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Why India Can't Catch Up With the West


May 25, 2010
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Why India Can't Catch Up With the West
India's legions of petty bureaucrats are killing the country's economy.

London—A deep gloom has settled in here: Europe’s glory days, it’s feared, are over. Private bank excesses and public-sector legacy costs are poised to drag the continent—and America—down for generations. Only India and China are seen as the rising stars in the global firmament. Their young economies have stalled this year. But they are expected to recover, learn from the West’s mistakes and become economic powerhouses, displacing the West’s global hegemony.

Setting China and its opaque autocracy aside, India, I am quite confident, ain’t going to perch its tricolored flag atop the globe anytime soon. Not until it does something about its soul-sapping bureaucracy. The world’s largest democracy doesn’t have rule of law—it has the rule of babus, the local term for petty bureaucrats. And so long as they keep challenging India’s entrepreneurs, there isn’t much chance that India will challenge the West.

For all their problems and flaws, Western powers—America, Canada, England, Germany, and others—have functional institutions such as well-defined property rights, effective courts that enforce contracts and state-of-the-art infrastructure that enhance the productivity of their citizens. By contrast, India’s horrendous bureaucracy systematically thwarts its citizens, killing productivity, often for no apparent reason but to exercise its powers over them.

Consider my recent encounter with it: My husband, son and I were in New Delhi and wanted to make a short trip to Malaysia with our cousins. Thanks to a law passed after the 2008 Mumbai attacks, noncitizens (as we are) who wish to leave and re-enter the country within 90 days have to get special permission.

Hence, at 8 a.m. one day, armed with our Malaysia tickets, hotel bookings and other documents listed on the government website, we drove to the Foreigners Registration Regional Office. After waiting in line for one of the five mustachioed babus, we were informed that we were at the wrong office. First, the Home Ministry must grant permission. Then their office would enter it in our passports.

We sped across town to the ministry where, after some frisking and interrogating, we were directed into a room where 100 other supplicants like us were crammed. This 15-by-30-foot space reeked of urine from the ramshackle lavatory walled off in one corner. At one end sat a secretary. At the other, the babus. We needed the secretary’s green light to see the babus, and to see her, we took a number: 85. She was then processing No. 12. After two hours, she got to us. “Incomplete paperwork,” she sneered. “Get photocopies of your visas, passports and return flights to the U.S. before the babu calls you or else you’ll have to come back another day.”

We ran around frantically to get everything ready, which we managed to do just before we were summoned. Alas, there was another problem: Malaysia is not contiguous with India and therefore not among the countries from which re-entry is allowed. We’d have to cancel our trip, the babu said, unless we persuaded his superior—call him Mr. Singh—to give us special permission.

We anxiously headed for Mr. Singh’s office, intercepting him, luckily, just before he went home for lunch with his waiting wife. He hurriedly penned us a note granting permission. Overjoyed, we returned to our babu, who seemed satisfied. He kept all our documents and told us to head back to the original registration office before 4 p.m.

Giddy with relief, we drove back, expecting smooth sailing. Wrong again. We needed to resubmit all the documents that the ministry babu had taken from us to the registration office or it wouldn’t stamp the passport. Once again, we scurried. We returned 15 minutes before closing at 6 p.m. with everything—only to be told that they had forgotten to tell us that we also needed the electricity bill of our permanent address in New Delhi.

I snapped. But I retained enough presence of mind to play my final card: I threatened to report them to Mr. Singh, who—I pretended—was a family friend. That worked. And, after some face-saving kvetching, they grudgingly stamped our passports.

In other words, a routine matter that shouldn’t have taken more than 10 minutes swallowed 30 hours of our lives. Yet, by Indian standards, ours was a happy ending. Episodes even more Kafka-esque than ours are replayed daily across the country. We had time, resources and the savvy to devote to a matter that, ultimately, didn’t have existential stakes for us. But what about, say, a poor rickshaw driver who needs a license to earn his meager income? Or a farmer who needs the title to his land (something that can take 240 to 400 days in some parts of the country)?

Western bureaucracies are inefficient, but get things done. Indian bureaucracy is orders of magnitude worse and gets nothing done—unless you count harassing people—which is why it is ranked the worst in Asia. And literally every world survey rates India among the very bottom in ease of doing business. The World Bank puts India virtually last among 183 countries in enforcement of contracts.

This is all thanks to the immense discretionary powers that India’s irrational rules hand to bureaucrats. Until that changes, fears that the sun is setting on the West are premature, to say the least.

Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia, a native of India, is a columnist at The Daily, where this column originally appeared.
In most cases Indians tend to be a little to excessive in there pessimism....and tend to get there knickers in a twist for no apparent reason just because either there too delusional or they don't have the full story or the know how on the intricacies of a certain social phenomenon.

But in this case im totally on board..fk the BABUS...fking semi literate POSs.:angry:
IF we solve the BABU problem im willing to bet a months saving tht the economy will add 2% to its gdp growth .

Y do i like NDA recently...seemingly NArenda and Nitish manged to indoctrinate hard work into its babu brigade by nice propaganda and PR campaigns.

We need similar change all over India ASAP.
Setting China and its opaque autocracy aside, India, I am quite confident, ain’t going to perch its tricolored flag atop the globe anytime soon

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/196985-why-india-cant-catch-up-west.html#ixzz21B1xG2yW

no prob we will take our time........We don't need lesson on Economics from West.......So far things we have done have worked pretty good.......Slow and steady .......That's India:enjoy:

One thing i don't understand why is west so worried about what india does????........When did they become so caring?????:blink:
India talks a lot but does very little - FACT.

India will remain a third world country, it will never fully develop. Just take a look at the disgusting and pathetic state of India's holiest of holy river, its tells a story in itself about the reality of how India is and works. Sad but true.

A half decent leadership that actually gives a damn about India is what is needed!
India talks a lot but does very little - FACT.

India will remain a third world country, it will never fully develop. Just take a look at the disgusting and pathetic state of India's holiest of holy river, its tells a story in itself about the reality of how India is and works. Sad but true.

A half decent leadership that actually gives a damn about India is what is needed!

We arent a third world country anymore. Your shithole tiny island is one.
I think life has its own beauty in different regions ..valuing life solely on the lifestyle of a particular community is absurd ..world has different yardstick for quality of life but mental peace and pride of being something to someone cannot be gauged .and some people value it more than material prosperity ..i am all for happy community rather than a rich one
We arent a third world country anymore. Your shithole tiny island is one.

yes, u r a third world country and will remain one until India is balkanized from its own doing, internally. Truth hurts, I know, I know.
no prob we will take our time........We don't need lesson on Economics from West.......So far things we have done have worked pretty good.......Slow and steady .......That's India:enjoy:

One thing i don't understand why is west so worried about what india does????........When did they become so caring?????:blink:

considering their so called policies have landed the world in one of the greatest recessions . i am glad we follow our own path .
yes, u r a third world country and will remain one until India is balkanized from its own doing, internally. Truth hurts, I know, I know.

Truth is that we are 11th largest economy by GDP, 3rd largest by PPP and still growing by 6-7 % despite a global recession. YOu live in a country that is sooooo insignificant so better STFU.

Thanks to our babus we develop slower but we are.....
We arent a third world country anymore. Your shithole tiny island is one.

Koovie....dont get upset man. Let them point out our problems. PROBLEMS= OPPORTUNITIES, never forget that. After dealing with the British and Islamic Invaders who left India high and dry of it wealth, we are still rolling forward. We to correct issues and we need t o maintain pressure on the SOBs in our country who are running it to the ground. To folks like BRICs, its hard for them to see India crushing them. In fact, they cannot digest it. They go hard on forums, internet, media to make India look bad. Ask yourself why? They are scared once we get our act together, we will f-king crush them
Truth is that we are 11th largest economy by GDP, 3rd largest by PPP and still growing by 6-7 % despite a global recession. YOu live in a country that is sooooo insignificant so better STFU.

Thanks to our babus we develop slower but we are.....

Do you really think he is a jamican? Just go through all his previous posts to know his nationality. Have you ever seen a jamaican so interested in India's affairs? A jamaican who joins a pakistani forum to spew bile against India?

So instead of making remarks about jamaica, I suggest you leave the ashamed-of-his-own-flag-troll alone.
Do you really think he is a jamican? Just go through all his previous posts to know his nationality. Have you ever seen a jamaican so interested in India's affairs? A jamaican who joins a pakistani forum to spew bile against India?

So instead of making remarks about jamaica, I suggest you leave the ashamed-of-his-own-flag-troll alone.

You never know, since this is the World wide web... literally everything is possible

5000 children die of hunger everyday in India.
lakhs of farmers have commit suicide.
Religious and ethnic riots.

Half a billion Indians 5hit on railtracks and the footpath.
Half your politicians are murderers, rapists, thiefs.
Billions looted by your "elected" leadership.
Love Jihad.
Christian missionaries spreading like wild fire across the country.
Naxals on the rampage, etc, etc, etc.

FFS, an Indian doesn't even rule India. You STFU and get ready to choose which state you wanna live in when India is balkanized, after Muslims carve out another country for themselves.
yes, u r a third world country and will remain one until India is balkanized from its own doing, internally. Truth hurts, I know, I know.

In 60 yrs India has manged all this ....Power which took Centuries to rise today look toward Us today....... Just imagine As More time goes by As we become more mature......what will happen then.......50 yr back we had nothing...British had looted us, We din't have Money nor jobs.....Today India has youngest Demographic with huge Knowledge base which is recognized worldwide for it expertise ........... Like i say "Picture abhi baki hai mere dost"

Past before all these Invasion & Stealing two power rules this planet INDIA/BHARAT & CHINA ............ And one thing abt HIstory is ..........IT LIKES TO REPEAT IT.......:devil:

You can continue living on your Island ...by the way which country flag is that :D

P.S:- Your NIckname (BRICS) was coined to Denote the Rising status of India & China:D
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