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why democracy is necessary for pakistan

Pakistan’s judiciary and the media seem critical of the present government; the media wants to create its own hegemony and the judiciary wants to maintain and sustain its legitimacy over and above parliament. The government has to accommodate these two and accept their legitimacy. If not, non-democratic elements are waiting to avail such a clash of institutions and will definitely try to break up the existing structure.

Removal of the government, midterm elections, or portraying a negative image of the democratic representatives is not the solution. Lessons should be learnt from the past.

It is the responsibility of the entire nation and the political parties to protect democracy and not let it sink if they really claim to be democracy lovers.
all i know is that as a common man i have never been so poor and so disillusioned as i m now ... Democracy in this country is only practised for one day in five years , all other days are ruled by dictators in civvies .
Pakistani democracy at best can be described at competition of strongest feudal lord. Democracy will not succeed in Pakistan unless the contesting candidates come from common man instead of corrupt elites and people actually understand the value of their votes. I cant even imagine an odinary child ever dreaming to become a Pakistani member of senate let alone president or prime minister. India on other hand (as much as we like to despise) them is a shining example of ordinary citizens making it to high seats of politics.
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