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Why the Russian-Iranian front is winning and everyone else is losing


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Why the Russian-Iranian front is winning and everyone else is losing

We can no longer ignore the fact that we are witnessing a new cold war at an international level and that it is being led by the United States on one side and Russia and Putin on the other. The Middle East has become the new regional hot zone in the context of this cold war, one that is affected by Iranian decisions on one hand and Saudi Arabia and its alliances on the other.
But, unlike previous cold wars this one is marked by conflicts of interest and the motives of foreign camps are concerned with the interests of the countries involved. There is no room in this war for a "clash of civilisations".

We find ourselves immersed in a reality that greatly resembles that which preceded World War I in that the clashes between these regimes were all authoritarian in nature as opposed to a clash of ideologies or values.

This is the same reality we find ourselves facing today despite the fact that the West still claims that it is the defender of freedoms and human rights. It has been made painfully clear that western interests are the main catalysts behind international relations.

On the other side of things, Russia and Iran are not only promoting ideologies that clash with Western interests, but they are also blatantly offering support for dictatorial regimes and promoting national chauvinism and sectarian strife. This is the same type of atmosphere that prevailed prior to both world wars.

There are additional complications and confusions arising from international attitudes towards the Middle East which in turn reflects the level of polarisation that exists between Russia (and China to a lesser extent) on the one hand and the United States and the Western camp on the other. For example, we find that Saudi Arabia and its allies (with the exception of Qatar) all supported the US invasion of Iraq and the policies that resulted afterwards despite the fact that Iraq's recent policies tend to favour Iran. Furthermore, some media outlets in the Gulf still stand in support of the Iraqi government and this is most likely do to the fact it mirrors the American position as well.

It appears as though a Sunni versus Shia confrontation with Saudi Arabia leading the Sunni camp and Iran leading the Shia camp determines the regional cold war in the Middle East. However, further reflections on the events of the Middle East reveal how problematic these categorisations can be. It is true that Iran and its allies are motivated by clear sectarian rationales because it would otherwise not be able to justify its support of parties such as Hezbollah, Dawa or even the Assad regime. Meanwhile, the Iranian regime's opposition to religious and political Shia symbols Ayatollah Karroubi, Hossein Mousavi and Mohammad Khatami are merely due to a difference in opinions whereas Iranian support for the Assad regime, which does not claim to have a link with Shia Islam, shows that sectarianism is merely being used as a political tool and that the authoritarian system is the compass that guides Iranian policies. By the same token, Iran has expressed its support for Islamists in Egypt, due to the Egyptian regime's affiliation with Saudi Arabia, yet chooses to antagonise moderate Islamists in both Syria and Iraq.

On the other side of things we find that the situation becomes even more complicated when it comes to the leadership in the Sunni camp led by Saudi Arabia. We have seen that Saudi Arabia has antagonised the more "moderate" members of this camp, which is represented by Qatar and Turkey as they are systems that distance themselves from sectarian affiliations in the narrowest sense. Moreover, Saudi Arabia is also antagonising the extreme wing represented by Al-Qaeda and other jihadist organisations. Yet, the Sunni camp also antagonises moderate Islamic organisations such as the Muslim Brotherhood. In this regard, one could argue that the Sunni camp is allegedly more hostile to Sunni Islamic organisations in all of its manifestation (moderate or extreme) than Iran.

The above factors lead us to question what Iran is capable of achieving in the region in comparison to its competitors. Iran is a state that practices ideological and political mobilisation both at home and abroad. It is self-sufficient in producing arms and weapons on the home front and spends generously on organisations and militias that pledge allegiance to its policies such as Hezbollah, the Badr Organisation and Mahdi Army. By contrast, the members of the Sunni camp do not exhibit such ideological enthusiasm and a large portion of the luxurious elite do not care about religion so long as it does not affect them.

The region's politically empowered Sunni elite is experiencing a sense of isolation in their countries and they are battling this on various fronts. Moreover, the Sunni elite's democratic allies do not fully trust them despite the fact that they may share some liberal values; however, the West ultimately views this elite as "backwards", undemocratic and insufficient when it comes to management. The Sunni camp can no longer rely on countries it may have considered an ally at one point and in despite all the political power present in these countries, they are often considered a burden on their allies. This is with the exception of Turkey and Qatar who provide financial support to their allies. No one in this camp is fighting for a principle; they are instead choosing to fight for a price. They are sponsoring their own interests which, at the end of the day, all amount to the same thing.

When it comes to such encounters, countries that function based on enthusiasm for an ideology or choose to practise self-sufficiency are in far stronger positions than those who seek to promote their interests at home and abroad. This is especially true at the point where resources and capabilities converge. This does not apply to Western countries because, contrary to popular belief, they are not free from needing to promote certain values.

Western populations not only fight for the sake of their interests, but also for the precious freedoms that they gained by making the heaviest sacrifices. For this reason, liberal democracies avoid entering into wars due to their peaceful nature and it is for this reason that the United States hesitated to enter both World War I and World War II. Britain also tried to avoid getting involved in World War II and it is for this reason that it allowed Hitler to engulf entire European nations and add them to his territory.

However, non-democratic countries are generally aggressive in nature and they tend to prompt other countries to fight or impose this on them. This is precisely what happened when Japan attacked America and when Hitler was not content with controlling Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and decided to attack Britain, regardless of the fact that they were allies and that he was warned several times not to do so. Hitler was also foolish enough to attack Russia although it was among Germany's biggest allies.

We see the same power dynamics being manifested today with Putin's Russia and Khameni's Iran. The United States presented Iraq as a gift to Iran and opened the door for negotiation by way of its nuclear programme. Moreover, the West remained silent over Russia's advancements towards central Asia's Muslim countries and its violence towards Chechnya. Russia has also attempted to regain its former colonial possessions by annexing parts of Georgia and attempting to absorb Crimea from Ukraine, consequently disrupting its stability. Not to mention the fact that Russia has also been threatening the majority of the Baltic states.

Iran is guilty of practising the same policies when it sought to swallow Iraq's Shia regions whole. It went on to support Al-Assad in the hope of inheriting Syria and of course, one cannot forget, its interests in Lebanon and Hezbollah, which it uses as a platform from which it can threaten other countries in the region.

Eventually, the point will come when the West cannot avoid entering the war just as it did in the past two World Wars. So far it has made every effort to avoid doing so. It goes without saying that this war will not be hot, at least not with Russia because of the nuclear threat.

What will strengthen the West's position with the Kremlin's new Tsar is the fact that like his predecessors, and unlike Lenin and his successors, he is fascinated by the West and its people and ultimately fears its rejection of him more than he fears its wrath. Russia's new billionaires cannot give up their trips to London, Paris and New York for they view being deprived from London as a far worse punishment than being exiled from Russia.

The question that remains is what is the fate of the Sunni camp in the next battle. It will undoubtedly come out of the next battle as the biggest loser in the dynamics that will emerge from the existing and coming conflicts because it is neither qualified to fight nor does it possess sufficient immunity. A fate similar to the ill fate of the Balkans during and after the World Wars awaits the Sunni camp.

At the current moment, these countries greatly resemble the sectarian strife that plagued Andalusia especially when considering the amount of attention they pay to affording luxurious lifestyles as well as battling unimportant conflicts. The Sunni camp is not paying sufficient attention to the greater dangers to come. The best-case scenario awaiting these countries is a state like that of the Abbasid era after Mutassim, which relied on foreign Turkish and Persian militias to protect it.


@Mahmoud_EGY @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @doritos @Frogman@Dino R.

This is very informative actually and I want us to look over this brothers, I feel something coming ahead will be miserable for our people. It's really sad to see many people dying over interests, this is why we need to see drastic changes in our nations which we won't see with the exception of Egypt I don't believe we can defend our interests or nations. This scheme is dangerous and I want your opinions on this as us the 'Sunni Camp'.
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Nobody wins anything at the moment

Well, I guess the 'winning' factor here is who will lose less in the time to come. If we look at the future of the Sunni Arab world it doesn't look so good as Syria has proved our weaknesses. Now the Arab world will be exposed to hopelessness and possible exploitation. And I had thought we already the lowest point can be, it seems there is even more to this, I really want to see us revived. Religion unites us and this is why I'm against certain monarchies and regimes since religious democracies suit us better only if we all become religious democracies. As of now though, nothing seems right, it's like we have the available strategies but can't put anything into practice.
Well, I guess the 'winning' factor here is who will lose less in the time to come. If we look at the future of the Sunni Arab world it doesn't look so good as Syria has proved our weaknesses. Now the Arab world will be exposed to hopelessness and possible exploitation. And I had thought we already the lowest point can be, it seems there is even more to this, I really want to see us revived. Religion unites us and this is why I'm against certain monarchies and regimes since religious democracies suit us better only if we all become religious democracies. As of now though, nothing seems right, it's like we have the available strategies but can't put anything into practice.
Unity is what the Arab world needs the most at the moment after the fall of Baghdad Arabs were never united again (which is also a reason why Arab republics were so weak)
Were are the Arabs who were admired for their inventions, their skills in economy/Math and other fields?
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Unity is what the Arab world needs the most at the moment after the fall of Baghdad Arabs were never united again (which is also a reason why Arab republics were so weak)

I believe we need a lot more than just unity, even if we were united we simply don't make the right progress or manage our resources positively. I sincerely believe we can put unity aside at this moment, what we must work towards is self-sufficiency at a very rapid rate.

The problem is I believe the West would do everything in it's hands to prevent a self sufficient Arab world, since we could acquire major political leverage especially if we manage to protect our resources at the least.

Iran and Russia are STILL Iran and Russia so THEY AREN'T 'winners' by any stretch of the imagination.

To me this article is less about Iran or Russia and more about the state and future of the Arab world. Which is what it focuses largely on, the obstacles facing the Arab world.
Both sides in ME are evenly matched. I dont see any hotwar between Iran and arabs in near future, it will mostly be by proxy. your worries are unfounded. @Hazzy997
Egypt is from the sunni camp with all respect to iran or whatever threat i dont see any force in the region more powerfull than Egyptian army what Egypt lacks is a strong economy and i think with riots and unrest gone and with a little help from our friends in the gulf our economy can get better than before also if we want to talk about secuirty in the gulf imagine GCC f 15 and eurofighter covering our massive land forces no one in the region can stand before that
but i have to say some important things
1 i dont hate shia and i dont have the right to judge other people faith we are talking about alliances in the region and iran was not wise supporting the failed brotherhood
2 i dont wish for war in the region because i see a bigger threat which is the US and this threat need coopration not war to defend ourselves from this threat
3 the US is getting weaker and i think they want to leave the middle east and never come back after what they saw in iraq and afganstan
Both sides in ME are evenly matched. I dont see any hotwar between Iran and arabs in near future, it will mostly be by proxy. your worries are unfounded. @Hazzy997

Neither do I see any war between Arab nations and Iran, that's not the issue. We are still facing a major crisis even if it appears as if we're prosperous or largely stable. It's like pseudo-prosperity and pseudo-stability.

I also don't want to see Iran and Arabs as the two sides, this is what the international world wants since it suits their interests, not OURS. Please give me one example of any development in our region that goes our way/actually benefits us?
Unity is what the Arab world needs the most at the moment after the fall of Baghdad Arabs were never united again (which is also a reason why Arab republics were so weak)
Were are the Arabs who were admired for their inventions, their skills in economy/Math and other fields?
there is no hope for Unity for arab speaking nations after what we saw in iraq and syria can any one beleive iraq and syria and GCC united ? the hate is just too much if you read about nasser era he could not do it and at the time there was no rivals like now that is why GCC is a perfect step because arab nationalsim is failed ideolgy it is better to see alliances like GCC in north africa or Egypt and sudan or what is left of sudan
Egypt is from the sunni camp with all respect to iran or whatever threat i dont see any force in the region more powerfull than Egyptian army what Egypt lacks is a strong economy and i think with riots and unrest gone and with a little help from our friends in the gulf our economy can get better than before also if we want to talk about secuirty in the gulf imagine GCC f 15 and eurofighter covering our massive land forces no one in the region can stand before that
but i have to say some important things
1 i dont hate shia and i dont have the right to judge other people faith we are talking about alliances in the region and iran was not wise supporting the failed brotherhood
2 i dont wish for war in the region because i see a bigger threat which is the US and this threat need coopration not war to defend ourselves from this threat
3 the US is getting weaker and i think they want to leave the middle east and never come back after what they saw in iraq and afganstan

I agree brother, Egypt is the only Arab nation which I believe at least has a proper military with decent progress. As for GCC, yeah sure they have some advanced weapons but lack self sufficiency which regulates these armies useless. We need at least 20% self sufficiency ten years from now or we'll be lacking behind and will stand before our eyes while our Arab world breaks apart.

As for your three points:

1. That was because Saudi Arabian influence meant the new government is hostile or against ties towards Iran, although lets be honest, the MB has little to anything to do with our fundamental problems as an Arab world.

2. Neither do I, and I also Western interests in our region as the number one threat to us, we need cooperation and much, much more.

3. I believe they may be moving towards a new policy in other areas of the world although they still could recover. When it comes to vital interests in the Middle East we will see major competition in the future which nations will attempt to secure.
Neither do I see any war between Arab nations and Iran, that's not the issue. We are still facing a major crisis even if it appears as if we're prosperous or largely stable. It's like pseudo-prosperity and pseudo-stability.

I also don't want to see Iran and Arabs as the two sides, this is what the international world wants since it suits their interests, not OURS. Please give me one example of any development in our region that goes our way/actually benefits us?
I think its seeing it in wrong way. Every country in the world tries to influence others. There is no international conspiracy to bring down ME as such.
For example KSA and Iran both put pressure on India to do what they want. They are not conspiring to bring down India obviously. But they might try to work against us if we go against their wishes all the time.
Same applies to western countries (or any other country for that matter).
similarly US looks after her own interest (sides with her friendly states) and russia does same. As a result there might be a conflict but thats not intended or planned as such.
3. I believe they may be moving towards a new policy in other areas of the world although they still could recover. When it comes to vital interests in the Middle East we will see major competition in the future which nations will attempt to secure.
also the US is moving to Asia they want to make sure that the dragon will not try something like what happened in crimea
there is no hope for Unity for arab speaking nations after what we saw in iraq and syria can any one beleive iraq and syria and GCC united ? the hate is just too much if you read about nasser era he could not do it and at the time there was no rivals like now that is why GCC is a perfect step because arab nationalsim is failed ideolgy it is better to see alliances like GCC in north africa or Egypt and sudan or what is left of sudan

Great point, Arab nationalism is an failed ideology and so is extremism. This leads us to wonder what can work for us? To be honest achieving self-sufficiency in our Arab world is the greatest challenge of the century. Me and you and other Arabs know very well that the last thing the West wants is a self-sufficient Egypt. So we do have the GCC, although it doesn't achieve anything if we really look at it. Which is why no Arabs are really satisfied with it, it really isn't a council that achieved much, it's a group of several oil rich nations and can't project any influence in the Arab world.

Now we also have the Palestinian issue, trust me, America gave Abbas the green light to do reconciliation. This is because they want Hamas to sign these agreements too, an agreement will be signed although it will be a trick just like the Olso Accords. They want Hamas involved so the Palestinian people can't go back, and the agreement will be bad for the Palestinian people. This is a game they're playing and it was planned from the start. Now that Hamas is isolated and doesn't have political leverage it may have to agree to this horrible agreement coming up. This is why I told you I was very upset with our Arab leadership.

also the US is moving to Asia they want to make sure that the dragon will not try something like what happened in crimea

They still can multitask and dedicate the necessary assets/resources to protect their interests in our region.

I think its seeing it in wrong way. Every country in the world tries to influence others. There is no international conspiracy to bring down ME as such.
For example KSA and Iran both put pressure on India to do what they want. They are not conspiring to bring down India obviously. But they might try to work against us if we go against their wishes all the time.
Same applies to western countries (or any other country for that matter).
similarly US looks after her own interest (sides with her friendly states) and russia does same. As a result there might be a conflict but thats not intended or planned as such.

I'm not pointing towards a conflict, please try understanding what I'm saying in the last sentence, it's the inevitable truth.
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