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Why Kissinger was in Beijing again?

Hakikat ve Hikmet

Nov 14, 2015
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United States
United States
It was 1971. Pak was in deep $hit, and she facilitated a secret visit by Kissinger using a route via Pak to Beijing. And, the rest is history with the collapse of the USSR, and the emergence of China as an economic super power....

It is now 2023. Pak is again in deep $hit. And, 100-years old Kissinger has paid a visit to Beijing. Is he carrying an offer China can't refuse? The West wants Russia dead and gone......

In the last century Russia faced existential crisis 2 times due to the internal upheavals, and the regimes changed. The WW1 went wrong, the Bolshevik revolution occurred, and the Czarist regime collapsed. The Afgan War went wrong, Glasnost and Perestroika were introduced, and the USSR collapsed. Will this Ukraine War lead to the 3rd time?

The internal dissention is peaking up as the 2014 Crimean Annexation hero Girkin has been arrested today for he has demanded Putin to be replaced by a more competent leader. According to the British Intelligence (still the topmost in the West), 16 important Russian generals have been removed and put under house arrest. And, the Young Russians (officers at the lower ranks up to colonel) are now upset, which might lead to disillusionment, frustration, and anger.....

Interesting times ahead. Fasten your seatbelts for HE keeps the balance by letting one evil fighting another one out....

If Russian is dead then next number is China as muslim world is already lost.. Pakistan is already under US occupation. China already lost in Pakista by hands of Americans.If Russia fall then nato will reach on Chinese border in next 50 to 70 years. Chinese dream to reach europ via roads and trains will end with Russians. Chinese are useless.
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A softening up of the relationship b/w the USA and China may be on cards, thanks to the "old friend" Henry Kissinger. Putin's tail wind is winding down.....

(My note) As for the Pak Deep State, it's a sigh of relief. It shows the USA isn't putting all of its eggs inside the Indian basket, and the China-Pak axis would have lesser scrutiny and suspicion from the US side....

nato will reach on Chinese border in next 50 to 70 years. Chinese dream to reach europ via roads and trains will end with Russians. Chinese are useless.
Juding from how fast the west declines socially and economically, 50 years from now nato would have been long gone.
Kissinger is an smart hyena. He was the one that hyped up the retarded Taliban dumbfucks by telling them the famous phrase "God is on your side". Though, he didn't say which God?

In this very case, problem is, Chinese is also smart. They know very well, what would happen if Russia collapses. They know this old hyena and his intentions well.

The OP is an Ottomanist and his comments steams from his mindset. From an Ottomanist Turk's POV, Russia is better to fall. Because the Ottoman himself is a humiliated lackey of NATO terrorist organization.

China is engine of world economy and our hyena knows it very well better than anyone else. So he would even offer his backside to Chinese, mark my words, he was begging Chinese.

On the other hand, Chinese remembers what they did with printing money from thin air and what they did in Taiwan. So he won't be able to fool the Chinese, not again.
If Russian is dead then next number is China as muslim world is already lost.. Pakistan is already under US occupation. China already lost in Pakista by hands of Americans.If Russia fall then nato will reach on Chinese border in next 50 to 70 years. Chinese dream to reach europ via roads and trains will end with Russians. Chinese are useless.
Remove the zero, "in next 5 to 7 years". But wait, US can't wait another 5 to 7 years for China to grow. How about '3 to 5 years' NATO will be in East Asia? France's resistance will be futile because Europeans are so divided and spineless. They're used to living like a well-groomed pet poodle. In fact, I think in three (3) years, NATO will be in East Asia under a different name.

Beijing has undertaken half-hearted or little-hearted efforts unifying Taiwan. They might as well announce let Taiwan be the 51st US state or an American territory. Heard this in many programs: "China still has a publicly-known three trillions dollars and some $billions held by high officials in US banks." Perhaps that explains a very late (years late) and very limited (just 3 US companies, technically, compared to more than a thousand Chinese companies, sanctioned) response to US government slapping the Chinese leadership and businesses left and right on the faces repeatedly. That will keep their US Dollars safe in the US bank safety deposit boxes and their family members safe in huge overseas mansions. CIA wins. US wins. Beijing wins. China loses.
Nothing, but giving one final monkey show before he dies
Juding from how fast the west declines socially and economically, 50 years from now nato would have been long gone.
I said if russia loses. Then Russia will be in pices like soviet. Look how many ex Soviet states already joined nato. Russian ukrain war is on one issue. Ukraine wants to join nato and Russia thinks it redline for its security. If Chinese don't help Russia as its Buffer state. Then China is done as if Russia loses then Russian will lost it resources to nato like soviet did which will make nato and west more powerful. Only thing China must do if china wants to safe its *** they must help Russians way iran is doing. Otherwise west will eat China in next 50 years. Because india is already hostile state for China jappan is hostile and South China sea is under American navy. You allowed imran khan removal in Pakistan by the hands of Americans. Which means you already lost Pakistan to Americans. He was the only man which could have bring Muslim countries near to China. At the moment I am seeing Russians losesing as west will make sure this wars goes on way sovit afgn war went for 14 years. Longer the war go it will make Russian lose as Russian do not have enough population as per its size way Pakistan or China as.
And you say west social system is falling and west says China's social system is falling..
Putin is transforming himself into a Rus-Putin, so the Russian princes will take him down....

Putin is losing his confidence on the Russian Army as he is propping up the Wagner again as a counterweight......
I said if russia loses. Then Russia will be in pices like soviet. Look how many ex Soviet states already joined nato. Russian ukrain war is on one issue. Ukraine wants to join nato and Russia thinks it redline for its security. If Chinese don't help Russia as its Buffer state. Then China is done as if Russia loses then Russian will lost it resources to nato like soviet did which will make nato and west more powerful. Only thing China must do if china wants to safe its *** they must help Russians way iran is doing. Otherwise west will eat China in next 50 years. Because india is already hostile state for China jappan is hostile and South China sea is under American navy. You allowed imran khan removal in Pakistan by the hands of Americans. Which means you already lost Pakistan to Americans. He was the only man which could have bring Muslim countries near to China. At the moment I am seeing Russians losesing as west will make sure this wars goes on way sovit afgn war went for 14 years. Longer the war go it will make Russian lose as Russian do not have enough population as per its size way Pakistan or China as.
And you say west social system is falling and west says China's social system is falling..

why would Pakistan join Chinese camp when all your exports and remittances come from the West/GCC ?
You will not understand it . It is between muslims n Christian rivalry. These two faith are real Competitor in this world. Chinese and hindu India. They have no Significance in history when ever you define ruller of this world. It was always between Muslims and Christians. Last 1400 years history tell us this. Before it was Christians who were ruling the world when Muslims came 1400 years ago they took over world leadership from Christians they have changed the rules. Last 200 years Christians took it back the rullership of world from Muslims.
Kissinger is an smart hyena. He was the one that hyped up the retarded Taliban dumbfucks by telling them the famous phrase "God is on your side". Though, he didn't say which God?

In this very case, problem is, Chinese is also smart. They know very well, what would happen if Russia collapses. They know this old hyena and his intentions well.

The OP is an Ottomanist and his comments steams from his mindset. From an Ottomanist Turk's POV, Russia is better to fall. Because the Ottoman himself is a humiliated lackey of NATO terrorist organization.

China is engine of world economy and our hyena knows it very well better than anyone else. So he would even offer his backside to Chinese, mark my words, he was begging Chinese.

On the other hand, Chinese remembers what they did with printing money from thin air and what they did in Taiwan. So he won't be able to fool the Chinese, not again.
god on your side that was zbigniew Brzeziński. chinese are not fools they are wise as serpents. If they finish off russia chinese know they be next.
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