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Why has Maoist violence subsided in India?


Nov 12, 2022
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Incidents of Maoist violence and deaths in India have dropped drastically in the last decade, pointing to waning rebel influence.

CRPF Cobra with advanced IWI SR-99 sniper rifle

Incidents of Maoist violence in India dropped by 77% between 2009 and 2021 — while left-wing extremism incidents decreased from 2,258 to 509 in the same period, according to home ministry data.

Moreover, there have been fewer deaths of civilians and security forces, down by almost 85%, from an all-time high of 1,005 in 2010 to 147 in 2021.

Diminishing influence of rebels
Except for a minor spike in violence for three years (2019-22) in the central state of Chhattisgarh, the epicentre of Maoist violence, it appears to be petering out elsewhere. The geographical spread of the violence has also reduced to 46 districts today — compared to 96 districts in 2010, according to home ministry figures.

"Our policy envisages a multi-pronged strategy involving security-related measures, development interventions, and ensuring rights and entitlements of local communities. Steadfast implementation of this policy has resulted in a consistent decline in violence in affected areas," Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai told Parliament last month.

Often referred to as India's biggest internal security challenge, the Maoist insurgency, which started in the 1960s, has claimed over 12,000 lives, according to estimates from security agencies and NGOs.

Maoist rebels, not numbering more than 15,000, have been waging their war against the Indian state for over a decade and their presence was once felt in nearly a third of India's 640 districts. The number of districts in India has since increased to 766, as documented in the 2011 census.

'Destroyed several generations'
"A large number of people have lost their lives to the violence which has destroyed several generations," Bhupesh Tiwari, who runs the NGO 'Saathi' in Bastar, the Maoist stronghold in Chhattisgarh, told DW. "The Maoist insurgency has lost its appeal and people want to get on with their lives."

India's Maoists, often called Naxalites, have managed to draw support from disgruntled citizens, especially tribals, who believe they have been exploited and have not benefited from the fruits of economic growth.

They claim they are fighting for the indigenous communities who, they stress, are routinely exploited by private corporations and the political class.

Shubhranshu Choudhary, the convener of The New Peace Process, an initiative for peace in Maoism-hit central India, also believes that the threat posed by Maoists has been reduced and it would be an opportune time to start a dialogue for a complete closure. Choudhary remains cautious, though

"Root causes of the problem have not been addressed much, but central India is at a stage where peace can be negotiated like Nepal or Colombia," according to Choudhary, who has been working with tribals in Chhattisgarh for decades. "But if it is not handled well, it can also degenerate into a gang war which will be more difficult for common people."

Security experts have also suggested that the once-formidable insurgency appears weakened and dispirited as the group is experiencing deep cracks within. Many of the guerrilla outfit's leaders, with several platoons across seven states, have either died or surrendered over the years.

Development and police action
Home ministry officials point out that at least 15 of the 24 members in the Maoists' central committee and politburo are over 60 years of age and the recent COVID pandemic, coupled with vector-borne diseases in the jungles had weakened their command structure.

Besides this, its cadres and mid-level leaders are increasingly deserting the movement. States affected by left-wing extremism have put in place a policy that unites police action with economic development that has breached several Maoist strongholds, entrapping or wooing the guerrilla fighters into submission.

"There is a crisis of recruitment," Ajai Sahni, a counter-terrorism expert and executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, told DW. "Moreover, the command and control structure of the Maoists has debilitated given that their influence has dipped considerably over the years and they do not have a coherent strategy.

"There has been a fair share of success in terms of affecting the Maoists' basic capabilities and capacities. Developmental work in inhospitable terrains have also helped," added Sahni.

The security forces have succeeded in capturing more than 8,000 active cadres in the last four years, while an equal number of Maoists have surrendered before authorities.

Former police chief still wary
R K Vij, a former director general of the police who used to handle anti-Maoist operations in Chhattisgarh, also pointed out that violence has come down in the last decade.

"The Maoists in their reports have admitted that fresh recruitment has dried, the size of military formations reduced, and they are short of ammunition. On the other hand, the security forces have moved forward, established new camps and improved their training and intelligence network," Vij told DW.

However, a cautious tone remains, and to claim the demise of the Maoists would seem premature. Despite facing an increasingly hostile environment, the Maoists continue to make efforts to stage a comeback, constantly evolving new strategies and looking for new fighting equipment.

"They are still capable of carrying out serious attacks, have opened up a new front in the form of a new guerrilla zone involving the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh," said Vij. "Therefore, the security forces still need to be on alert and move forward in the areas of security vacuum."

Given that security forces are spreading deeper into Maoist strongholds and the insurgency across the country has been successfully overwhelmed with strong action by both central and state police forces on the ground, it will be interesting to see how the rebels sustain themselves.

Moreover, a lack of ideological clarity within the Maoist ranks and with few members of the motivated old leadership still in command have also proved to be catalysts for their fading.

"It is clear that the Maoist insurgency has decreased significantly with the death or capture of many of its key leaders and ability of the Indian state to expand its security apparatus," Suhas Chakma, director of the Rights and Risks Analysis Group, an independent think tank, told DW

@Windjammer @Areesh @Primus @hussain0216 :azn:
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Incidents of Maoist violence and deaths in India have dropped drastically in the last decade, pointing to waning rebel influence.
View attachment 910230
CRPF Cobra with advanced IWI SR-99 sniper rifle

Incidents of Maoist violence in India dropped by 77% between 2009 and 2021 — while left-wing extremism incidents decreased from 2,258 to 509 in the same period, according to home ministry data.

Moreover, there have been fewer deaths of civilians and security forces, down by almost 85%, from an all-time high of 1,005 in 2010 to 147 in 2021.

Diminishing influence of rebels
Except for a minor spike in violence for three years (2019-22) in the central state of Chhattisgarh, the epicentre of Maoist violence, it appears to be petering out elsewhere. The geographical spread of the violence has also reduced to 46 districts today — compared to 96 districts in 2010, according to home ministry figures.

"Our policy envisages a multi-pronged strategy involving security-related measures, development interventions, and ensuring rights and entitlements of local communities. Steadfast implementation of this policy has resulted in a consistent decline in violence in affected areas," Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai told Parliament last month.

Often referred to as India's biggest internal security challenge, the Maoist insurgency, which started in the 1960s, has claimed over 12,000 lives, according to estimates from security agencies and NGOs.

Maoist rebels, not numbering more than 15,000, have been waging their war against the Indian state for over a decade and their presence was once felt in nearly a third of India's 640 districts. The number of districts in India has since increased to 766, as documented in the 2011 census.

'Destroyed several generations'
"A large number of people have lost their lives to the violence which has destroyed several generations," Bhupesh Tiwari, who runs the NGO 'Saathi' in Bastar, the Maoist stronghold in Chhattisgarh, told DW. "The Maoist insurgency has lost its appeal and people want to get on with their lives."

India's Maoists, often called Naxalites, have managed to draw support from disgruntled citizens, especially tribals, who believe they have been exploited and have not benefited from the fruits of economic growth.

They claim they are fighting for the indigenous communities who, they stress, are routinely exploited by private corporations and the political class.

Shubhranshu Choudhary, the convener of The New Peace Process, an initiative for peace in Maoism-hit central India, also believes that the threat posed by Maoists has been reduced and it would be an opportune time to start a dialogue for a complete closure. Choudhary remains cautious, though

"Root causes of the problem have not been addressed much, but central India is at a stage where peace can be negotiated like Nepal or Colombia," according to Choudhary, who has been working with tribals in Chhattisgarh for decades. "But if it is not handled well, it can also degenerate into a gang war which will be more difficult for common people."

Security experts have also suggested that the once-formidable insurgency appears weakened and dispirited as the group is experiencing deep cracks within. Many of the guerrilla outfit's leaders, with several platoons across seven states, have either died or surrendered over the years.

Development and police action
Home ministry officials point out that at least 15 of the 24 members in the Maoists' central committee and politburo are over 60 years of age and the recent COVID pandemic, coupled with vector-borne diseases in the jungles had weakened their command structure.

Besides this, its cadres and mid-level leaders are increasingly deserting the movement. States affected by left-wing extremism have put in place a policy that unites police action with economic development that has breached several Maoist strongholds, entrapping or wooing the guerrilla fighters into submission.

"There is a crisis of recruitment," Ajai Sahni, a counter-terrorism expert and executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, told DW. "Moreover, the command and control structure of the Maoists has debilitated given that their influence has dipped considerably over the years and they do not have a coherent strategy.

"There has been a fair share of success in terms of affecting the Maoists' basic capabilities and capacities. Developmental work in inhospitable terrains have also helped," added Sahni.

The security forces have succeeded in capturing more than 8,000 active cadres in the last four years, while an equal number of Maoists have surrendered before authorities.

Former police chief still wary
R K Vij, a former director general of the police who used to handle anti-Maoist operations in Chhattisgarh, also pointed out that violence has come down in the last decade.

"The Maoists in their reports have admitted that fresh recruitment has dried, the size of military formations reduced, and they are short of ammunition. On the other hand, the security forces have moved forward, established new camps and improved their training and intelligence network," Vij told DW.

However, a cautious tone remains, and to claim the demise of the Maoists would seem premature. Despite facing an increasingly hostile environment, the Maoists continue to make efforts to stage a comeback, constantly evolving new strategies and looking for new fighting equipment.

"They are still capable of carrying out serious attacks, have opened up a new front in the form of a new guerrilla zone involving the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh," said Vij. "Therefore, the security forces still need to be on alert and move forward in the areas of security vacuum."

Given that security forces are spreading deeper into Maoist strongholds and the insurgency across the country has been successfully overwhelmed with strong action by both central and state police forces on the ground, it will be interesting to see how the rebels sustain themselves.

Moreover, a lack of ideological clarity within the Maoist ranks and with few members of the motivated old leadership still in command have also proved to be catalysts for their fading.

@Windjammer @Areesh @Primus @hussain0216 :azn:

Stop begging for attention pajeet
Maoist rebels, not numbering more than 15,000, have been waging their war against the Indian state for over a decade and their presence was once felt in nearly a third of India's 640 districts. The number of districts in India has since increased to 766, as documented in the 2011 census.

1. Yeah, less than 15,000 Naxals against 300,000+ government personnel with MRAPs, drones with Israel-made human scanners, machine-gun-equipped helicopters. Plus hundreds or thousands of Salwa Judum militia members. Salwa Judum means Peace March in Gondi. Much peace being spread by these militias. :rofl:

2. What for are the Naxals being slaughtered by the Indian state ? Were they the collective parents of Delhi girl Aayushi who was honor killed a few days ago for choosing to marry by her choice, to a Hindu man of another caste ( not even the abhorrent Love Jihad'ing Muslim ) and being freedom-minded ?

Did the Naxals force 400,000 Indian farmers to suicide just between 1995 and 2018 ? 400,000 is the population of a small city.

Are the Naxals running the notorious coaching centers of Kota which have become the suicide spots for students ?

Did the Naxals impose the Lockdown reverse migration of laborers and force hunger death upon Arveena Khatoon in 2020 ?

Is this misguided girl a Naxal ?

Are the Naxals running the privatized healthcare system in India because of which people are being extorted of money and in case the people are unable to pay the extortion they can go die or suffer for years ?

Is it the Naxals who have built this obscene, two-billion-dollar 27 storey "home" for a family of five or six with six storeys for the 168 cars and a private temple and a helipad on top for the owners to go their office where the entire company delivers either useless products and services or does extortion and whose workers bring the income to the company but it is the owners and board of directors who take away majority of that money and live in mansions while the workers live in slums and travel in the packed trains of Bombay with a regular chance of falling from the doors and getting cut under the wheels of that train or a passing train ?

is it the Naxals who have obscenely constructed the tallest statue in the world to venerate a haraami genocider of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu ?

Is it the Naxals who gangrape and torture the forest dwellers on accusations of collaboration or is it the Salwa Judum and the government personnel ? Greyhounds... isn't torture is what is done to cats ? :)

Was it the Naxals who declared as "Woh Brahman hain, sanskaari log hain" about 11 males who gangraped a pregnant woman after smashing her three-year-old daughter's head with a stone and slaughtering the rest of her family fleeing from pogrom ?

Was it Naxals who imposed 25,000 rupees on the family of a two-year-old Dalit boy who in innocence of the country's 3000-year-old anti-human caste system had walked into a temple ?

Was it the Naxals who are bombers cum members of parliament and gave this speech openly a few days ago in Shimoga to the cheers of the openly gathered audience ?

Was it Naxal female fighters who tortured a young woman in Delhi by first abducting her, confining her to a house in that national capital, getting the men of their family including two 12-year-old boys to sexually assault her and beat her with belts and other things, then shave her head and then parade her through Delhi roads in daytime while beating her throughout for two hours with total absence of police and dozens of onlookers cheering ?

Was it Naxals who owned a personal car into which sat four "men" on New Year's night 2023 on the outskirts of Delhi, drunk, crashed into a scooter ridden by two girls and continued driving, with the driver girl, Anjali, coming under the wheels of the car and being dragged along the roads of Delhi for 13 kilometers during which she would have died after a few kilometers with her head and body thudding on the road and she screaming but the people in the car hearing her screams but choosing to drive on and she having her skull getting open and brain matter coming out and her back opening to the ribs and her hips missing flesh and no one knowing how long she suffered ? Was it Naxal media which started a haraami fake-moral campaign by pointing to her clothes being around her ankles and then declaring "Was she raped ?" because apparently in Indian culture her being raped is worse than her body being stripped to the bone and her skull going half-missing when she was alive and screaming and no police personnel being around for those 13 kilometers despite the criminal car crossing state border ? Was it the Naxals who did not immediately institute a people's court, livestreamed it and arranged a firing squad for the four people in the car for so so brutally murdering her and arranged a firing squad for the police commanders and BJP leaders who waved away this murder ? Is it Naxal media which has started a witch hunt for Anjali's friend Nidhi who rode on the scooter behind her but after the crash she ran away out of fear ? Was it Naxal female fighters who declared derisively about that murdered girl "Woh toh piyay hui thi" ( Oh she was drunk ) as if that justified she having her body sliced away while alive ?

Are these Naxal female fighters who are so callous and psychopathic about the murder by torture of a seven-month-old boy by some street dogs, the dogs finding the boy lying on the ground of a housing society in Noida and tearing up the boy and removing his intestines while he was alive ? Are these bitches Naxals ????? Are these bitches Naxals who shouldn't be handed over to a people's court to be tried and shut ?

Are Naxal female fighters pushing men into jails for engaging in mutual flirting with 14 or 15-year-old girls even as majoritarian sentiment in the country is baying for genocide of certain other sections ?

The Naxals are accused of waging war against the Indian State but it is the Indian State that has been waging war and oppression against the Indian citizens for the last 75 years and in 2023 AD India is kept mentally and materially living in 1000 BC. So who should be condemned ? The CRPF soldier and the air force soldier who cuts down a Naxal from the ground and from the air must think if his cousin has throat cancer and needs 30 lakhs to get it cured failing which he will die agonizingly, will the political, social and socio-economic systems being defended by those CRPF soldier and air force soldier defend and protect their cousin if the cousin doesn't have money to pay to the extortionary hospital ? Or will that system allow the cousin to die agonizingly ? Therefore the CRPF soldier and the air force soldier must look at examples in world history where progressives in the military helped overthrow the oppressors and the anti-humans. Where has this happened for example ? French Revolution, Russian revolution, Libyan revolution of 1969, the preceding Egyptian revolution of the Free Officers whose leader became Nasser, in Iraq and Syria, and so on. The terrorism by the Indian State must end.

'Destroyed several generations'
"A large number of people have lost their lives to the violence which has destroyed several generations," Bhupesh Tiwari, who runs the NGO 'Saathi' in Bastar, the Maoist stronghold in Chhattisgarh, told DW. "The Maoist insurgency has lost its appeal and people want to get on with their lives."

"Destroyed several generations" how ? Who is committing the violence in the Red Corridor - the less than 15,000 Naxals or the 300,000+ government personnel plus thousands of Salwa Judum militia ? :)

And who is this Bhupesh Tiwari who runs the NGO Saathi in Bastar ? He claims to be a Gandhian, a follower of Gandhi's non-violence path but he is advocating State violence against the Naxals and saying that the "Naxals have destroyed generations" which I didn't understand how. Would Gandhi have spoken of dialogue and understanding with the Naxals given his own short period of collaboration with the Communists / Socialists Bhagat Singh and Subhas Chandra Bose and agitation against State oppression which then was the British colonial one, or would Gandhi have led the guns against the Naxals ? This then influences one to think that Bhupesh advocates State violence and oppression and the gangrapes and the tortures done by the government personnel and Salwa Judum in the anti-Naxal war.

Bhupesh's has retweeted this post by Aarti Tikoo, a so-called journalist who is a propagandist for bhagwa terrorism. I have watched her on Godi Media talk shows when she is so poisonous. There is no context provision to the retweet but we can guess that Bhupesh is no different from Aarti :

In the vid Aarti is interviwing a tribal girl in what Aarti is calling a "Naxal-affected area". "Naxal-affected" as if Naxalism is a disease like malaria or rabies. What about the 3000-year-old terrorist ideology called Hindutva which is spreading like weaponized rabies across India and the Western world, though the Western citizens are fed up of it ? In the interview Aarti is pushing the girl to vote for Modi jee ( "Kamal" / BJP's lotus symbol ) :

Here is one retweet by Aarti celebrating feudalism / zamindaari. The oppressions and terrors of feudalism is what the Naxal movement arose against in the 1960s so this is one of the reasons why Aarti did the interview in what she called a "Naxal-affected" area and she pushed the girl towards voting for BJP / Modi whose ideology has been feudalist :

And observe who all on her timeline is congratulating her - those haraami Bhakts with "Indic" in their bios and an appropriated Indian flag as their profile pic.

@jamahir prastut ho and peshii de

aap p anti national communist hone ke ilzaam lagae ge h

court has decided this is a fitting punishment for you.

Is being "anti-national" worse than being anti-human ? And how does one describe anti-national ? Below is my thread and an article by Anand Patwardhan :

How can you keep your cool and be in good humour when dealing with him?

I am a charmer, that's why. :enjoy:
1. Yeah, less than 15,000 Naxals against 300,000+ government personnel with MRAPs, drones with Israel-made human scanners, machine-gun-equipped helicopters. Plus hundreds or thousands of Salwa Judum militia members. Salwa Judum means Peace March in Gondi. Much peace being spread by these militias. :rofl:

2. What for are the Naxals being slaughtered by the Indian state ? Were they the collective parents of Delhi girl Aayushi who was honor killed a few days ago for choosing to marry by her choice, to a Hindu man of another caste ( not even the abhorrent Love Jihad'ing Muslim ) and being freedom-minded ?

Did the Naxals force 400,000 Indian farmers to suicide just between 1995 and 2018 ? 400,000 is the population of a small city.

Are the Naxals running the notorious coaching centers of Kota which have become the suicide spots for students ?

Did the Naxals impose the Lockdown reverse migration of laborers and force hunger death upon Arveena Khatoon in 2020 ?

Is this misguided girl a Naxal ?

Are the Naxals running the privatized healthcare system in India because of which people are being extorted of money and in case the people are unable to pay the extortion they can go die or suffer for years ?

Is it the Naxals who have built this obscene, two-billion-dollar 27 storey "home" for a family of five or six with six storeys for the 168 cars and a private temple and a helipad on top for the owners to go their office where the entire company delivers either useless products and services or does extortion and whose workers bring the income to the company but it is the owners and board of directors who take away majority of that money and live in mansions while the workers live in slums and travel in the packed trains of Bombay with a regular chance of falling from the doors and getting cut under the wheels of that train or a passing train ?

is it the Naxals who have obscenely constructed the tallest statue in the world to venerate a haraami genocider of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu ?

Is it the Naxals who gangrape and torture the forest dwellers on accusations of collaboration or is it the Salwa Judum and the government personnel ? Greyhounds... isn't torture is what is done to cats ? :)

Was it the Naxals who declared as "Woh Brahman hain, sanskaari log hain" about 11 males who gangraped a pregnant woman after smashing her three-year-old daughter's head with a stone and slaughtering the rest of her family fleeing from pogrom ?

Was it Naxals who imposed 25,000 rupees on the family of a two-year-old Dalit boy who in innocence of the country's 3000-year-old anti-human caste system had walked into a temple ?

Was it the Naxals who are bombers cum members of parliament and gave this speech openly a few days ago in Shimoga to the cheers of the openly gathered audience ?

Was it Naxal female fighters who tortured a young woman in Delhi by first abducting her, confining her to a house in that national capital, getting the men of their family including two 12-year-old boys to sexually assault her and beat her with belts and other things, then shave her head and then parade her through Delhi roads in daytime while beating her throughout for two hours with total absence of police and dozens of onlookers cheering ?

Was it Naxals who owned a personal car into which sat four "men" on New Year's night 2023 on the outskirts of Delhi, drunk, crashed into a scooter ridden by two girls and continued driving, with the driver girl, Anjali, coming under the wheels of the car and being dragged along the roads of Delhi for 13 kilometers during which she would have died after a few kilometers with her head and body thudding on the road and she screaming but the people in the car hearing her screams but choosing to drive on and she having her skull getting open and brain matter coming out and her back opening to the ribs and her hips missing flesh and no one knowing how long she suffered ? Was it Naxal media which started a haraami fake-moral campaign by pointing to her clothes being around her ankles and then declaring "Was she raped ?" because apparently in Indian culture her being raped is worse than her body being stripped to the bone and her skull going half-missing when she was alive and screaming and no police personnel being around for those 13 kilometers despite the criminal car crossing state border ? Was it the Naxals who did not immediately institute a people's court, livestreamed it and arranged a firing squad for the four people in the car for so so brutally murdering her and arranged a firing squad for the police commanders and BJP leaders who waved away this murder ? Is it Naxal media which has started a witch hunt for Anjali's friend Nidhi who rode on the scooter behind her but after the crash she ran away out of fear ? Was it Naxal female fighters who declared derisively about that murdered girl "Woh toh piyay hui thi" ( Oh she was drunk ) as if that justified she having her body sliced away while alive ?

Are these Naxal female fighters who are so callous and psychopathic about the murder by torture of a seven-month-old boy by some street dogs, the dogs finding the boy lying on the ground of a housing society in Noida and tearing up the boy and removing his intestines while he was alive ? Are these bitches Naxals ????? Are these bitches Naxals who shouldn't be handed over to a people's court to be tried and shut ?

Are Naxal female fighters pushing men into jails for engaging in mutual flirting with 14 or 15-year-old girls even as majoritarian sentiment in the country is baying for genocide of certain other sections ?

The Naxals are accused of waging war against the Indian State but it is the Indian State that has been waging war and oppression against the Indian citizens for the last 75 years and in 2023 AD India is kept mentally and materially living in 1000 BC. So who should be condemned ? The CRPF soldier and the air force soldier who cuts down a Naxal from the ground and from the air must think if his cousin has throat cancer and needs 30 lakhs to get it cured failing which he will die agonizingly, will the political, social and socio-economic systems being defended by those CRPF soldier and air force soldier defend and protect their cousin if the cousin doesn't have money to pay to the extortionary hospital ? Or will that system allow the cousin to die agonizingly ? Therefore the CRPF soldier and the air force soldier must look at examples in world history where progressives in the military helped overthrow the oppressors and the anti-humans. Where has this happened for example ? French Revolution, Russian revolution, Libyan revolution of 1969, the preceding Egyptian revolution of the Free Officers whose leader became Nasser, in Iraq and Syria, and so on. The terrorism by the Indian State must end.

"Destroyed several generations" how ? Who is committing the violence in the Red Corridor - the less than 15,000 Naxals or the 300,000+ government personnel plus thousands of Salwa Judum militia ? :)

And who is this Bhupesh Tiwari who runs the NGO Saathi in Bastar ? He claims to be a Gandhian, a follower of Gandhi's non-violence path but he is advocating State violence against the Naxals and saying that the "Naxals have destroyed generations" which I didn't understand how. Would Gandhi have spoken of dialogue and understanding with the Naxals given his own short period of collaboration with the Communists / Socialists Bhagat Singh and Subhas Chandra Bose and agitation against State oppression which then was the British colonial one, or would Gandhi have led the guns against the Naxals ? This then influences one to think that Bhupesh advocates State violence and oppression and the gangrapes and the tortures done by the government personnel and Salwa Judum in the anti-Naxal war.

Bhupesh's has retweeted this post by Aarti Tikoo, a so-called journalist who is a propagandist for bhagwa terrorism. I have watched her on Godi Media talk shows when she is so poisonous. There is no context provision to the retweet but we can guess that Bhupesh is no different from Aarti :
View attachment 910262

In the vid Aarti is interviwing a tribal girl in what Aarti is calling a "Naxal-affected area". "Naxal-affected" as if Naxalism is a disease like malaria or rabies. What about the 3000-year-old terrorist ideology called Hindutva which is spreading like weaponized rabies across India and the Western world, though the Western citizens are fed up of it ? In the interview Aarti is pushing the girl to vote for Modi jee ( "Kamal" / BJP's lotus symbol ) :

Here is one retweet by Aarti celebrating feudalism / zamindaari. The oppressions and terrors of feudalism is what the Naxal movement arose against in the 1960s so this is one of the reasons why Aarti did the interview in what she called a "Naxal-affected" area and she pushed the girl towards voting for BJP / Modi whose ideology has been feudalist :

And observe who all on her timeline is congratulating her - those haraami Bhakts with "Indic" in their bios and an appropriated Indian flag as their profile pic.

Is being "anti-national" worse than being anti-human ? And how does one describe anti-national ? Below is my thread and an article by Anand Patwardhan :

I am a charmer, that's why. :enjoy:
Incidents of Maoist violence and deaths in India have dropped drastically in the last decade, pointing to waning rebel influence.
View attachment 910230
CRPF Cobra with advanced IWI SR-99 sniper rifle

Incidents of Maoist violence in India dropped by 77% between 2009 and 2021 — while left-wing extremism incidents decreased from 2,258 to 509 in the same period, according to home ministry data.

Moreover, there have been fewer deaths of civilians and security forces, down by almost 85%, from an all-time high of 1,005 in 2010 to 147 in 2021.

Diminishing influence of rebels
Except for a minor spike in violence for three years (2019-22) in the central state of Chhattisgarh, the epicentre of Maoist violence, it appears to be petering out elsewhere. The geographical spread of the violence has also reduced to 46 districts today — compared to 96 districts in 2010, according to home ministry figures.

"Our policy envisages a multi-pronged strategy involving security-related measures, development interventions, and ensuring rights and entitlements of local communities. Steadfast implementation of this policy has resulted in a consistent decline in violence in affected areas," Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai told Parliament last month.

Often referred to as India's biggest internal security challenge, the Maoist insurgency, which started in the 1960s, has claimed over 12,000 lives, according to estimates from security agencies and NGOs.

Maoist rebels, not numbering more than 15,000, have been waging their war against the Indian state for over a decade and their presence was once felt in nearly a third of India's 640 districts. The number of districts in India has since increased to 766, as documented in the 2011 census.

'Destroyed several generations'
"A large number of people have lost their lives to the violence which has destroyed several generations," Bhupesh Tiwari, who runs the NGO 'Saathi' in Bastar, the Maoist stronghold in Chhattisgarh, told DW. "The Maoist insurgency has lost its appeal and people want to get on with their lives."

India's Maoists, often called Naxalites, have managed to draw support from disgruntled citizens, especially tribals, who believe they have been exploited and have not benefited from the fruits of economic growth.

They claim they are fighting for the indigenous communities who, they stress, are routinely exploited by private corporations and the political class.

Shubhranshu Choudhary, the convener of The New Peace Process, an initiative for peace in Maoism-hit central India, also believes that the threat posed by Maoists has been reduced and it would be an opportune time to start a dialogue for a complete closure. Choudhary remains cautious, though

"Root causes of the problem have not been addressed much, but central India is at a stage where peace can be negotiated like Nepal or Colombia," according to Choudhary, who has been working with tribals in Chhattisgarh for decades. "But if it is not handled well, it can also degenerate into a gang war which will be more difficult for common people."

Security experts have also suggested that the once-formidable insurgency appears weakened and dispirited as the group is experiencing deep cracks within. Many of the guerrilla outfit's leaders, with several platoons across seven states, have either died or surrendered over the years.

Development and police action
Home ministry officials point out that at least 15 of the 24 members in the Maoists' central committee and politburo are over 60 years of age and the recent COVID pandemic, coupled with vector-borne diseases in the jungles had weakened their command structure.

Besides this, its cadres and mid-level leaders are increasingly deserting the movement. States affected by left-wing extremism have put in place a policy that unites police action with economic development that has breached several Maoist strongholds, entrapping or wooing the guerrilla fighters into submission.

"There is a crisis of recruitment," Ajai Sahni, a counter-terrorism expert and executive director of the Institute for Conflict Management, told DW. "Moreover, the command and control structure of the Maoists has debilitated given that their influence has dipped considerably over the years and they do not have a coherent strategy.

"There has been a fair share of success in terms of affecting the Maoists' basic capabilities and capacities. Developmental work in inhospitable terrains have also helped," added Sahni.

The security forces have succeeded in capturing more than 8,000 active cadres in the last four years, while an equal number of Maoists have surrendered before authorities.

Former police chief still wary
R K Vij, a former director general of the police who used to handle anti-Maoist operations in Chhattisgarh, also pointed out that violence has come down in the last decade.

"The Maoists in their reports have admitted that fresh recruitment has dried, the size of military formations reduced, and they are short of ammunition. On the other hand, the security forces have moved forward, established new camps and improved their training and intelligence network," Vij told DW.

However, a cautious tone remains, and to claim the demise of the Maoists would seem premature. Despite facing an increasingly hostile environment, the Maoists continue to make efforts to stage a comeback, constantly evolving new strategies and looking for new fighting equipment.

"They are still capable of carrying out serious attacks, have opened up a new front in the form of a new guerrilla zone involving the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh," said Vij. "Therefore, the security forces still need to be on alert and move forward in the areas of security vacuum."

Given that security forces are spreading deeper into Maoist strongholds and the insurgency across the country has been successfully overwhelmed with strong action by both central and state police forces on the ground, it will be interesting to see how the rebels sustain themselves.

Moreover, a lack of ideological clarity within the Maoist ranks and with few members of the motivated old leadership still in command have also proved to be catalysts for their fading.

"It is clear that the Maoist insurgency has decreased significantly with the death or capture of many of its key leaders and ability of the Indian state to expand its security apparatus," Suhas Chakma, director of the Rights and Risks Analysis Group, an independent think tank, told DW

@Windjammer @Areesh @Primus @hussain0216 :azn:
It would be good if the violence reduced through democratic means. If it is subdued through brutal oppression then it will popup again in one form or another.
When tens of thousands of Indian Muslims are under threat of homelessness in the middle of winter and their plight is being applauded by Hindu fanatics across India the depth and breadth of the problem becomes apparent

This is the culmination of Jinnahs warning to Indian Muslims and minorities

This is why Kashmiri are resisting Hindus in their Muslim state

Across India their is division and they want to put kala Hindus Into Kashmir so the same communal disaster everywhere else can be continued in Kashmir
1. Yeah, less than 15,000 Naxals against 300,000+ government personnel with MRAPs, drones with Israel-made human scanners, machine-gun-equipped helicopters. Plus hundreds or thousands of Salwa Judum militia members. Salwa Judum means Peace March in Gondi. Much peace being spread by these militias. :rofl:

2. What for are the Naxals being slaughtered by the Indian state ? Were they the collective parents of Delhi girl Aayushi who was honor killed a few days ago for choosing to marry by her choice, to a Hindu man of another caste ( not even the abhorrent Love Jihad'ing Muslim ) and being freedom-minded ?

Did the Naxals force 400,000 Indian farmers to suicide just between 1995 and 2018 ? 400,000 is the population of a small city.

Are the Naxals running the notorious coaching centers of Kota which have become the suicide spots for students ?

Did the Naxals impose the Lockdown reverse migration of laborers and force hunger death upon Arveena Khatoon in 2020 ?

Is this misguided girl a Naxal ?

Are the Naxals running the privatized healthcare system in India because of which people are being extorted of money and in case the people are unable to pay the extortion they can go die or suffer for years ?

Is it the Naxals who have built this obscene, two-billion-dollar 27 storey "home" for a family of five or six with six storeys for the 168 cars and a private temple and a helipad on top for the owners to go their office where the entire company delivers either useless products and services or does extortion and whose workers bring the income to the company but it is the owners and board of directors who take away majority of that money and live in mansions while the workers live in slums and travel in the packed trains of Bombay with a regular chance of falling from the doors and getting cut under the wheels of that train or a passing train ?

is it the Naxals who have obscenely constructed the tallest statue in the world to venerate a haraami genocider of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu ?

Is it the Naxals who gangrape and torture the forest dwellers on accusations of collaboration or is it the Salwa Judum and the government personnel ? Greyhounds... isn't torture is what is done to cats ? :)

Was it the Naxals who declared as "Woh Brahman hain, sanskaari log hain" about 11 males who gangraped a pregnant woman after smashing her three-year-old daughter's head with a stone and slaughtering the rest of her family fleeing from pogrom ?

Was it Naxals who imposed 25,000 rupees on the family of a two-year-old Dalit boy who in innocence of the country's 3000-year-old anti-human caste system had walked into a temple ?

Was it the Naxals who are bombers cum members of parliament and gave this speech openly a few days ago in Shimoga to the cheers of the openly gathered audience ?

Was it Naxal female fighters who tortured a young woman in Delhi by first abducting her, confining her to a house in that national capital, getting the men of their family including two 12-year-old boys to sexually assault her and beat her with belts and other things, then shave her head and then parade her through Delhi roads in daytime while beating her throughout for two hours with total absence of police and dozens of onlookers cheering ?

Was it Naxals who owned a personal car into which sat four "men" on New Year's night 2023 on the outskirts of Delhi, drunk, crashed into a scooter ridden by two girls and continued driving, with the driver girl, Anjali, coming under the wheels of the car and being dragged along the roads of Delhi for 13 kilometers during which she would have died after a few kilometers with her head and body thudding on the road and she screaming but the people in the car hearing her screams but choosing to drive on and she having her skull getting open and brain matter coming out and her back opening to the ribs and her hips missing flesh and no one knowing how long she suffered ? Was it Naxal media which started a haraami fake-moral campaign by pointing to her clothes being around her ankles and then declaring "Was she raped ?" because apparently in Indian culture her being raped is worse than her body being stripped to the bone and her skull going half-missing when she was alive and screaming and no police personnel being around for those 13 kilometers despite the criminal car crossing state border ? Was it the Naxals who did not immediately institute a people's court, livestreamed it and arranged a firing squad for the four people in the car for so so brutally murdering her and arranged a firing squad for the police commanders and BJP leaders who waved away this murder ? Is it Naxal media which has started a witch hunt for Anjali's friend Nidhi who rode on the scooter behind her but after the crash she ran away out of fear ? Was it Naxal female fighters who declared derisively about that murdered girl "Woh toh piyay hui thi" ( Oh she was drunk ) as if that justified she having her body sliced away while alive ?

Are these Naxal female fighters who are so callous and psychopathic about the murder by torture of a seven-month-old boy by some street dogs, the dogs finding the boy lying on the ground of a housing society in Noida and tearing up the boy and removing his intestines while he was alive ? Are these bitches Naxals ????? Are these bitches Naxals who shouldn't be handed over to a people's court to be tried and shut ?

Are Naxal female fighters pushing men into jails for engaging in mutual flirting with 14 or 15-year-old girls even as majoritarian sentiment in the country is baying for genocide of certain other sections ?

The Naxals are accused of waging war against the Indian State but it is the Indian State that has been waging war and oppression against the Indian citizens for the last 75 years and in 2023 AD India is kept mentally and materially living in 1000 BC. So who should be condemned ? The CRPF soldier and the air force soldier who cuts down a Naxal from the ground and from the air must think if his cousin has throat cancer and needs 30 lakhs to get it cured failing which he will die agonizingly, will the political, social and socio-economic systems being defended by those CRPF soldier and air force soldier defend and protect their cousin if the cousin doesn't have money to pay to the extortionary hospital ? Or will that system allow the cousin to die agonizingly ? Therefore the CRPF soldier and the air force soldier must look at examples in world history where progressives in the military helped overthrow the oppressors and the anti-humans. Where has this happened for example ? French Revolution, Russian revolution, Libyan revolution of 1969, the preceding Egyptian revolution of the Free Officers whose leader became Nasser, in Iraq and Syria, and so on. The terrorism by the Indian State must end.

"Destroyed several generations" how ? Who is committing the violence in the Red Corridor - the less than 15,000 Naxals or the 300,000+ government personnel plus thousands of Salwa Judum militia ? :)

And who is this Bhupesh Tiwari who runs the NGO Saathi in Bastar ? He claims to be a Gandhian, a follower of Gandhi's non-violence path but he is advocating State violence against the Naxals and saying that the "Naxals have destroyed generations" which I didn't understand how. Would Gandhi have spoken of dialogue and understanding with the Naxals given his own short period of collaboration with the Communists / Socialists Bhagat Singh and Subhas Chandra Bose and agitation against State oppression which then was the British colonial one, or would Gandhi have led the guns against the Naxals ? This then influences one to think that Bhupesh advocates State violence and oppression and the gangrapes and the tortures done by the government personnel and Salwa Judum in the anti-Naxal war.

Bhupesh's has retweeted this post by Aarti Tikoo, a so-called journalist who is a propagandist for bhagwa terrorism. I have watched her on Godi Media talk shows when she is so poisonous. There is no context provision to the retweet but we can guess that Bhupesh is no different from Aarti :
View attachment 910262

In the vid Aarti is interviwing a tribal girl in what Aarti is calling a "Naxal-affected area". "Naxal-affected" as if Naxalism is a disease like malaria or rabies. What about the 3000-year-old terrorist ideology called Hindutva which is spreading like weaponized rabies across India and the Western world, though the Western citizens are fed up of it ? In the interview Aarti is pushing the girl to vote for Modi jee ( "Kamal" / BJP's lotus symbol ) :

Here is one retweet by Aarti celebrating feudalism / zamindaari. The oppressions and terrors of feudalism is what the Naxal movement arose against in the 1960s so this is one of the reasons why Aarti did the interview in what she called a "Naxal-affected" area and she pushed the girl towards voting for BJP / Modi whose ideology has been feudalist :

And observe who all on her timeline is congratulating her - those haraami Bhakts with "Indic" in their bios and an appropriated Indian flag as their profile pic.

Is being "anti-national" worse than being anti-human ? And how does one describe anti-national ? Below is my thread and an article by Anand Patwardhan :

I am a charmer, that's why. :enjoy:
I hope you get a job. No body would read if you write like this.
When tens of thousands of Indian Muslims are under threat of homelessness in the middle of winter and their plight is being applauded by Hindu fanatics across India the depth and breadth of the problem becomes apparent

This is the culmination of Jinnahs warning to Indian Muslims and minorities

This is why Kashmiri are resisting Hindus in their Muslim state

Across India their is division and they want to put kala Hindus Into Kashmir so the same communal disaster everywhere else can be continued in Kashmir
Can Pakistan volunteer with a law like CAA and help out poor Indian muslims. May be we'll see how many actually take up on Pakistan's offer. Otherwise worry about your country which is soon to be bankrupt. Jinnah hadn't warned you about intellectual bankruptcy in Pakistan?
desh ke gaddaron ko
goli maaro saalon ko

Insaaniyat kay ghaddaaron ko Pluto bhayjo haraamiyon ko.

Keep up your 3000-year-old nonsense, irrationality and terrorism. Which is why you Hindutvadis are hated in the world :

But what became of this gentleman ? Did he take jal samaadhi yet along with his 100,000 followers ?

Hindutva mitth jaayega magar insaaniyat aur Communism nahi mitengay. Insaaniyat aur Khudrat hi antim satya hain. :)

It would be good if the violence reduced through democratic means. If it is subdued through brutal oppression then it will popup again in one form or another.

Naxals just are Communists who want good for India. There are upper caste Hindu women who join Naxal movement because they find oppression in their homes and establishment-led society on a daily basis. For decades after the movement started there were so many students from "good" middle class families joining the movement. I have always said on PDF, and this tags into your post, that the Supreme Court must have dialogue with the Naxals. We cannot expect Modi to speak with Maoist. When he didn't venture out a few kilometers from his secured official residence in Delhi to speak with the farmers who had been protesting in Delhi at various sites for a full year of 2020-21 and when after the end of the protests in December 2021 the protesters said that 670 farmers had died during the protests - only because of Modi's stubbornness - and called for a memorial in Delhi in their name ( like there are various for the military ) and called for monetary and other compensation for the families of the dead farmers Modi government just said "Oh we have no records of the dead so no memorial and no compensation" but is spending 1800 crores on realizing the Ram Mandir expressly by 1st January 2024, a building to protect a non-living stone idol but Modi government not caring for 670 farmers dying because of Supreme Leader Modi jee's stubbornness, it is not expectable of him to speak with the Naxals, so Supreme Court must speak with them and take their suggestions and give its own ideas and mix and match and better the country in addition to using the Naxal discipline in removing crime and psychopathy from the streets. :)

When tens of thousands of Indian Muslims are under threat of homelessness in the middle of winter and their plight is being applauded by Hindu fanatics across India the depth and breadth of the problem becomes apparent

This is the culmination of Jinnahs warning to Indian Muslims and minorities

This is why Kashmiri are resisting Hindus in their Muslim state

Across India their is division and they want to put kala Hindus Into Kashmir so the same communal disaster everywhere else can be continued in Kashmir

Homeless in India in winter are not just Muslims. :) For every Arveena Khatoon murdered by Modi government through artificial hunger and thirst there are non-Muslim deaths and sufferers too.
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Insaaniyat kay ghaddaaron ko Pluto bhayjo haraamiyon ko.
just because people don't want to part with their money to feed the entire universe doesn't mean ki un me insaniyaat nahi hai.

Keep up your 3000-year-old nonsense, irrationality and terrorism.
again firing from behind Pakistani skirts on this forum like a coward..

why don't you cap your ire at "capitalists" and leave the mazhabi mamley aside ?
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