I need to watch discovery channel more
What differentiate being human and animals is that Humans can use our wisdom and upbringing to make correct decisions in life.
However there is no connection between fighting and actually being the better person
There are variation of fighting
a) Ambush moves
b) Bullying
c) Actually a 1 vs 1 battle Till death
d) A petty ...b slapping between two fellas who can't fight
d) Fighting like Amir Khan does (For Tournaments or events) Profession
e) Street fights at random you are in wrong place at wrong time
The only time it is worth fighting is if you are protecting someone weaker who can't defend themselves
If you get thru life with out hurting another human then you have done a great job going thru life
- Greatest fight you can ever fight is if you help orphans
- Adopt someone in streets
- Help feed someone hungry without having financial capcity yourself
That makes people like Mr Edhi in our country as one of the Most greatest fighter in our times
I think if we look at certain cultures in Past lets take The Roman Empire for example
They had a culture of brutal fights and fighters who fought to death on daily basis
They had assembled the greatest of all Fighters around the globe who would fight against
peasants. However in end , the rule of Roman Epire came to end due to various Peasants who had enough of excess of an empire. So it shows as the folks who may appear weak still hold great power to bring large changes across human history and French Revolution story is no different against Monarchy and those given great titles of Fighters
If Violence was the messaure of strength the Gladiators would still exist in world today
Simialrly in Greek Empire they also had a culture of Professionally Trained fighter who were trained since early age of 5-10 years olds as fighters. But in end we will notice that ideas of intellectuals still overshadowed the might of muscle the ideas of public debate and politics still outlived the military exploits. The ideas of "Republic" originated in Greek society their military brute strength concepts did not last the test of time but their ideas based on mind and education exist in some capacity in world today
Pen > Sword I guess it is true
However when the peasants pick up arms then civilizations crash real fast