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Why is China behaving like a bully?


Apr 24, 2012
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By Andy H. Hagad
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Monday, December 10, 2012

THE question has been asked by media and political observers, noting the apparently-uncharacteristic behaviour of China against its Asian and Asean neighbours Japan, India, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, all of whom have claims over portions of areas surrounded by the China Sea. Uncharacteristic? A closer look at the geographic and political background of China indicates that the behaviour may actually be true-to-form.

The Chinese government has always adopted an iron-fisted policy even among its citizens. It has to. The Chinese Mainland is so huge that it covers an area that spreads from Asia all the way to Europe.

Inside its territory one will find Chinese with slanty eyes, citizens with big round eyes, black-haired, brown-haired and blond-haired subjects, depending on what area of China one looks at. The cultures of these different ethnic groups are also so diverse that if the government had not ruled them with an iron hand, they would have clashed and broken up a long time ago. Add the fact that there are more than a billion of them and we can understand why a bully attitude is necessary to keep them together and in check.

With more than a billion mouths to feed and sustain it is also a monumental effort for China to keep its economy vibrant and growing. It is a giant with an insatiable appetite and must be sustained with mountains of food, natural, commercial and industrial resources every second of every minute of every hour of every day. A drop of even a fraction in its gross domestic product (GDP), for example, translates into warning signals of a possible slide towards an economic crisis.

On the other hand, the problem with being a world power like China is that one needs to protect it with a strong military force. Keeping the armed forces well-armed, well-stocked and running sucks up a huge amount of the government budget. China recently launched its first aircraft-carrier. I do not doubt that the cost to build and maintain it must be higher than our own government's entire national budget.

In 2010, the Chinese economy rose at its peak to 9.4%. In 2011 I read that it dropped to 7.2%. While that figure to developing countries like the Philippines is cause for rejoicing (we recently recorded a growth of 7.4% during the third quarter of 2012), the slide of more than 2 bases points to the Chinese government is probably very alarming, indicating that expenditures are running away from income; and more resources must be pumped into the economy before the slide towards economic bankruptcy becomes inexorable. Where to get the resources? One source is the reported undersea oil and gas deposits in the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea to us) and its rich marine life.

This is why China is such a bully these days. It feels it has to if it is to maintain its position as a world power. If we are to protect our interest in this part of the ocean, we need to understand why China is behaving that way.

What a piece of garbage post.

1. China is almost a homogeneous society, with 90% of the population as Han. Even most of the minority groups have been greatly influenced by Han culture. The concept of unity is central to the culture, hence why we are the olderst continueous civilization in the world, expanding from a little patch of land near the Yellow River to the third largest country in the world today. China splitting into pieces? LOL!

2. We are still the fastest growing economy in East Asia, with our real growth rate being 9.5% in 2011. Furthermore, our manufacturing has seen the strongest rebound in two years since September. Philippinos trying to compare growth rate with us is laughable. Even if a poor man doubled his salary, he can't compare with a billionaire. My hometown Guangzhou, one city alone, is roughly worth 80% of Philippines' entire GDP.

3. Our claims have NOT increased since 1949. In fact, we have actually settled for less. The only difference is now that we have the power to enforce our claims.
new found power. China needs to come out of the shadows of the colonial era, the best way of doing so is projecting power. I bet every nation would do the same.
changing times need changing policies...china needs to adopt dynamic policies..
People in western countries always forget that who always want to make china into mad,make china gov take any actions under their wills.
China as a new center of evil. Their so-called CMS unit acts like pirates, captures our fishermen and demands money.

Vietnam demands China release fishing boats unconditionally

there are many role models.
britons,mentioned in another thread ,had invaded 90% countries of the world.
amaricans,beated Iraq & Afghanistan for oil.and support color revolutions secretly in many countries which don't want to be followers of amarica.
Tsarist Russia occupied lands dozens of times of it was.
When China is preparing to regain the islands which belonged to itself,monkeys are jumping restlessly.
When the peaceful rise thwarted,what should China do?learn more from the superpowers.
US style :wipe out vietnam govement for the reason of weapons of mass destruction or terrorism and found a new one that support China.
Russia style: occupy it and set up a vietnam province!
briton style: colony
however, our CCP govenment is too kind to give some sandbags to PLA.He did not even use force to regain lost ground.what a pity!
there are many role models.
britons,mentioned in another thread ,had invaded 90% countries of the world.
amaricans,beated Iraq & Afghanistan for oil.and support color revolutions secretly in many countries which don't want to be followers of amarica.
Tsarist Russia occupied lands dozens of times of it was.
When China is preparing to regain the islands which belonged to itself,monkeys are jumping restlessly.
When the peaceful rise thwarted,what should China do?learn more from the superpowers.
US style :wipe out vietnam govement for the reason of weapons of mass destruction or terrorism and found a new one that support China.
Russia style: occupy it and set up a vietnam province!
briton style: colony
however, our CCP govenment is too kind to give some sandbags to PLA.He did not even use force to regain lost ground.what a pity!
if u see ur govt. is too weak, then,grab a gun and fight against us now,dont just keep barking like a cheap 50cent warrior:coffee:
if u see ur govt. is too weak, then,grab a gun and fight against us now,dont just keep barking like a cheap 50cent warrior:coffee:

hey ,guy! if you think I'm wrong ,you can point out it and tell us what is right.
trolling doesn't improve your personal accomplishment!
tell us what will superpowers do to their naughty little neighbor.As Vietnamese, you are so lucky that you still haven't been punished for doing so many stupid things.
it is not that god blessed you, but that Chinese people are too peace-loving.
The Universal answer of the OP from a Chinese member is, Blame the west for our deed, we are a peaceful people. LOL

Whatever people say Chinese is bad, Chinese will say, we are bad? No way, look at the people in the west, we are not half as bad. But if the guy next to me jump off a bridge, should i follow?? :cheers:

Seriously, the problem is, being 90% han meaning there WILL be supression or at least discrimination of minority happened to their society, this is the basic problem of Chiense as a society. To a country that is over 90% the same race the racial competibility will be miminal at their own society, and when those people are your minority under your society, those same people are majority of the other society. That translate to the racial competibility did not do well to other nations. Hence the convertness is not doing Chinese a big favor as a world player.

With those mentality, when China face the world, chinese tend to treat people in the world as the same as their own minority (ie, there are no different to a Korean living in China and a Korean living in Korea) but the fact to the matter is, when those people are your minority, you can afford to ignore them, but when they were in another country full of the same people, you can't.

This explain the lack of diplomacy China have been dealing with the world, when they think the world is their minority, they don't tend to help, nor attack, there are no reason to. But when a fellow Han Chinese is at danger, then the Chinese will scream conspiracy or bloody murder as loud as they can.

This is the same effect, China think the world turn around her, but not the other way around.
They weren't bully, they just don't know how to deal with international relation, like a boy's first love which he don't know how to handle, i know, it's kinda queer but this is IMO the best explanation.
The reason that China is now being called a bully is because China has territorial disputes with her neighbours. Now it takes atleast two to have a dispute. What about the otherside of the dispute ? What makes you think that the claims of those countries is anymore valid than that of China's ? And why is it only called bullying when its done by China and not let say when its done by the US ?
because the brainwashing of the western media,isn't it obivious?
@ jhungary
can you tell who is minority and who is Han in China? even we Chinese cann't most of the time!
I have friends who are Manchu,Mongolian,Tujia ,Zhuang ,Hui! if they don't tell me they are minority,i'll don't know it for ever.how can an ethnic discriminate another when they cann't distinguish each other.you are a fake China hand that you even don't know a commen sense that most Han want to be minority(At least hope marked in ID cards)for the preferential minority policies. does a racist want to become the one discriminated?Illogical!So your argument has no foundation and crushes.
hey ,guy! if you think I'm wrong ,you can point out it and tell us what is right.
trolling doesn't improve your personal accomplishment!
tell us what will superpowers do to their naughty little neighbor.As Vietnamese, you are so lucky that you still haven't been punished for doing so many stupid things.
it is not that god blessed you, but that Chinese people are too peace-loving.
China is a super power ?? what a cheap joke, do I need to remind you how coward China was in 1979 ??

Your govt. simply too scare to fight a real serious war with us already, so, if you wanna fight, let grab a gun and do it by your self.:coffee:
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