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why Chinese culture can always absorb other cultures and India not

Nah,it's just a delusion created by chinese themselves.Only some of northern barbarians and southern manzi could possibly got absorded by chinese.once it meet other great civilization like islam,indian and christian civilization.chinese is the one who get absorded.

we met them so many times for thousands of years

You have freedom only on net not in real life

China bans Uighur Muslims from fasting during Ramadan | ummid.com

China tolerate every one by force :lol:

yes,we all have our own ethnic minority problems,that's very normal.only one or maybe you can say two depending on how you term trouble are making trouble out of China's 56 ethnic groups,so ,it's not really that bad,ha
we met them so many times for thousands of years

And yes,Many chinese became muslims buddhists or christians,not the vice versa.most of southern chinese immigrants don't give any **** to china or chinese culture or whatsoever.
yes,we all have our own ethnic minority problems,that's very normal.only one or maybe you can say two depending on how you term trouble are making trouble out of China's 56 ethnic groups,so ,it's not really that bad,ha

We tolearate everyone but not potential trouble makers.

By stopping them from practice of their religion you want to stop potential trouble???

And still this chest thumping thread ????
And yes,Many chinese became muslims buddhists or christians,not the vice versa.most of southern chinese immigrants don't give any **** to china or chinese culture or whatsoever.

How many?comparing with China's huge population,it's still tiny.
only two ethnic groups sometime make troubles,Uyghurs and Tibetans,Uyghur sporadically tend to violence,but never in big scale like what happens in Kashmir. Tibetans,what they do can barely be called trouble,some fanatics burn themselves once or twice a year.they dont usually cause other troubles.

all other ethnic groups have no trouble at all.that's pretty impressive.
How many?comparing with China's huge population,it's still tiny.

Nah,hundreds of millions of chinese became buddhists,christian,muslims& and communists,that's not tiny at all.How many hindos,muslims and christian became confucianists or taoists?now that is tiny.
Tibetans,what they do can barely be called trouble,some fanatics burn themselves once or twice a year.they dont usually cause other troubles.

Do you know Tibetan writing system is Indian, the descendant of Indian Brahmi script.
only two ethnic groups sometime make troubles,Uyghurs and Tibetans,Uyghur sporadically tend to violence,but never in big scale like what happens in Kashmir. Tibetans,what they do can barely be called trouble,some fanatics burn themselves once or twice a year.they dont usually cause other troubles.

If 120 death don't even bother you then please don't create such false threads

Some 120 Tibetans have set themselves alight since February 2009
Read more: Tibetan dies after self-immolation, reports say | Fox News
Nah,hundreds of millions chinese became buddhists,christian,muslims& and communists,that's not tiny at all.How many hindos,muslims and christian became confucianists or taoists?now that is tiny.

neither of them can really change a country's culture,it's the big picture this article is talking about.those religions changed face of many nations,but hardly make a dent to Chinese culture,even China accepted them ,they are already sinonized and became something of China's own.
Chinese culture forces people to accept it, ask the Tibetans. If you have doubts about Indian culture then ask the Parsi's, Baha'is and the Jews who were all accepted into Indian culture and are still their today. If they had asked for refuge in China there culture and religion would not exist. Indian culture has accepted all religions and other cultures, just look at the demographics of India. China doesn't absorb foreign cultures, it destroys them.
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