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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies


Jan 7, 2012
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Article by Zab


In 1947, Israel’s founder, David Ben Gurion sent a telegram to Muhammad Ali Jinnah in an attempt to establish diplomatic relations with Pakistan. The telegram was initially ignored and to date, Pakistan still refuses to recognise Israel as a state.

Ben Gurion was allegedly quoted in The Jewish Chronicle in 1967 on his view of Pakistan:

The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.

This famous quote has never been verified and many Israeli academics dispute its authenticity. However, it is a well-known fact that Israel is not favoured by Pakistan. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the recent blog published on The Express Tribune about Israel.

Over the years, I have heard many arguments regarding the Palestine-Israel conflict. From holding Hamas and Fatah accountable for internal bickering between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, to blaming all Arabs for being arrogant towards south-east Asians as a whole – therefore the Palestinians deserve the unrest and the injustice. And above all the arguments is the one that takes the lead; Jews have the biblical right to a land that was promised to them by God.

To explain these reasons to a Palestinian living off UN handouts in a refugee camp in Lebanon or Jordan would be an insult and borderline insensitive. Imagine having your culture and livelihood taken from you and being expelled from your land. Or, to be degraded daily by the Israel Defence Force in checkpoints strewn across the occupied West Bank and have your child shot by Israeli extremist settlers in Nablus.

Human rights violations are rife despite Israel portraying itself as the beacon of freedom in the eyes of the international community. Israel would have you believe that Palestinians are all terrorists and it’s only defending its citizens from suicide bombers and Islamic extremists.

The reality however is very different.

There is a wide misconception that the clash over the holy land is solely between Muslims and Jews. There are over 300,000 Palestinian Christians in the disputed territories, along with many more living abroad. They too are discriminated against equally as their Muslim counterparts. Israel uses sophisticated lobbying from institutions such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to portray Palestine as the aggressor.

Then comes the question, ‘Would it be in Pakistan’s interest to recognise Israel, like countries who already have such as Egypt and Jordan?’

If not for economic stability, then maybe to increase its list of allies?

I would have to say no.

Not because of the Muslims versus Jews debate, or the ties many people have to the third most holiest site in Islam, Al-Aqsa Mosque, but based more on a human level.

If it was the other way around and Palestinians were occupying a land by killing innocent civilians and begrudging them their basic human rights in the 21st century, I would reiterate my decision regardless of religion or race.

We cannot let our names represent an apartheid regime and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people. We should push for peace in one of the most complex conflicts of our time, and simultaneously hold Israel accountable for its actions – something which the UN repeatedly fails to do.

I must also emphasise that I’m not anti-semetic and I don’t agree that Jews are our enemies either. Zionism and Judaism are two very different concepts. To simplify things, all monotheistic beliefs are from the same maker which renders the fight over religion pointless; hate will only brew more hate.

This is a fight for human rights who everyone has the right to defend.

Pakistan itself has a tainted slate when it comes to human rights. But it wouldn’t get any closer to making amends by forming an alliance with Israel either. And as for improving Pakistan’s image externally, well maybe we should focus on procuring a change from within first and then worry about what image others have of us.

Guess, Israel would never want to be an ally of a country like Pak....the word ally talks many things...may be a trade partner or friendly country would ve made some sense....and why Pak is so desperate to get close to Israel????
Pakistanis are willing to destroy their country for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.

I am sure Israel is not dying to be friend with Pakistan... :disagree:

Jews are eternal enemies of Islam.. Pakistan being fort of Islaam- is performing duty by hating Israel..:enjoy:

Pakistanis are willing to destroy their count
ry for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.

Israel is a travesty, it should never be tolerated or accepted by any muslim, immense effort should be made to ensure that the 1.6 billion muslims of the world contunue to hate this entity and those that have any links to israel are convinced otherwise

Weak civilisations collapse under pressure eg the mayans and aztecs powerfull civilisatiins dont collapse they have low and high points

Western civilisation went though a millenia of the dark ages once the romans collapsed

The worlds 1.6 billion muslims will eventually turn into 2 billion muslims, the muslim world will rise again, its not a question of if its a question of when

The current chos is a symptom of change **** this change is vital

We are weak but look how much trouble we can cause our enimies when we will be powerfull we will leave them spinning in there graves

And the israelis are top.of the list

NO peace should ever be made with israel, just keep the muslims increasing in the holy land until the time is right

Pakistanis are willing to destroy their country for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.


Dont talk rubbish we are muslims, they are oppresing muslims
And all worthy of the title muslim should dispise jews for it
Israel will carry on. It is the lost of Pakistan
Jihadi alert !!!! :mod:

Israel is a travesty, it should never be tolerated or accepted by any muslim, immense effort should be made to ensure that the 1.6 billion muslims of the world contunue to hate this entity and those that have any links to israel are convinced otherwise

Weak civilisations collapse under pressure eg the mayans and aztecs powerfull civilisatiins dont collapse they have low and high points

Western civilisation went though a millenia of the dark ages once the romans collapsed

The worlds 1.6 billion muslims will eventually turn into 2 billion muslims, the muslim world will rise again, its not a question of if its a question of when

The current chos is a symptom of change **** this change is vital

We are weak but look how much trouble we can cause our enimies when we will be powerfull we will leave them spinning in there graves

And the israelis are top.of the list

NO peace should ever be made with israel, just keep the muslims increasing in the holy land until the time is right

Dont talk rubbish we are muslims, they are oppresing muslims
And all worthy of the title muslim should dispise jews for it
Israel is a travesty, it should never be tolerated or accepted by any muslim, immense effort should be made to ensure that the 1.6 billion muslims of the world contunue to hate this entity and those that have any links to israel are convinced otherwise

Weak civilisations collapse under pressure eg the mayans and aztecs powerfull civilisatiins dont collapse they have low and high points

Western civilisation went though a millenia of the dark ages once the romans collapsed

The worlds 1.6 billion muslims will eventually turn into 2 billion muslims, the muslim world will rise again, its not a question of if its a question of when

The current chos is a symptom of change **** this change is vital

We are weak but look how much trouble we can cause our enimies when we will be powerfull we will leave them spinning in there graves

And the israelis are top.of the list

NO peace should ever be made with israel, just keep the muslims increasing in the holy land until the time is right

Dont talk rubbish we are muslims, they are oppresing muslims
And all worthy of the title muslim should dispise jews for it

So much stupidity and anti-Semitism in one post, you broke even the highest records of PDF.
Perhaps the lady who wrote should note that Ben-Gurion's comments on Pakistan were possibly fake.
Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies – The Express Tribune Blog

NO peace should ever be made with israel, just keep the muslims increasing in the holy land until the time is right

I really doubt the Zionists would allow that.

Dont talk rubbish we are muslims, they are oppresing muslims

What about other Muslims? Dozens of Rohingyas are fleeing the violence in Burma, and no Muslim other than Bangladeshis and Indians commented on the matter. Those guys are literally getting slaughtered like dogs, right now.

I find it sad that the Palestinian issue is used more for political purposes than resolving the actual problem.

And all worthy of the title muslim should dispise jews for it

Now that's antisemitic.

Its reality, you dont think 2 billion muslims will eventually gain power and deal with israel

I am afraid not.
All muslim issues should be supported whether its in burma, or palestine one dosent count the other out

Current muslim populatiin of israel is 1.6million

We are already in the so called home if the jews in massive numbers

Its just reality that with such a MASSIVE amount of muslims across the world, when the muslim world become strong it will mean immense pain for jews

Isnt that just a logical statement rather then bogus anti semitism

Another 1.6 million in gaza & between 2.5 & 3.5 million in the west bank with a faster birth rate
All muslim issues should be supported whether its in burma, or palestine one dosent count the other out

Current muslim populatiin of israel is 1.6million

We are already in the so called home if the jews in massive numbers

Its just reality that with such a MASSIVE amount of muslims across the world, when the muslim world become strong it will mean immense pain for jews

Isnt that just a logical statement rather then bogus anti semitism

Another 1.6 million in gaza & between 2.5 & 3.5 million in the west bank with a faster birth rate

So what you are actually saying is that Israel should finish the job from 1948 and deport all the Palestinians from its territory, otherwise these population which 1.6 millions of them are Israeli citizens will be used against Israel to destroy it.

Thank you for the advice, I will forward it.
the only real issues of contention are the Palestine issue as well as the recent development of israel's providing some military hardware to india

apart from that, i have no issues with them......some private behind the scenes contact wouldnt hurt much. In fact as i've said before, the ISI has even extended courtesies to israel....we allowed Mossad to clandestinely operate in Afghanistan using Peshawar as a base -- to help the fighters overthrow the soviets; ISI tipped off the Mossad about an impending attack on Jewish facilities/temples in Mumbai. Unfortunately, seems we haven't gotten much in return but at least for now they aren't an overt threat. A lot of people do quietly ask how two countries that were both founded on religio-political grounds (around the same time period) are isolated from eachother

but instead of focusing on enmities, we should focus on building partnerships with allies we already have (as limited as it may be) and working hard to benefit ourselves and our country

annywayz.....lots of Pakistan-israel threads proliferated so im sure others have more to say about it than i do
Its natural look at history all.civilisations have low and high points sometimes lasting for centuries

Current muslim weakness is approx 250 years and already change is occuring, the muslim population has expanded during this time enourmously

Western civ went though weakness/dark ages for a millenium

With so many muslims, si much land mass, si much resources whether you like it or not its ONLY A MATTER IF TIME

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