to improve the quality of immigrants.

lol I am a british citizen but unlike u i dont pretend to be what im not and will never be accepted as. You can write brit citizen a million times it doesnt change the fact that my heart is pakistani
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