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Why Arabs don't like the U.S. ?

Better question is why people around the world don't like Arabs. Even people who look Arab.

Hey! Don't go crazy on us, not all Arabs hate the US. Well, I don't hate nor like it, I agree with things and disagree with others in the US policy. However, I understand that if there was a first superpower other than the USA, the world would be a messed up place, imagine if Russia was the strongest nation, dictatorships will spread all over the world and their dictators would finish off their people and no one can question them under Russian protection.

i can see in France, French mostly don't like Arabs
well not all of them but clearly the number one people they don't like are Arabs
i could see as well in many European countries i have been

I thought Iran is the most hated country and people according to recent statistics.
I have seen Arab youth following US idols... i have seen Arabs cursing US for their hypocrisy in middle eastern politics and bias against Muslims.

In short its just a society with mix of every thing and yes... US run big operations in middleast to spread fanaticism in the name of Islam.

Well said.

OP stereotypes Arabs.

Arabs are not one single bunch.

there are Arabs who love USA


there are Arabs who loath USA.

the love and loathing both have their economic, social, and historical reasons.

In general though,

Arab countries who work with the USA are much better economically (mainly GCC)

Arab countries who were (and are) anti-USA suffer badly.

The reasons why it so?

Well that will need multiple volume book and not a post on PDF.

peace to you all.

i can see in France, French mostly don't like Arabs
well not all of them but clearly the number one people they don't like are Arabs
i could see as well in many European countries i have been

Please do not confuse Arab countries with Arab immigrants at the bottom of French society.

It is like comparing Apples and rocks.
I thought Iran is the most hated country and people according to recent statistics.
which statistics ? Iranian regime ? (then i like it)

well by Arabs , i mean they dislike KSA, all Arab fanatics , all Arab unpolite people and fanatic muslims
some Arabs are very much liked like Lebanese . So it depends .
Of course people see Egypt as well as great civilization like Iraq. So well it is more complicated than "Arabs" indeed

Please do not confuse Arab countries with Arab immigrants at the bottom of French society.

It is like comparing Apples and rocks.
Again you didn"'t understand what i said. read above lol
. . .
I did. Please avoid stereotyping.

Thank you
No again you are so stupid you didn't get one word of what i said. not the first time.

I said French say and you can see in so many forums, so many French words about "Arabs"
They have no problem with berbers with asians but yes they complain a lot about two things which i explained but still you didn't get it:
1/ inside: Arabs being unpolite miseducated people (not the only ones) but the ones coming from north africa they have problems here of integration . why FN parti is so important reminding it. why Sarkozy himself said this problem of integration?
2/ outside: the worst country for French is KSA . Then Iran and North Korea and Pakistan at the same level.
3/ as i said it depends very much on the country: they still see Iraq or Egypt as a beautiful and old civilization countries.

At least i better know French than you ;)
In France they have a problem with the Berbers, many live in the outskirts ( banlieues ) and cause trouble, not all immigrants. Atleast most of them carry the Berber flag, so not sure why call them Arab if they prefer to be called Berber.
In France they have a problem with the Berbers, many live in the outskirts ( banlieues ) and cause trouble, not all immigrants. Atleast most of them carry the Berber flag, so not sure why call them Arab if they prefer to be called Berber.
French never say "berbers are badly educated"
berbers for them are the original / the roots of these countries and they always have respect for roots (like american indians they have great interest in ) . for exemple they like kabyles .
what they don't like : seeing Algerian flag during French football team game (never about berber flag)
of course they have some stereotyping , like everycountry in the world
that's why i explained you for exemple Iraq they like because of your civilization
or Lebanon for another reason: their communauty in France is very well integrated and people are not anti French
of course stereotyping makes them think even a badly educated berber they name him "arab"

and by the way you're right the problem of "banlieues" is huge
. .
French never say "berbers are badly educated"
berbers for them are the original / the roots of these countries and they always have respect for roots (like american indians they have great interest in ) . for exemple they like kabyles .
what they don't like : seeing Algerian flag during French football team game (never about berber flag)
of course they have some stereotyping , like everycountry in the world
that's why i explained you for exemple Iraq they like because of your civilization
or Lebanon for another reason: their communauty in France is very well integrated and people are not anti French
of course stereotyping makes them think even a badly educated berber they name him "arab"

and by the way you're right the problem of "banlieues" is huge

They are the roots.
The Berber flag is not an official flag, but a symbol for them.
But the problems in France I mean, as problems in other EU countries like the Netherlands, some immigrants make problems, not all.
They are the roots.
The Berber flag is not an official flag, but a symbol for them.
But the problems in France I mean, as problems in other EU countries like the Netherlands, some immigrants make problems, not all.

Not a reply to your Doritos.

First of all then France are completely irrelevant. Secondly that is a bunch of nonsense from that Kazakh Nomad and Pagan immigrant who is really doing his utmost to not be considered an immigrant misfit in his new host country (Hussein - nice Arabic name btw).

Most French can't even distinguish between people from the Middle East. Nice story. I even lived in Paris for 3 years in Neuilly-sur-Seine - one of the most wealthy neighborhoods full of foreigners, very rich and educated foreign people (Russians, Arabs, Asians, Americans, British, French Jews etc.)

Firstly over 66% of all the North African "Arabs" in France are Berbers and have nothing to do with Arabs. They were just conquered by Arabs and are a minority in their two countries - Morocco and Algeria. They do not identify as Arabs, they speak Berber as their first language, their culture is Berber, their looks etc. Nothing in common with Arab or Semitic people from the ancient Middle East.

We Arabs can see by their names that they are not always Arabic names like the ones Arabs in Morocco and Algeria have. In comparison the Tunisian community in France, which are doing really well and among the best of all immigrants from the Middle East/North Africa, are nearly all Arabs.

Well then there are smaller Syrian and Lebanese Arab communities - actual Arabs from the Middle East and they tend to be going well too.

There are no Saudis in France aside from students or very rich people or educated people. People in France do not know anything about KSA other than what they hear of exaggeration. In modern history Saudis never migrated to foreign countries in search for a better life only to study abroad or work just to return again. Not like other Middle Eastern groups.

Iran is the most hated country in the West and even statistics show that frequently so I would not even talk about Arabs in this case.

Aside saying Iranian is wrong too since 40% of all people in Iran are not even Persians to begin with, LOL.

Also only idiots judge a whole group of people based on the poorest of all poor (immigrants) and majority of them were Berber immigrants from the countryside since they are the poorest group of people in Morocco and Algeria.

For example in Netherlands, as Doritos already confirmed not long ago and other users living in Netherlands from different backgrounds, then 90% of all Moroccans are Kabyle Berbers (those who engage in drug trafficking, prostitution, criminality, smuggling) and they are not Arabs. As much Arab as Iranians are.:lol:

Not our problem that the ordinary Dutch person cannot distinguish between an Arab and a non-Arab from an Arab country in this case minorities such as Berbers or Afro-Arabs etc.

EDIT: Oh, I don't have a problem with Berbers, many have mixed with Arabs and belong to the larger Afro-Asiatic branch of people and languages but I don't want their trouble to be labelled as "Arab" by ignorants. We have a few problems of our own we don't need to take the responsibility for problems created by others, LOL.
everyone is zionist except the ones not sharing your idea, right ?

Yawn, why don't you read up on him? He calls himself "Israel's lawyer". Is this good enough to qualify as Zionist on your book? He's a spin-doctor for the neocon establishment. One doesn't write about Arab anti-Americanism without discussing Iraq. In the "free" US media, there seems to be something that is above all questioning: the readership's jingoistic sensibilities. He didn't mention Iraq because his readers would rather assume that Arab anti-Americanism is irrational, unjustified, an overreaction, and bringing in the Iraq War would of course spoil their sweet self-delusions.
They are the roots.
The Berber flag is not an official flag, but a symbol for them.
But the problems in France I mean, as problems in other EU countries like the Netherlands, some immigrants make problems, not all.
exactly it is what i think too.
it is our attitude that makes them appreciate us, or not.

well i don't know about berber flag in Nederlands (ik spreek nederlands een beetje :D) but here it is Algerian flag

Here 5 ministers are berbers or have one parent berber, Zidane is kabyl and is loved here...

well my friend, my first name is Hussein because my Arab roots . well it happens to be a mix between Arab family (still in many countries in Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran) and Persian family. It seems i should be ashamed of it . lol.. oh maybe i am just a "safavid" lol .. i am not but i have respect for the great work they did for Iran. Iran is proud of all its citizens.

Well us we don't care about racial things, sunni vs shia and all these bullshit
(except some small minority of course)

take care
Better question is why people around the world don't like Arabs. Even people who look Arab.

Wow, it really hurts that the Arabs don't like you, eh? One would've assumed Americans would be used by now.

But to answer your question: You could ask questions about plenty of things - including of false things, like the one you're mentioning right now. We have plenty of Arabs here, and in many prominent places. For example, our vice-president, Michel Temer, is an Arab. They're also very visible in other parts of Latin America. And they're not disliked - at most, like other communities, they are stereotyped, but this is true of any ethnic group. Many Arab stereotypes are positive, in fact: usually linked to skills as entrepreneurs and traders. In Europe, where anti-Arabism is almost as strong as in America, things are different, as we know, but this has less to do with any negative Arab character, and more to do with tensions that are inherent to immigration as a social phenomenon. There are always tensions between a native population and immigrants, specially those of poor background, and/or those who racially stand out from the host population. Just ask the Jews. Or the Slavs. And despite their common ancestry, Latino immigrants in Spain and Portugal are also looked down upon; I would say they have it worse than any Arab or Muslim immigrants in France or in northern European countries, since Southern Europe kind of lacks that PC culture. As for other places, I don't think anyone harbors any strong feelings about Arabs, though they may project onto them some impressions that really have nothing to do with them (I've noticed that Indians here, for example, like to bash Arabs, and cheer on anyone killing them, on account of their emotions towards Pakistanis and Kashmiris).
Arabs don't like non arabs in general, so we aren't really that special :)

Man how can you say something like that? You don't know every arab in the world do you?
There are some arabs out there who love :usflag:
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