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Why China Fears No One?

Jun 22, 2009
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Here's an interesting perspective in the case of a total nuclear war in which every single nuclear power launches every single of their weapons. Would like to know your opinions by making useful comments. If you disagree then give reasons without being rude or disrepectful. Flaming helps no one and is a waste of time for both the giver and receiver. Also this is not a 'who's better than who' thread, rather should spark intelligent discussion. Enough said, here it is:



The Chinese people and their civilization is THE world's oldest civilization, stretching back over 10,000 years. No other civilization comes even close, not the ancient Egyptians (7,000 yrs) nor ancient Hindus (8,000 yrs). It is this, coupled with our immensely large population (and their inter-married descendents) spread over the entire globe that garners the Sino Civilization the most unique position.

It is from this self-understanding that gives Chinese their unique world view. We are proud but not arrogant. We are intelligent but humble. We are enterprising yet still strongly value family and community.

That is why Russia and USA's threats of 'Nuking China' in the last century was only a joke, since back then China was much more rural and Russia + USA combined nukes could only take out a small % of population. The retaliation of HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Chinese (not to mention overseas Chinese) and OTHER ASIANS, AFRICANS, ARABS, NATIVES would have wiped them out. So the USA/Russia/UK/France/Germany/Japan never could take on the DRAGON.

That's why they say, 'Once you wake up the Dragon, the World will change (for the better)'.

Now, China is 30% urbanized in large cities. If you consider that many of China's small towns are equivalent to tier-II Euro cities, then you can say China is 40% urbanized. China has the 2nd strike capability (as does USA, Russia) to level the planet.


Nations with Nukes are:

Class I (total world annilation capability):
USA > Russia > China

Class II (continental annilation with spillover):
Japan > France > Israel > India > Pakistan > UK > Germany

Class II (regional annilation with some trans-continental capability):
Japan > DPRK > Iran

* Note that Japan can easily move to Class I ahead of China if it converts spent reprocessed fuel to nukes. Japan can be classified as Class II if we consider they have a secret nuke program operation without the US knowing (which is difficult).

* Also ROK may also have a secret nuke program, same as Germany and UK. Ukraine and former USSR states may also have retained nukes. Not to mention the black market underground trade of WMD may give powerful mafias nuke capability.


The nations that have 'power projection' are:

Class A (trans-continental):
USA > China > Russia > Japan > France > ROK > UK

Class B (continental):
India > Pakistan > Brazil > DPRK > Iran

Class C (regional):
the rest of the small nations


Nations that have best survivability of Total World Nuke Destruction (TWND):

Class One (more than 70% survive):
India > Least developed sparsely populated African and Americas

Class Two (more than 50% survive):
China > Least developed Asians and Arabs

Class Three (more than 30% survive):
Least developed Euros

* Surviving the immediately fallout of a total world nuclear war (in which every single nuclear state goes all out!) is one thing. REBUILDING THE NATION AND PEOPLE DEPENDS ON: people's will, remaining infrastructure, cultural strength, language pervasiveness, traditional heritage, religion, etc.

Of this, older civilizations have a more stronger grounding. Thus centuries later Sino Civilization will be restored to her former glory. Civilizations with small population will integrate with the domination ones. This is not to say localized traditions/cultures/civilzations will die out - on the contrary, those in sparsely located ares will THRIVE.

We all will all die sooner or later, so with a TWND most of us will die sooner. But human civilization will be rebuilt on the will and efforts of the remaining survivors. Thus, whatever may happen the world will continue to survive.
There's a saying: Hope for the best, but plan for the worst!

When people realize that things can get worse, they become more humble and accepting of their unfortunate circumstances. When people understand the worst is pain + death, but death we all must go through they realize the value of life and (hopefully) become better person. It is this hope I want to portray. Old people feel at ease when they know the next generation will continue on their dreams. I believe life is such that we are all connected. We may die but others will continue..... that is hope.
Under what possible scenario, would the United States, for what possible reason, under what possible pretext, ever use nuclear weapons against our largest trading partner? That is the craziest idea I can think of.
Thank you DesertFalcon. Desperate times cause people to lose site of big picture and take desperate actions. It is not unreasonable to conclude that those who currently hold the monopoly of power, when their power is eroded (or rather there is equalization globally) they become desperate.

It is unpleasant but true. Even regular well behaved people can act in the most vicious, evil, self-serving when they fear for their survival. That is why dialogue helps. Not long ago, the common response by Americans to foreign challenges was 'Let's nuke them'..... I am the type of person that is very perceptive of my surroundings, and I noticed lately Americans are more open and accomondating (which is a good thing). But who is to say, one country nukes another, and there is massive riots.

It is this dangerous cascading effect that we need to prepare for. I truly believe the riots (and shooting) in Iran over the 'stolen' election was staged by CIA-MOSSAD-MI5/6. Evidence, logic and history strongly supports the Adjemimnadad DID INDEED WIN. Because ill preparation Iran was 'surprised'. Yes, living in America I know most Americans do not realize the magnitude of covert and overt 'destabilizing' (or more accurately called terrorist) operations that are carried out by their government.

As an example, how many here KNOW that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of US government --- but owned by Rothchilds and other wealthy Khazarian Jewish Banksters??????
Rebuilding nations is fine on paper but how does one do that when nuclear war has poisoned the world water supplies, farmlands, etc? Not to mention the fact that radiation will kill off most of the survivors anyway. There is a reason why it was called Mutually Assured Destruction.
Thank you DesertFalcon. Desperate times cause people to lose site of big picture and take desperate actions. It is not unreasonable to conclude that those who currently hold the monopoly of power, when their power is eroded (or rather there is equalization globally) they become desperate.

It is unpleasant but true. Even regular well behaved people can act in the most vicious, evil, self-serving when they fear for their survival. That is why dialogue helps. Not long ago, the common response by Americans to foreign challenges was 'Let's nuke them'..... I am the type of person that is very perceptive of my surroundings, and I noticed lately Americans are more open and accomondating (which is a good thing). But who is to say, one country nukes another, and there is massive riots.

It is this dangerous cascading effect that we need to prepare for. I truly believe the riots (and shooting) in Iran over the 'stolen' election was staged by CIA-MOSSAD-MI5/6. Evidence, logic and history strongly supports the Adjemimnadad DID INDEED WIN. Because ill preparation Iran was 'surprised'. Yes, living in America I know most Americans do not realize the magnitude of covert and overt 'destabilizing' (or more accurately called terrorist) operations that are carried out by their government.

As an example, how many here KNOW that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of US government --- but owned by Rothchilds and other wealthy Khazarian Jewish Banksters??????
If that is true, I advise you to stop using the computer. I am currently in NAND Flash manufacturing, specifically test engineering. If you are using an Intel processor, you must know that current Intel CPU processor line come from Intel Israel. If you did not know that then may be you are not as perceptive as you think, right? Anyway...I know from moving from DRAM to Flash, or even CPU for that matter, every die has repair arrays. No manufacturing process is ever perfect. But if there are any arrays remaining after repairs, then why not put it to good use, such as spying on people who are 'perceptive' enough to know that the Jews run the world. So as of now, the Rothschild clan have records of your name, location, bank accounts, debts, etc...etc...
remaining survivors. Remember Chernobyl? Well a few had aweful side effects, not most and these were the first generation. The second and third generation (their children) exhibited lower cases.

Same thing with Agent Orange which US killed/poisoned Vietnamese people. I saw quite a few victims first hand.... very sad :(:angry:

But the occurance decreased over time. Same with Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the effects greatly dimished. Remember that even if 50%, or 70% or 90% or even 99% of people die, Mother Nature will find a way. Now We have about 6 1/2 Billion people, so if 5% survive that about 330 million remaining --- the total world population for most of known history was less that that!

I WISH FOR WORLD PEACE, FRIENDSHIP, COOPERATION, AND BROTHERLY LOVE. But I have faith in our human race, we may be ignorant, violent, stupid and act on emtions --- but we are also endearing, persevering, hard-working and ingenius. :azn::wave:
Under what possible scenario, would the United States, for what possible reason, under what possible pretext, ever use nuclear weapons against our largest trading partner? That is the craziest idea I can think of.

Soviet and US both tried to nuclear China in the last century before we have n.b,that's why the bomb shelter is everywhere in our country,your govt ketp the war-truth away from you ,and picture the vivid evil soviet and china everyday ,thanks to internet , you counld't do the same thing anymore,like iraq war or guantanamera bay.and our trade-bonding is not that deep even 10 years ago .

back to the topic ,if the nuclear bomb cann't scare us ,i don't think the F-22 or AC can.another reason ,unlike other country ,we have PLA instead of CA, that means every chinese is a part of our army.we've been though hell,it couldn't be worse than that
Gambit, yes I know Intel and AMD does this thing. And yes, many people from around the globe contribute to Intel CPU development. You attempt at 'ridicule' is simply pathetic. :) Besides I may advise you to stop using the computer which is based off the Abacus, and math which is heavily derived from Chinese (which transfered to Arabs then passed to Europeans who advanced it further).

You see everyone adds contribution to society, some than others. Also every exploits or benefits from other people's work -- again some more than others. The point about being 'perceptive' has nothing to do with using what is beneficial.
Gambit, yes I know Intel and AMD does this thing. And yes, many people from around the globe contribute to Intel CPU development. You attempt at 'ridicule' is simply pathetic. :) Besides I may advise you to stop using the computer which is based off the Abacus, and math which is heavily derived from Chinese (which transfered to Arabs then passed to Europeans who advanced it further).

You see everyone adds contribution to society, some than others. Also every exploits or benefits from other people's work -- again some more than others. The point about being 'perceptive' has nothing to do with using what is beneficial.
My attempt at ridicule made the point...Which is that your conspiratorial thinking is utterly absurd. If the Jews are as powerful and evil as you claim, then it begs the question of how is it that 'perceptive' people like you, in this 'Information Age', are still allive to annoy them?
Yes, living in America I know most Americans do not realize the magnitude of covert and overt 'destabilizing' (or more accurately called terrorist) operations that are carried out by their government.

Oh my gosh! I almost spit up my coffee! You must have never spent any time in my country. Almost everything that our government gets up to, including our intel services, is front page news or on the Internet, in a matter of time. We "leak" like a row-boat. Practically everything here is reported by the press, whether the government likes it or not. The usually don't.

As an example, how many here KNOW that the Federal Reserve is NOT part of US government --- but owned by Rothchilds and other wealthy Khazarian Jewish Banksters??????

:rofl: Ha! Oh, your kidding with that, right?
I'm really not trying to make fun of you SinoIndus, but your views of America are, to put it politely, bizaar. They are out there with little green men in Area 51 and the Abominable Snowman.
News may leak, but not from Mainstream Media (MSM). Thanks to the internet for that! But with net neutrality issue.... the future doesn't seem so bright. Well there's always the darknet/freenet.....
desertfalcon, don't you realize I'm an American??? You know, there ARE chinese-origin, pakistani-origin, indian-origin, russian-origin people who are American citizens. :)
desertfalcon, don't you realize I'm an American??? You know, there ARE chinese-origin, pakistani-origin, indian-origin, russian-origin people who are American citizens. :)

Then why do your flags say that you are from Pakistan and in China?
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