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Why Muslims and Hindus will dominate the next century


Jun 2, 2011
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Why Muslims and Hindus will dominate the next century
So u r talking about 22nd century u know now 3rd largest religion is ATHEISM:bunny: and is gradually increasing in 22nd century IF ANY BODY CLAIM I'M so and so religion he will be put in mental hosp or in zoo:o:
Yea, and Blacks who are going to quintuple their population by next century will also be "dominating" in the same way that you will be... LMFAO!

The more of your kind that breed, the more strains you place on the system. You don't contribute that much. As a whole you are a net burden on this forced globalized society that Westerners are obligated to take on.
And still trashed their muslim neighbours in wars,imagine if the uber jews from the West were to move there...the new capital would be Baghdad.

Did you read anything about the 1948, 1956, or 1967 wars? It's not as broad as you make it out to be.

Europe was attacking Egypt alongside Israel and Europe was arming Israel. In 48 Israel took advantage of a cease fire that was going to end the war to build up their military capabilities and go on the offensive.

Sixty seven was also a pre emptive attack and Egypt got the wrong intelligence which ultimately led to their defeat.

Syria was ready for a cease fire on day one and the USS Liberty had these communications recorded but they also recorded Israeli military leaders stating they want to keep going on the offensive and take the Golan Heights and that's when the USS Liberty was sunk by Israel killing 34 Americans.

Britain is largely complicit in this as they promised Arabs independence in Palestine had they supported the British war against the Ottomans which they did. In the end they only fulfilled the promise to the Jewish immigrants.
So u r talking about 22nd century u know now 3rd largest religion is ATHEISM:bunny: and is gradually increasing in 22nd century IF ANY BODY CLAIM I'M so and so religion he will be put in mental hosp or in zoo:o:

Tell that to Washington Post - source is in OP :coffee:

Yea, and Blacks who are going to quintuple their population by next century will also be "dominating" in the same way that you will be... LMFAO!
The more of your kind that breed, the more strains you place on the system. You don't contribute that much. As a whole you are a net burden on this forced globalized society that Westerners are obligated to take on.
So u r talking about 22nd century u know now 3rd largest religion is ATHEISM and is gradually increasing in 22nd century IF ANY BODY CLAIM I'M so and so religion he will be put in mental hosp or in zoo

Tell that to Washington Post - source is OP :coffee:

People who don't have a religious faith are not religious. Therefore, they would not show up in a piece on the number of adherents by faith.
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