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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

I always got a kick out of the Gaza thing. Why would Israel let their enemy, Hamas and the Palestinians ( no such people, but that's another thread) cross their common border ? Why are they obligated to accommodate their enemy ? It's stupid.
I always got a kick out of all the sinister stuff blamed on the Jews. ( where is Elis when you need him ? ) If the Jews were half as bad as the shit they get blamed for, there wouldn't be any Muslims left. They'd have whacked them all out by now and Israel would be 40 times the size it is.:rofl:
stick to topic or your posts will be reported.
israel can't even handle hebollah never mind anything else.
I always got a kick out of the Gaza thing. Why would Israel let their enemy, Hamas and the Palestinians ( no such people, but that's another thread) cross their common border ? Why are they obligated to accommodate their enemy ? It's stupid.
So you're saying if someone locked you and your family on a piece of land and you were forced to drink sewage water that would be cool? Wow, goes to show your mentality. @Hazzy997
I always got a kick out of the Gaza thing. Why would Israel let their enemy, Hamas and the Palestinians ( no such people, but that's another thread) cross their common border ? Why are they obligated to accommodate their enemy ? It's stupid.
because they stole palestinian land perhaps thats why?
or maybe because 80 percent of israeli jews are actually europeans or have european ancestry, so they would belong in europe who did they come to claim palestine? because god told them to?
Wow, the audacity of these European/Russian Jews to occupy Palestinian's land and then claim it as their "home" in order to deport Black immigrants! Oh, the hypocrisy!!

A good teacher is someone who practices what he/she preaches.

Would you let a doctor operate on you if he didn't practice half the things he preached??

In the end, EVERY country does what is perceived to be in their best interest. From the tiniest to the 'superpower'. No country is exempt.

...palestinian land ...

No such thing. Never was.
The 'teacher' ALWAYS has more authority than the 'student'. Do what we say.....:usflag:
before it gets out of hand you should just stick to topic, you will be banned for trolling and no israeli on earth can get you unbanned lol.

In the end, EVERY country does what is perceived to be in their best interest. From the tiniest to the 'superpower'. No country is exempt.

No such thing. Never was.
oh yes no such thing as palestine……………..
because god told israelis they have the right to that land?
lmao…. just listen to your selfs.
your starting to sound like a retarded redneck.
So you're saying if someone locked you and your family on a piece of land and you were forced to drink sewage water that would be cool? Wow, goes to show your mentality. @Hazzy997

It's not the Jews problem to feed and water an enemy . Go bitch at Egypt.
It's not the Jews problem to feed and water an enemy . Go bitch at Egypt.
just what i was afraid i though for a sec you might just be a regular american but your just a another redneck cracker…
well your officially the comic relief on this thread be proud.
before it gets out of hand you should just stick to topic, you will be banned for trolling and no israeli on earth can get you unbanned lol.

oh yes no such thing as palestine……………..
because god told israelis they have the right to that land?
lmao…. just listen to your selfs.
your starting to sound like a retarded redneck.

Who was the president of 'Palestine' when the Jews 'stole' it ? Who's face was on their money ? What was their national anthem ?
I already mentioned it: out of 9 million Jews in 1939 Europe some 3 million survived many of them thanks to actions u mentioned.

Number of Jews in America and Asia (about 8 mln total) remained stable.
You sure coz when adding up the numbers dont add up to 3 million...

And how sure are you that the 6 million who vanished didnt die from other atrocities: accidents, murder (unfortunate), drowning while going to USA or other countries?, medical related, child birth related or just remained in hiding and hence missed the censers?
Who was the president of 'Palestine' when the Jews 'stole' it ? Who's face was on their money ? What was their national anthem ?
just stop man, your being in a denial won't make the palestinians disappear.
So you're saying if someone locked you and your family on a piece of land and you were forced to drink sewage water that would be cool? Wow, goes to show your mentality. @Hazzy997

Not only that, but we actually abide by the ceasefire on top of all the human rights violations. Hamas only responds to Israeli attacks on Gaza as I've documented on my main thread. They never had a chance to govern and restrictions on Gaza began while elections for a national government were announced. All imports were banned meaning over 60,000 lost their jobs in a few months.

Not to mention shortages of fuel, medicine, electricity, contaminated water, lack of construction material , etc...
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just stop man, your being in a denial won't make the palestinians disappear.

I really don't give a rats @ss what the 'Palestinians' do. Hang around, go away. Means less than nothing to me.
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