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Why Are Poverty Rates in Pakistan Lower Than India, Bangladesh?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
There are many threads on this site discussing poverty rates in India and Pakistan where most people live in rural areas and depend on agriculture.

A key reason why Pakistan has significantly lower levels of poverty than India and Bangladesh is because its value added agriculture productivity is the highest in the region...as much as 2X higher than India's.


Livestock revolution enabled Pakistan to significantly raise agriculture productivity and rural incomes in 1980s. Economic activity in dairy, meat and poultry sectors now accounts for just over 50% of the nation's total agricultural output. The result is that per capita value added to agriculture in Pakistan is almost twice as much as that in Bangladesh and India.

Adding value is the process of changing or transforming a product from its original state to a more valuable state, according to Professor Mike Boland of Kansas State University. The professor explains how it applies to agriculture as follows:

"Many raw commodities have intrinsic value in their original state. For example, field corn grown, harvested and stored on a farm and then fed to livestock on that farm has value. In fact, value usually is added by feeding it to an animal, which transforms the corn into animal protein or meat. The value of a changed product is added value, such as processing wheat into flour. It is important to identify the value-added activities that will support the necessary investment in research, processing and marketing. The application of biotechnology, the engineering of food from raw products to the consumers and the restructuring of the distribution system to and from the producer all provide opportunities for adding value."

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Leads South Asia in Agriculture Value Addition

Haq's Musings: India's Agrarian Crisis: A Farmer Commits Suicide Every 30 Minutes
A key reason why Pakistan has significantly lower levels of poverty than India and Bangladesh is because its value added agriculture productivity is the highest in the region...as much as 2X higher than India's.

British did it through canal colonies boom when British built one of the best canal system bringing agricultural boom in entire Punjab region. Except for Punjab other regions of Pakistan are still extremely backward.
Pakistan has a great potential. We can turn our beautiful country around if we could get rid of Marxist policies and Islamist anarchy.

-- but that my friend is easier said than done.


Bihari babu, Marxism never flourished in Pakistan. Even Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who claimed himself as socialist came from Feudal background of Larkana. :lol:
Bihari babu, Marxism never flourished in Pakistan. Even Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who claimed himself as socialist came from Feudal background of Larkana. :lol:

IN Pakistan, marxism is selectively applied against industry, banks and schools. Farm lobby (luckily) is too strong to let the goons come snatch their property.

Sorry to bring India in. But just for a reference.

IN India, Nehruvian marxism was selectively applied against agri-land lords. industrial lobby (luckily) wa too strong to let the goons come snatch their factories, but still marxist unions are keeping indian manufacturing sector from really becoming strong and compete with S Korea and China.

HOpe you understand.
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IN Pakistan, marxism is selectively applied against industry, banks and schools. Farm lobby (luckily) is too strong to let the goons come snatch their property.

Sorry to bring India in. But just for a reference.

IN India, Nehruvian marxism was selectively applied against agri-land lords. industrial lobby (luckily) wa too strong to let the goons come snatch their factories, but still marxist unions are keeping indian manufacturing sector to really become strong and compete with S Korea and China.

HOpe you understand.

Only agricultural sector got benefits of Socialism policies. Even industries came under strong socialist policies once. Things only changed after Narasimha Rao's era new economic policies.
HUMANDEVELOPMENTINDEX. Pak better than India on poverty. WORRISOME India ranks lower than Pak on gender equality too. Chetan Chauhan.


We must remember that India's marxist policies of 60s and 70s made their situation worse.

But the way they are going RIGHT now, there is some hope that 20 years from now, they will improve.

Pakistan benefited from the pro-West policies in 50s and 60s.

That helped us to have a foundation that improved our indices.

However the way we in Pakistan are going RIGHT now, there is much less hope all thanks to evil combination of marxism and Islamism.

Most recent poverty estimates by World bank put Pakistan at 35% much higher than India's 23%.


Percentages without base numbers are just hocus pocus, statistical mumbo jumbo. But for some reason we keep on using it.

It is just not possible for India to rank lower than Pakistan on gender equality. I call BS

Yes. many such stats are BS because they do not take into account India's past policies (pre-90s) and the base population of billion +.

Don't fret too much.

Let's meet at the border and have a cup of tea together.


Why you have been to Pakistan?? Or its just that you are biased enough to cherrypick selective items that can boost your nationalist mindset any further??

Indians are doing since 90s what Pakistan did in 50s and 60s.

So what did Pakistan do in 50s and 60s?????????????????????????????

We had strong pro-West policies, and as a result our trade boomed and our government had a lot of dollars in the bank.

This allowed Pakistan to vastly improve its development indices.

Now we are in the opposite path, downwards direction


the development factors in 20 years will be opposite to where they are now or where they have been in the past.

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People can only understand simple charts.

simple charts about complex stuff can be misleading :lol:

As I say all the time

This $tupid @rse BS between Pakistan and India is just pathetic.

We both could be doing 100 times better if we learn to respect each other and work with each other.

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