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Why Pakistan will never act against LeT's Hafiz Saeed

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May 30, 2011
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November 11, 2011
Pakistani Interior Minister
Rehman Malik [ Images ] has
claimed that India [ Images ] has
not provided any "credible
evidence" against 26/11
mastermind and LeT chief Hafiz
Saeed [ Images ]. Prasanna D
Zore reports.
While India and Pakistan seem to have
started a journey on their way to
"create history", one crucial issue,
among many others, that could
possibly stem this progress is the trial
of 26/11 terrorist Mohammed Ajmal
Kasab [ Images ] and Pakistan's
inability to take action against
Lashkar-e-Tayiba [ Images ] chief
Hafiz Saeed.
And the bone of contention here, in
bringing to justice the masterminds of
the ghastly terror attack in Mumbai [
Images ], is the obstinacy shown by
Pakistan in not taking substantive
action against LeT chief Saeed.
Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan
Mathai reiterated India's stand that
they have given Pakistan enough
information that could give them leads
to take action against India's terrorist
number one, Saeed.
Interestingly, it is exactly this
contention of the Indian side that the
Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman
Malik is contending.
"The Indian side is giving us only
information and dossiers but no
'credible evidence,'" Malik told
rediff.com at the sidelines of the
inaugural session of the 17th SAARC
Summit in Addu city, Maldives [
Images ].
He defended the Pakistani position by
saying that even if the Pakistani
government arrests Hafiz Saeed, they
won't be able to prove his complicity in
Pakistani courts based on
"information" given by India.
"We have provided a great deal of
information to Pakistan which should
give enough leads to the Pakistani
authorities to be able to take the case
forward," India's foreign secretary said
during a press briefing responding to
rediff.com's question whether the two
sides have decided upon what could
possibly constitute "credible evidence"
for Pakistan.
Knowing fully well that an incarcerated
Kasab is no threat to the Pakistani
establishment, Malik, earlier in the
day, had admitted that Kasab was a
terrorist and must be sent to the
"If the Pakistani interior minister
thinks that Kasab must be sent to the
gallows then he is saying this based on
the information we provided to them,"
Mathai said indicating that the
Pakistani side considers that proof
enough to send Kasab to the gallows.
Kasab's confessional statement, that
formed part of evidence in the Indian
courts that convicted Kasab, is among
other information that India gave
Pakistan to nail Kasab and his
mastermind Hafiz Saeed.
In fact, Malik had earlier stated that
the criminal procedure code and penal
codes in both India and Pakistan were
almost identical. This could, perhaps,
give some hope to the Indian side that
the information they handed over to
Pakistanis is enough for them to take
action against Saeed and LeT.
In this context the visit of the
Pakistani judicial commission to record
statements of 26/11's chief
investigating officer, metropolitan
magistrate who convicted Kasab on
various counts of IPC and the two
doctors who examined Kasab could
become crucial in a war of words and
semantics that Malik and the
Pakistanis have so deftly built into
their strategy to protect the Let chief.
Why Pakistan will never act against LeT's Hafiz Saeed

I havent Read the Article coz it is Not well Presented , But for the Title , Pakistan wont act against saeed because it not in their Interest and Kills the objective of Pak to fight Kashmir war through Proxies
Anyone who watched the BBC documentary on bbc iplayer or youtube, will understand that Pakistan will release no terrorists to India or USA.
Anyone who watched the BBC documentary on bbc iplayer or youtube, will understand that Pakistan will release no terrorists to India or USA.

I guess Pak did give some terrorists to US. Yeah, they were trying to hide OBL though but US is no India, they got right into their house and killed him.
Act against asset, no way.
1. Because its not realizing the threat of punjabi taliban to pakistan.

2. Manmohan singh is providing everything without doing anything.

3. There is no punishment or incentive to act on it.
Guys, you've got to understand that though Hafiz Saeed is the supposed 'mastermind' of the 26/11 Mumbai attack, the law requires incontrovertible evidence/proof that he was behind the pogrom. Kasab mentioned that he had met Saeed during his training. So? Does that mean HS had planned, coordinated and executed the attack? Where's the proof of that?

How about Assad of Syria who's troops have killed more than 2000 Syrian protestors? You can bring him to trial but where's the proof that he ordered the killings? He'd go scot free. You can't hang a guy without adequate and incontrovertible proof and corroborative evidence. Just hearsay from a jackass like Kasab and that two timer, Hadley who's credibility is zilch, will not be of much help in a court of law.

Our courts take 20-30 years for arriving at a verdict. And you guys expect Pakistani courts to close the case within a few months? Get real and go smell some coffee!

no evidence , no charge proved so there is no guilty ...............so as long as there is no solid evidence against Hafiz Saeed he is not guilty and by Law Pakistan can not act against him
no evidence , no charge proved so there is no guilty ...............so as long as there is no solid evidence against Hafiz
Saeed he is not guilty and by Law Pakistan can not act against him

Just provide the voice samples.... after that we can decide it was he who was instructing or some john Doe !!
Just provide the voice samples.... after that we can decide it was he who was instructing or some john Doe !!
provide us evidences and we have a judicial trial here .... but you did not provide us a single solid evidence
allow Pakistani judicial commission to talk with kasab and accepts other demands by them then you will see justice will be served ...
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