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Why The Chinese Qoros 3's Euro Crash Test Victory Is A Huge Deal


Apr 30, 2012
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United States
China has been producing homegrown cars like there's no tomorrow in recent years, but their poor safety ratings have traditionally kept them out of American and European markets. But a crash test victory by the Qoros 3 Sedan could mean that's about to change.

The Qoros 3 just scored a five-star crash safety rating in the Euro NCAP test. Even more shockingly, the car achieved the highest overall performance of all vehicles assessed so far in 2013, making it one of the safest vehicles ever tested by the Europeans.

It's hard to see this as anything other than a huge win for both Qoros, a new and upcoming automaker, as well as Chinese cars in general. Just a few years ago, their safety and quality ratings were considered laughable by Western standards. When Brilliance tried to export their B6 sedan in 2007, it scored only one star in a German test. Now we have a Chinese car that ranked among the best tested in Europe this year.


In other words, the Chinese are getting there. You may not be able to buy Chinese cars in the U.S. at the moment (besides a few oddballs like the Coda) but that's going to change eventually.

The Qoros 3 went on sale in Slovakia this month with a base price of about 16,000 Euro or $21,600. Volume sales in China are set to begin next year.

Though, this is a 50/50 joint venture between Chery Automobile and Israel Corporation. Funny thing is that Israel Corporation doesn't seem like they have anything to do with cars. Their industry is about oil, shipping,energy, chemicals and transportation.

All the key figures behind Qoros are Israelis.

The people who made the car are from top people who worked in world top brand, like BMW, etc.
All the key figures behind Qoros are Israelis.

The people who made the car are from top people who worked in world top brand, like BMW, etc.

they are only part of the keys
they can go to india, vietnam, ukraine, philippines for JVs
yeah. nice car but china fukked up by teaming up with the israelis...fukk them and their piece of shiiiit car....i hope China brings out its own car soon....id buy one if it gets 5 stars.....but anything israeli should be boycotted out of basic human dignity in protest of israels human rights abuses and sponsorship of global terrorism....​
yeah. nice car but china fukked up by teaming up with the israelis...fukk them and their piece of shiiiit car....i hope China brings out its own car soon....id buy one if it gets 5 stars.....but anything israeli should be boycotted out of basic human dignity in protest of israels human rights abuses and sponsorship of global terrorism....​
Every country will take unethical actions when it serves their national interests. Why single out one crook in a den of thieves? Every major power in the world are basically the same.
Though, this is a 50/50 joint venture between Chery Automobile and Israel Corporation. Funny thing is that Israel Corporation doesn't seem like they have anything to do with cars. Their industry is about oil, shipping,energy, chemicals and transportation.


that's the whole point of this. After this JV was announced and their PR people went to work, many western journalists gave the JV a positive review. I wonder if the Jewish controlled media had anything to do with it.....

Let's get this straight. The key guys are foreigners. Chinese just the front line guys with a head guy in China.
please dont try and equate other countries around the world to the MILLIONS of people that the USA/NATO/Israeli/GCC axis has killed on the past 50 years.......yes countries make unsavory decisions and parnerships but israel nato and the gulf arabs are on an entirely different level as far as global terrorism.....just look at libya, syria, iraq, afghanistan, palestine, lebanon, sudan, somalia, nigeria, mali......fukkk......i could go on for pages

all these countries were or are being destroyed by nato israel and their gulf arab cohorts.....China hasnt dirtied their hands.......i would wish they would have chosen a different clean development partner. thats all....because i would have liked to have been able to consider their vehicle and root for its success.........now all i can think is Qoros = israeli facism........too bad
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