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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

It's against the law because thanks to the attention given to it due to reasons you and I know all too well, it is considered more sacred than freedom of speech, than freedom of speech itself by Western politicians and media.
Why are you saying this? Just because you're a republican/conservative?

Maybe because it's the truth ? There never was, in all of history a Palestinian state. It's not my fault it's the truth.
I always got a kick out of all the sinister stuff blamed on the Jews. ( where is Elis when you need him ? ) If the Jews were half as bad as the shit they get blamed for, there wouldn't be any Muslims left. They'd have whacked them all out by now and Israel would be 40 times the size it is.:rofl:
However, it is rather surprising that Zionist people in Israel (I wont paint everyone with the same colour) are suffering from what one can call Stockholm syndrome...I mean they are pushing on Palestine exactly how they were treated...pity isnt it...A whole nation suffering from it! :blink: One would think that if you have suffered you would have learnt to be humble and more merciful coz you have been in that situation...
And freedom of speech also has its limits. The distribution of anti democratic propaganda and in this case false information which supports one of the most anti human regimes in human history should indeed be forbidden.

That's extremely authoritarian. Infringing the very democratic rights it claims to uphold.

OUCH !! That hurt. A Pakistani telling me what kind of American I am. Talk about 'comic relief'.:rofl:
i live in america son, see redneck crackers like you all the time.
i know when i see one and you son are a redneck cracker.

Why are you saying this? Just because you're a republican/conservative?
no he a cracker thats why.
Not only that, but we actually abide by the ceasefire on top of all the human rights violations. Hamas only responds to Israeli attacks on Gaza as I've documented on my main thread. They never had a chance to govern and restrictions on Gaza began while elections for a national government were announced. All imports were banned meaning over 60,000 lost their jobs in a few months.

Not to mention shortages of fuel, electricity, contaminated water, lack of construction material , etc...
It's against the law because thanks to the attention given to it due to reasons you and I know all too well, it is considered more sacred than freedom of speech, than freedom of speech itself by Western politicians and media.
This thread is going seriously off topic, and OP is a major contributor. Some cleanup please.
#1 totally off topic
#2 What I expect.
In the end, EVERY country does what is perceived to be in their best interest. From the tiniest to the 'superpower'. No country is exempt.

Good, so if tomorrow Mexico annexes the whole South West of America because they are pouring over the border in millions every years, i hope you would be content with that too.
Maybe because it's the truth ? There never was, in all of history a Palestinian state. It's not my fault it's the truth.

There was never any sovereign nation in the region until WW1/WW2 era. Modern nations as we know were formed following these major wars.

Living in America doesn't make you an American, son.

Eating bacon does. :lol:

Cracka! :D
Good, so if tomorrow Mexico annexes the whole South West of America because they are pouring over the border in millions every years, i hope you would be content with that too.

To the victor goes the spoils. I doubt Mexico would be the 'victor' in that fairytale.:rofl:
There was never any sovereign nation in the region until WW1/WW2 era. Modern nations as we know were formed following these major wars.

Eating bacon does. :lol:

Cracka! :D

You forgot the beer and pet dog.:enjoy:
This thread is going seriously off topic, and OP is a major contributor. Some cleanup please.
#1 totally off topic
#2 What I expect.

Interesting how you efficiently forgot these are where the offtopic started:

Its to do with the "palestine issue". No sir, holocaust did not take place. The willy jews made everything up. The are to be despised. And " death to israel". Now let us go cause we have more people from the other"sect" to kill in syria and iraq and business to do with the jews. We obviously will deny everything in the end as usual.
I always got a kick out of the Gaza thing. Why would Israel let their enemy, Hamas and the Palestinians ( no such people, but that's another thread) cross their common border ? Why are they obligated to accommodate their enemy ? It's stupid.
I always got a kick out of all the sinister stuff blamed on the Jews. ( where is Elis when you need him ? ) If the Jews were half as bad as the shit they get blamed for, there wouldn't be any Muslims left. They'd have whacked them all out by now and Israel would be 40 times the size it is.:rofl:

Apparently someone cant discuss holocaust without trying to drag Palestine in! Stockholm Syndrome all the way!
However, it is rather surprising that Zionist people in Israel (I wont paint everyone with the same colour) are suffering from what one can call Stockholm syndrome...I mean they are pushing on Palestine exactly how they were treated...pity isnt it...A whole nation suffering from it! :blink: One would think that if you have suffered you would have learnt to be humble and more merciful coz you have been in that situation...
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