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why china is so corrupt, I want to tell my own story about corruption

I cana tell you this, when you look case by case, each case of corruption done nothing harmful to the country, society and its people, if you are involved within, it usually turn out good.

But when you looking at them as general practice and in general. you will start to feel the different.

Say, everybody pay kickback to custom to release their good when suspected counterfeit.

You maynot think oh, it's of no problem, if you are actually just wrongly accused to it, but what if it is someone really send out counterfeit goods? This translate to, as long as i get pay, i will never get caught. Or even as long as i get pay my good can be masked as original and get exported. That's usually what come back and bite you on the arse.

Ok, another example, a cop pull me over for i am speeding, i was in a hurry and maybe late to a very important appointment or just any other excuse. I offer the cops 50 bucks and ask him to let me go, this does not harm anyone right? But what about the cop, he would have just ask for money the next time and the next time he pulled someone over, rather enforcing the law. Or What if next time i speed and cop let me go because of a bribe, and then i hit someone??

Corruption is everywhere in today society, it's not just in China or whatever, but it exist in the developed country like US, UK or Australia, it generally do not present a problem to society, but the moment you think it's right to do some bribery, then your civilisation are going to hell.
the fabrics start to rot from there because of people like you!
the fabrics start to rot from there because of people like you!

Sup chi bot? On a menstrual cycle again? or what is the meaning behind the quoted rant? I'd really love to know. Dont bother answering, ill answer it for you:
you are one of those kind of people who sweep problems under the rug and not face them out of fear, their own benefit etc....
not because of me. I am also a "victim".

victim? you are shameful! you take delight in a crime that is created by you! and you dont even have the feeling of shame to spill it out on a public forum!

Sup chi bot? On a menstrual cycle again? or what is the meaning behind the quoted rant? I'd really love to know. Dont bother answering, ill answer it for you:
you are one of those kind of people who sweep problems under the rug and not face them out of fear, their own benefit etc....

get lost!!!!!!!!
victim? you are shameful! you take delight in a crime that is created by you! and you dont even have the feeling of shame to spill it out on a public forum!
no, I am not feeling shameful.
because I exactly know,in china business is based on relationship network, not based on law.
even relationship with corrupt officer is also important....
my love to china is not less than you,
but I am not a saint.
no, I am not feeling shameful.
because I exactly know,in china business is based on relationship network, not based on law.
even relationship with corrupt officer is also important....
my love to china is not less than you,
but I am not a saint.

this is just a very basic requirement of a responsible citizen of any civil society - abide by the law! you have ruined it!
you are several levels below:

-1: you have broken the law
-2: you dont even know whats wrong with it
-3: you unashamedly share it with everyone on a public forum (an international one)
-4: partriotism only makes us more respect of the rule of law and knowing what is really wrong with our country right now. you are far short of both!
When there is Power and money, corruption follows............

But in corruption usually poor and powerless people suffer enormously.
I am a corrupt business man.
but sometimes in my view corruption has it own advantage.
Let me just give you a example happens last week.

I have a cargo which will ship to Germany.
but the customs inspected (standard inspection) my cargo and attached my goods because of suspect of false trademark.
in normal way you need at least a 15 day -30 days to get back my goods. and the consignee in germany ( the trademark owner must also provide evidence that they are the Mark owner) but it will take such long time.
in this case you will probably lose a client for future business because of delay. even the delay is not because of me.

but in china you can do it in different way.
you can pay the customs officer a little money to release your goods.
and they also release the goods at once after they get the money.
then everyone will be happy, including myself.( because it saved my future bussiness with this client)

sometimes, in my own view, little corruption is not that bad.
and I choose to keep to be a corrupt business man.

It is impossible to get rid of corruption.
and fighting corruption is harder than everyone can imagine

what I want to tell is not how corrupt china is
but I just want people know that corrupt way sometimes is also the more efficient way.

Corruption floods only where too many people like you who compromise with bribes, where people both hate and love it...
It's common among Asia society but it's rare in Northen Europe.
One way to look at the issue of corruption of govt officials, is to look at it as a problem of efficiency, particularly of regulations - regulation that seeks to impose penalties and does not offer swift legal remedy, causes an inefficiency, it leads to, it promotes, corruption.

Through out Asia, we are rediscovering "Tradition" - we have for generations (it was what led to our decline and decay) operated governments to "RESTRICT" economic activity, not promote it, and we still seem to not understand that economic activity needs efficient legal regulation and remedy.
Through out Asia, we are rediscovering "Tradition" - we have for generations (it was what led to our decline and decay) operated governments to "RESTRICT" economic activity, not promote it, and we still seem to not understand that economic activity needs efficient legal regulation and remedy.


How can anyone expect from Itaskol to behave in a moral manner, when everyone around him dont. Even worse, if he does, he damages his business (potentially).

The only solution i see is for him and others from his region making a big fuss at the local CCP office. Along the lines, "corrupt officials are harming our business endeavours, please sort this out".
That's all assuming the CCP guys aren't in on it and are getting a cut from the customs officials for the act of looking away when a disgruntled businessman comes with his pleas.
it is toooo risky, if I failed , they can put my company name on black list.
as a business man,what I seek is profit, not justice. and it is also important to keep a low profile

if pay bribes can solve problem easier, I will do it.

btw my client in european countires such like germany, will never thinking on pay bribes.
the customers officer in germany are sometimes also very unefficient, but no one dare to pay bribes to them.

I think it's just wrong what you did. I would never pay bribes, because the next time you can't refuse to pay again since you already set a precedence and you will always be susceptible to blackmailing even if you do nothing illegal in a completely unrelated transaction.

I am proud that our custom oficers are not bribeable and that's because our business people first of all will make sure the corrupt custom officer lose his job and get to jail. German business people would understand the delay if you tell them that you don't want to pay bribe and stay clean. That would win you a lot of respect and trust with your costumers in Germany.
Götterdämmerung;3648726 said:
I am proud that our custom oficers are not bribeable and that's because our business people first of all will make sure the corrupt custom officer lose his job and get to jail. German business people would understand the delay if you tell them that you don't want to pay bribe and stay clean. That would win you a lot of respect and trust with your costumers in Germany.

I agree with this, but the guy said he would be 1 month late on deliveries. That's a long time to keep your customers waiting, especially if they are waiting on crucial components to build something which in turn has a deadline of its own.
You should know how this stuff works. ;)
the fabrics start to rot from there because of people like you!

Its something which is hard to get by. Common people are 'cornered'.
I am very sure of the fact corruption cant be avoided by Anna Hazare or IAC movement in India.
U see, a single Registration centre issues 1000s of licences everyday.
One passes the most stringent test of getting 2/4wheeler licence. But still they wont approve , unless we bribe them.
The same goes for Customs. The system have become so rotten.
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