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Why Imran Khan idea about TTP office in brilliant?

Did I say all of them are killers? No many were/are very good people All the worst things is generalization, and I do not generalize ( a disease very common in Pakistan), but indeed some of our people did support killing. I did not call you liar, I requested you not to promote lies. [we were basically armed to defend ourselves against attackers, but we happened to misuse them sometimes (it is always possible) and later it became a norm.] well! election is different, no doubt, but few dear to say this. I believe truth is the best image though sometimes it might hurt.

I don't vote for MQM due to some ideological differences ... If you have some problem with them then you shouldn't vote ...........
Why give office to TTP ? We can simply replace Pervaiz Khattak with Hakeem Ullah Mehsod :D

He may need few more years to understand that there is no good terrorist or good extremists
I don't vote for MQM due to some ideological differences ... .
A liar should have a good memory. Anyway, Your's punishment is not in the least that you are not being believed, but that you cannot believe anyone else.
A liar should have a good memory. Anyway, Your's punishment is not in the least that you are not being believed, but that you cannot believe anyone else.

stay on the topic?
dont try to bring, frogs when the topic is about dogs?
or will be reported!
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imran khan is either a total idiot or a foreign agent..thats the only two conclusions i can draw from his office opening suggestion. even fazl ur rehamn havnt dropped to level to ask Terrorist to open up offices
i am glade that people of punjab didnt voted for him, or it would have been very bad for pakistan

To be honest i was also thinking did Imran Khan made a mistake by saying TTP should be allowed to open a office but i also could understand why he was saying that.

But after giving his idea second thoughts and talking with some other friends here is my view why Imran Khan's idea is brilliant. Reason is simple get them into politics , ask them to open office , sitt on table and talk , stop fighting. It will take time to change them but its only way. There are more than local ppl living in these area, ppl hiding from there goverment or from Pakistanies for there crimes as it has always been with these area.

Forget about politics and which party u belong to or even which country u are from. Can u realy think you can kill every one and take over area to live in peace ? Histroy speaks for itself after Americans leaving Afghanistan atleast most of them in 2014 it will be even harder to have any control. These groups will have even bigger area to play on and no way Afghans or Pakistan or any one else can control border.

You cant change people by force its a long time process with education etc etc.

And a suggestion to my PTI politicans please dont make comments like its 40% chance we can take control of waziristan by force etc etc. Atleast not in public.
imran khan supporter will support even the worst blunders by IK just like bhutto supporters support every move of bhutto.
no matter how u look at it, this would be disaster for us
imran khan is either a total idiot or a foreign agent..thats the only two conclusions i can draw from his office opening suggestion. even fazl ur rehamn havnt dropped to level to ask Terrorist to open up offices
i am glade that people of punjab didnt voted for him, or it would have been very bad for pakistan

imran khan supporter will support even the worst blunders by IK just like bhutto supporters support every move of bhutto.
no matter how u look at it, this would be disaster for us

bhie jaan ..u have seen alot of critics of imran khan even in his own party... can u dared to do that in MQM or family party PML N.. wahan kehtay tu buri tayar hoti ap k
@mr420 I cannot truly comprehend that why would a Pakistani say that. These people have killed so many of your countrymen and you want them to have a political presnece? We have seen how that turns out in other countries, it is not pretty. They will get a political shield rather than have any disadvantages. We can defeat them militarily: it is a myth perpetuated that they cannot be defeated. He who wishes to challenge the State of Pakistan is an enemy, that's the base of all constitution. Why are we so ready to bend over for them and supply some oil?
i don't agree with this idea because if u give them the space for opening an office in some where Peshawar or Islamabad and next day an attack happened in common people or our security forces than who will be responsible for the violence happening in the heart of country or province and all the process of dialog will be finished.
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