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why is denying the holocaust against the law?

the things you stated
You are a refreshing change from other members here. But anyway, the reason why they ARE against the law (right or wrong) is the same why denying the holocaust is
yes go right on ahead use it while you have it.
today you don't say anything about this law tomorrow they will pass another law banning you from saying something else.
then what?
if denying the holocaust is wrong and against the law then why isn't making drawings of the prophet Muhammad with a turban as a bomb ect not against the law?

Well, the Europeans feel bad about the Holocaust, since they committed it. Maybe that is why.

There are some instances where everything follows where the money flows. People had made entire careers out of criticizing religion. No one knew Girt Wilder, and yet he became a star overnight! :lol:

Different societies have different histories, and hence different standards. Islam is seen as foreign over there. So yes, they will have apprehensions over it; especially given the number of Muslim migrants over there and the roles they play.
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Not to my man, D.F. He's on an anti-Jew bender. Check him out.
BTW, this is for you, its from a major Israeli News Website:


'Islamization of Europe a good thing' - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

‘Islamization of Europe a good thing’ – Rabbi | EUTimes.net

"Europe is the cancer, Islam is the Answer"-And the Jews support it!

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BTW, this is for you, its from a major Israeli News Website:


'Islamization of Europe a good thing' - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

‘Islamization of Europe a good thing’ – Rabbi | EUTimes.net

"Europe is the cancer, Islam is the Answer"-And the Jews support it!

jews are very smart its like they all know how to keep people happy..
when i was in high school and i had this substitute teacher who was jewish, she was learning arabic and she had some papers on her desk with arabic letters ect. when i noticed them
me: are you arabic? ..

jewish substitute teacher :no , I'm jewish but my grandson is a arabic major or something in college so to surprise him I'm learning the language as well.

me:oh ok thats good.

jewish substitute teacher: you know us jews and muslims have always lived together and were always friends but these christians create trouble between us. ( she saw my name and realized i was muslim)

me: yeah thats true…

i was shocked because she said it out of no where lol. the jews are serious waaay took smart for th rest of us humans these people seem to please everybody who they interact with to win them over on their sides.
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