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Why are Indians obsessed with Pakistan?

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Dec 9, 2011
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Analysis of India's Obsession with Pakistan

So I was searching for some various defense forums and came across an Indian-based forum where the main topic of discussion involves Pakistan. Each and every thread was about Pakistan, and it basically came off across constant bickering and slandering of Pakistanis on various issues. Now whats the point of even having all these topics when there is no intelligent form of discussion or open-mindedness?

Now I would like to ask, why are Indians so obsessed with Pakistan? Let's examine Pakistan from an Indian perspective.

-Pakistan's ISI has been portrayed in movies
- Indian media reports on Pakistan issues fairly well.
- On almost any Pakistani-based cricket or defense forum, you will see a fair share of Indians. You'll see both the trolls and also intelligent, peaceful Indians posting.
- Now I'm not going to generalize, but some Indians have the mentality that Pakistanis want to associate themselves with India? I don't know what kind of Pakistanis these Indians have talked to or met, but as a Pakistani myself, and every single Pakistani I know, we are all proud to be Pakistani and never have we associated ourselves with other people or another country.
- In foreign countries like UK, America, Canada - Pakistanis and Indians live side by side peacefully, yet it seems here in South Asia there are people still preaching hatred for the other side
- Indians think Pakistanis are obsessed with them, to fuel their own sense of "superiority". Come on, we're in the 21th century, nobody in the world or Pakistan has a flawed mentality like that
- Could it be a factor of Jealousy? Why would Indians need to jealous of Pakistanis though? Indians are better off in the economy, financial, health care and education sector.

So my question is, if we want peace to co-exist among Pakistan and Indians, can Indians please stop constantly thinking about Pakistan and slandering us? I rarely see Pakistani's being hostile towards Indians on this forum, and other forums alike. For peace to exist, both sides must come to agreement, but it will not happen when one side is constantly obsessed with the other.

The Indian obsession with Pakistan is what is causing the hatred from Indians toward Pakistanis. If this issue is not dealt with, then I'm afraid peace will never be an option because a certain, select group of Indians, will never lose this type of mentality. This obsession only stems from Indians living there and not from overseas Indians. The same can also be mentioned for Indian obsession by certain Pakistanis, but from what I've seen, the Pakistani obsession by Indians is fairly larger.

And if peace isn't an option; How about both countries just leave each other alone? I think that would help deal with various issues. Politicians from both sides should consider creating a giant wall (similar to the Great Wall of China :rofl: at the border) That will keep out any extremists from both sides entering neighboring countries for the purpose of destabilization and promoting/expressing flawed hatred.
i think the feeling is mutual..we are no different ;)
Most of us will lose purpose in life if somehow bollywood stops making movies.:woot:
both countries just leave each other alone

that would be better..and we should make a big wall b/w two nations.
You should do ur work and we will do our.

Their lives revolve around Pakistan.

yes ;) around pakistan ;)

in Afganistan,india,iran etc ;)
Pakistan offer free transit to Indian traders.... does this obsessed, Indian media or movies educate a common Indian about that?
us pakistanis are not different either, our people are obsessed with bollywood, specially salman khan and kareena kapoor
So I was searching for some various defense forums and came across an Indian-based forum where the main topic of discussion involves Pakistan. Each and every thread was about Pakistan, and it basically came off across constant bickering and slandering of Pakistanis on various issues. Now whats the point of even having all these topics when there is no intelligent form of discussion or open-mindedness?
try indian defence forum or even comments under TOI's articles relating pakistan
Why you are curious? try & understand that part. Maybe there lies the answer to your question!! give you a clue.. You won't be curious if you are not obsessed!!

So are we seeing you as a psychiatrist here or just someone who doesnt understand common sense? :lol:
Many of them are just desperate pathetic low-life losers whose life revolves around Pakistan. Each morning they wake up check news section on the web and look for stories on Pakistan, every day the word Pakistan is in their head. Of course, many of them won't admit to this but it's true. Many of them are also lonely people, and the only interesting thing in their life is Pakistani-related things online. Many of them don't even respect themselves because even when Pakistanis abuse them, their country or religion they just keep coming back for more.

Some of them have a long life dream to visit Pakistan and meet Pakistani people, meanwhile Pakistani people hate them and rightfully so.
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