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Why terrorists dont attack non-Pakistani people in Pak?

This is the main reason why people in Pak.Govt. should differentiate between Taliban and foreign purchased fighters. I always see that they keep on saying that Taliban are attacking Pakistan which is not the case. If we are not clear in our approach than how can we identify the enemy? Some people in Pakistan have close relations with ‘TALIBAN’ and they should be used to ignite the freedom movement in Afghanistan by Taliban. Taliban actually need support to fight the occupation forces in Afghanistan and once US forces and Indian consulates are engaged against Taliban only than we can control these agents who are fighting with our forces.


Ok, so if the people attacking us are not the Taliban, then who the hell do you think they are? A bunch of Indian cyborg monkeys? Seriously, I think that as long as Pakistanis keep living in denial about the Taliban and fail to understand that the people attacking us are Pakistanis and view the average Pakistani on the street as their enemy, we'll end up right back where we were prior to the Swat Operation.

The people fighting our army were mostly born aand raised in Pakistan, there is almost no question about that. As far as I'm aware, there is no proof the US is aiding them in anyway, so I suggest we realise the threat our own people are posing to our country and stop blaming others for our own problems.
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well to somehw dz Q is rite bt as u see A Q is nt wt u called jihadis..they were bt nw they r to there own points means agency are funding them nd thery r fighting.
I was just thinking today why not TTP, A.Q and other terrorists attack any foregin minister or other big names ? Why only Pakistani ?

Are not A.Q and TTP saying they are fighiting against kofar ?


I have been thinking very seriously about the questions you have posed.:rofl:

1) Has there been a foreign minister of Pakistan recently who has not been a Pakistani? Maybe you should hire an Indian foreign minister for Pakistan to be blown up.:rofl:

2) which "big names", if attacked, would make you feel satisfied? I can pass the suggestions on to my buddies. After all, i have friends in high and low places.:rofl:

3) The Taliban and AQ was fighting against the "Kofar", "Kuffar" or "Kaffir", which was OK with a lot of your countrymen as long as it was against the "juice" or "amerikans" or the "hindoos". When you decided you did not want your mothers and sisters walking around in trash bags (and other of their requirements) you became their "Kofars". How does it feel?:rofl:

4) I am glad you "don't want a attack on any foreigner". Then who are they supposed to attack? Please spell out you concerns so i can address them further.:rofl:
haha, what a joke, like the terrorists are thinking that whilst they are doing what they do, pseudo intellectual.

Beta, maybe you were born only some years ago and are naive to the jihadi agenda. I have been around since the days of so called Afghan jihad days and they were saying and preaching the exact same thing then as they are now, just the direct of the target was different.

When the same group of people were killing Afghans and fellow Muslims even after withdraw of Soviet Union and our own agencies and religious parties were actively encouraging and partaking in this by taking young boys from all over Pakistan and telling them that killing non Taliban Muslims is acceptable per shariah or killing Hindus in Kashmir will send to jannat, we were busy either cheering them on or turning a blind eye.

I laugh whenever one of you kids come up and say that no such terror existed before 9/11, as you guys have zero clue of the days when shias were being butchered in Pakistan or how the jihadi fitna was active killing in Afghanistan and Kashmir. Go read interview of Ilyas Kashmiri from 1999 or any number of jihadi publications from 1980's even.

I myself am witness to a pre 9/11 speech by an angry jihadi wearing a turban, with long black hair and beard and I remember how full of hate he was for anyone not supporting him. Some of the ****** stuff he said made people leave and he had to be kicked out of the masjid, which caused an incident as his armed bodyguards did not like this at all. This arrogant man went on to be a member of the taliban.

This was in Karachi and the angry jihadi was a deputy of Maulana Masood Azhar of Jaish-e-Muhammed. He even had a police escort.
And how attacks on civil ppl and muslims will give them more power. Al Qaida / Taliban need support of people to get there goals which they are not geting. I dont think they are so stupid.

Taliban saying we will attack India who get benefit from that ? India who has always said terrorists in Pakistan are treat to India and World.

Al Qaida and Taliban killing shooting and doing bomb blast give USA and NATO more resons for there propoganda for WAR ON TERROR.

Chiness gets killed who was helping Pakistan. French get killed who was helping navy. Polish ppl get killed who was also helping Pakistan. Why not no attacks on blackwater ppl ? Why not no attack on amercia embassy ? or Indian embassy ? This Taliban and other Al qaida story is totaly bullshit. These ppl are working for some one to distroy name of Islam and Jihad.

You just don't get it. Jihadi loyalty is only to their commanders and amir. They may give statements here and there to try to win sympathies from confused Pakistani people, but other than that they are 100% omitted to dismantling the Pakistani state to further their rule. This is part of their game plan.

Ok, so if the people attacking us are not the Taliban, then who the hell do you think they are? A bunch of Indian cyborg monkeys? Seriously, I think that as long as Pakistanis keep living in denial about the Taliban and fail to understand that the people attacking us are Pakistanis and view the average Pakistani on the street as their enemy, we'll end up right back where we were prior to the Swat Operation.

The people fighting our army were mostly born aand raised in Pakistan, there is almost no question about that. As far as I'm aware, there is no proof the US is aiding them in anyway, so I suggest we realise the threat our own people are posing to our country and stop blaming others for our own problems.

Doesn’t USA want to control Pakistan’s nukes and China from this region?

Can we trust India? Was kashmir Singh here for spreading love?

Attackers are Pakistani citizens so is this the proof of no outsider’s involvement? In recent days many Indian agents were caught by the intelligence agencies is that a joke?

We are conducting an operation in Tribal areas against Uzbeks and Tajiks, weren't they supporters of northern alliance against Taliban?

Come on man get a life, this is our incompetency that we are not conveying the truth to the world.
because they are our guest and world knows how we treat our guests. These Terrorists has some zameer left in them.
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