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Why Mullah Beradar was arrested? Pakistani officials tell the truth.

Zero Bravo


New Recruit

Sep 25, 2008
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — When American and Pakistani agents captured Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Taliban’s operational commander, in the chaotic port city of Karachi last January, both countries hailed the arrest as a breakthrough in their often difficult partnership in fighting terrorism.
But the arrest of Mr. Baradar, the second-ranking Taliban leader after Mullah Muhammad Omar, came with a beguiling twist: both American and Pakistani officials claimed that Mr. Baradar’s capture had been a lucky break. It was only days later, the officials said, that they finally figured out who they had.

Now, seven months later, Pakistani officials are telling a very different story. They say they set out to capture Mr. Baradar, and used the C.I.A. to help them do it, because they wanted to shut down secret peace talks that Mr. Baradar had been conducting with the Afghan government that excluded Pakistan, the Taliban’s longtime backer.

In the weeks after Mr. Baradar’s capture, Pakistani security officials detained as many as 23 Taliban leaders, many of whom had been enjoying the protection of the Pakistani government for years. The talks came to an end.

The events surrounding Mr. Baradar’s arrest have been the subject of debate inside military and intelligence circles for months. Some details are still murky — and others vigorously denied by some American intelligence officials in Washington. But the account offered in Islamabad highlights Pakistan’s policy in Afghanistan: retaining decisive influence over the Taliban, thwarting archenemy India, and putting Pakistan in a position to shape Afghanistan’s postwar political order.

“We picked up Baradar and the others because they were trying to make a deal without us,” said a Pakistani security official, who, like numerous people interviewed about the operation, spoke anonymously because of the delicacy of relations between Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States. “We protect the Taliban. They are dependent on us. We are not going to allow them to make a deal with Karzai and the Indians.”

Read the rest on New York Times
This was what I anticipated on defencepk early when Beradar was just arrested.
The Pakistani spy agency never wills to see a peaceful, prosper and democratic Afghanistan. They had and have been supporting and equipping the 'Good Taliban', as they refer to Afghan Taliban.
What sort of national interest is this? Pakistan could not be peaceful either, until the Pakistani Intelligence Agency and Military does not make a unique stance over Taliban whether they are Afghan Taliban or TTP. Because the TTP inspires from the Afghan Taliban's ideology.
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Sir, this is already posted.mods please merge or close this thread.
who, like numerous people interviewed about the operation, spoke anonymously

More unsubstaniated trash.

The CIA was duped - what does it say about the CIA?
The Pakistan openly claim they control the talib and yet need the CIA to help capture Barader?

Seems like our Indian friends and their enablers have gone into overdrive - dang, hyper drive
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and the Pakistani Officials were dumb enough to say this?Lol and the ISI fooled the mighty CIA....:lol: .In any case; I see no strategic implications from this.The work that needs to be done is being done.
And it also shows the duplicity of US policy - The Afghan satrap was talking to Barader and the US did not know and did not approve?? And yet the ISI knew?

And if that's true, what does it say about the US in Afghanistan? What
does it say about what it knows about what it's doing there?:no:

Duplicity is the framework of US policy and unfortunately for American citizens they are unable to hold their policy makers accountable. Day by day the ability of US citizens to be masters of their own policy erodes.:toast_sign:

Americans it seems are fed a daily diet of this kind of intel opinion passing as journalism, is it any wonder they hate they whole world?
lol a plot from a disgrunted writer whose comic ddint get approved by the publisher

so CIA in Pakistan is planning and cooperating to capture the talibans while the one in Afghanistan is making peace deals and both dont know what is happening.

only Abullah Abdullah & Afghan "intelligence" knows all because they are spirtually guided by the ghost of Ahmed Shah Masood from the underworld.
zero bravo, it is good for you......... (big) evidence!, but i'm sure you are not willing to believe our side of story!
You believe in what your ID is and no argument can change it.

If you believe Pakistan as your enemy and than Pakistanis have to be stupid to trust you as friends.

I hope you remember, who saved Afghan *** from Russians?
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The most amusing thing is all those Yankees, Afghans, Bhartis who were against any kind of talks with taliban have suddenly woke up and crying "oh dear lord our great talks with taliban have been marred by Pakistan":angle:

What happened now are you guys in favour of taliban ? have they suddenly became missionaries from terrorists ?

if not then you should be happy Pakistan have thwarted talks with "terrorists" ;)
I hope you remember, who saved Afghan *** from Russians?

Our own sacrifices!!! The country is in ruins, millions of my people(including my family members against the soviets)died, millions displaced etc. We shouldnt have done it if we knew what would have come on us. The others got the great results and we lost our country.
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Our own sacrifices!!! The country is in ruins, millions died, millions displaced etc. We shouldnt have done it if we knew what would have come on us. The others got the great results and we lost our country.

you are 100% right its afghanistan who become battle ground of world. its pakistan who become land of bombs the players from arab west usa enjoying the game and we burnt our homes.and still we are doing same:frown:
Multiple reports allude to the fact that Pakistan wants to be middle agent for any deal between Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban. Nothing new in this report.
More unsubstaniated trash.

The CIA was duped - what does it say about the CIA?
The Pakistan openly claim they control the talib and yet need the CIA to help capture Barader?

Seems like our Indian friends and their enablers have gone into overdrive - dang, hyper drive

Seems like New york times is on Indian payroll!! or perhaps it is Dexter Filkins!!;)
Are you trying to tell me that ISI coned CIA bigtime and USA still helping us.??

2ndly If you dont want our talks to succeed why do you expect we'll let your :azn:

3rd Why such articles come only spoke anonymously ....Come on...Be brave NYtimes show the world the real face of ISI and Pakistan :disagree:

4rth A wise man said. There are friendly countries but no friendly intelligence agencies.
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