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Why no Pakistani ABM?



New Recruit

Mar 13, 2008
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I'm attaching a pic. If it gets any technical audience I could find out why we count india's nukes. Thanks


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I'm going to say what I've heard on another forum, i know this will hurt my credibility, but so be it. A little while ago, NESCOM went on a hiring spree and held a fair or expo of some sort. there was a young lad who came up with an idea of a BMD and even managed to point out weaknesses in the Patriot system.

He asked for a certain amount of money for a prototype when his project was observed by a scientist and army official. the army official laughed and said "do you expect me to believe we can make something more advanced than American technology?" As you can see, we are tied down by our own limits and preconceptions. we can't move on forward unless we briing innovation into science and technology. This year Hu Jintao, president of china, stressed the students of china to strive in innovation. look at how it's worked out for china. They were showing footage on CCTV, how some of the newcomers to the workforce are even willing to work for cheap pay as long as they can contribute to their country so that it may enter the realm of a superpower.

this is how the talent of the youth is wasted in pakistan. Pakistanis complain there is a need for education to improve our conditions, yet the only knowledge sought by our youth is in the medical field or engineering. Besides that, most of the people go to the west to obtain education and don't even bother coming back to help their countrymen. We need to encourage the youth to go obtain education that will be useful to defense-related areas.
I have to agree I'll need money -- yet if i get my own -- ie some justice -- i won't be needing any money!

Frustration isn't something that will do anything positive. Have a cause, and any new muslim state is no cause -- islam is. there are 57 of them.

The focus one needs to keep is to do his own job. The money, and the feasibility, if auditable, should be more available. And indeed DON'T trade with only one entity. I'm confident grouping up with a few friends and getting some money I can combine artillery and missile technologies to produce something better than each -- the fact that the shell revolves for example isn't any major technical issue today. Guidance I produced back as an undergrad -- better by far than anything existing. The essense is to have backup for everything -- including your loyalties. Pakistan doesn't want to be in it -- it can walk!

9 years ago I insisted I could make a better ultrasound, I did. those that copied my idea made something even better -- they had resources i did not. It is the same story each time. You come up with an idea -- and then you have to sell it before you can work on it. Your own money, either isn't enough, or your parents wouldn't buy your idea, or the court can't give you justice -- because your adversary was kind enough to bring a honey bakers cake.

So Pakistan is interested in ABM / ANDV but I'm not good enough to make it for Pakistan! Who is? When was the last time Islamabad invited proposals on the matter? NASA thought it was just to cool -- The MoonRox challenge was solved by so many they couldn't handle their mail! Islamabad doesn't have time for ABM/ANDV. That is one of my hurdles. There are others as well. The Pakistani Forces, have only offered coups -- freeing any much of Kashmir was done by civilians. If Musharraf couldn't sell his design project, do you really think i'm waiting for him to help me sell mine?

Rest back. Allah has more (mujahideens) than are needed. The job shall be done.
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