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Why Ajmal Kasab was prematurely hung by India

Mujahid Memon

Apr 24, 2012
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Why ‪Ajmal‬ ‪‎Kasab‬ was prematurely hung by ‪‎India‬

Ajmal Kasab was not a Punjabi...he uttered the words "Bhagwan" several times in his confession tape, could barely put two words of Urdu together and India claims he's from "Faridkot"? Punjabis do not speak Urdu with Bihari accents...they also don't say Bhagwan either.

India claims that Pakistan was "behind the Bombay 26/11 attacks". That claim officially died with the premature hanging of Ajmal Kassab. So what exactly was India trying to hide?

We say prematurely because, Kassab was a key component of the trial of the 7 Pakistanis held in Adiala Jail since 2008 in Pakistan. Kassab was deemed an important part of the investigation by Pakistan’s Judicial Commission - the case against these seven individuals, revolved mainly around Kassab’s alleged statement. We use the word ‘alleged’ because the Indian authorities had repeatedly refused to grant access to Kassab to the Pakistan Judicial Commission, and statements from the Indian authorities cannot be taken on face value alone (remember that joke of a "Terror List" they sent?)

According to Pakistani Law of Evidence (Qanun-e- Shahadat Order, 1984) "If a witness has to give any statements against any person, or has to be the eyewitness against any accused, the witness must present himself in front of court. Alternatively, the statement can be taken from the witness and presented in court by an authorized person such as a magistrate or Judge."

Due to India’s lack of cooperation with the Judicial Commission, none of the above conditions had been fulfilled. As per Pakistani law, either Kassab had to be produced in court in Pakistan, or the person who took Kassab’s statement immediately after his arrest has to appear in Pakistani courts and present Kassab’s statement, as well as allow himself to be cross-questioned.

If there’s no ambiguity or loopholes in the Indian investigation of the Bombay attack, India should not have had any problems in fulfilling these legal requirements of the Pakistani judicial process, to ensure a speedy and fair trial. The law provided another alternative. If the above conditions could not be fulfilled, then a Judicial Commission could have travelled to India to record a statement from Ajmal Kassab or interview the magistrate who took Kassab’s statement – and this is exactly why Pakistan sent its Judicial Commission to India in March this year – but was denied access to Kassab.

After the Judicial Commission’s limited findings were presented in the Pakistani court, the presiding judge was left with no other option then to give a judgment which clarifies and reiterate the same facts that Pakistan had clarified from day one – that there is no court-admissible evidence implicating any Pakistani security forces, intelligence services, organizations or citizens in the Mumbai terror attacks.

It will be four years since the devastating attacks on Bombay that left the entire nation paralyzed for three days. Countless statements accusing Pakistan and its state and military have been given from Indian politicians and security forces. And yet there is still no verification of the original statement of Kassab took by magistrate who interrogated Kassab, immediately after his arrest. Pakistani courts could have used this statement in the case against the seven accused persons held in Pakistan, but it is India that was hesitant in not only presenting the magistrate in front of the Judicial Commission but also in verifying the statement through cross-questioning by the Commission. And Kassab’s death appears to be the final nail for the judicial inquiry in Pakistan, raising suspicions further that the "evidence" presented by India may not have been able to withstand cross examination by Pakistan – hence the premature closure of the case by hanging Kassab. "The case will collapse, we have no option than to eventually release the seven accused persons as a key component of the case is no longer available, and India’s refusal to cooperate only strengthens the position of those who believe there was never a case against Pakistan in the first place," said a source close to the investigation in Pakistan.

So India wants nothing to do with Pakistan's judicial system, have effectively allowed 7 caught terrorists to go scot free and you expect us to read the bullshit of Justice Markandey Katju's letter? If India refuses to interact with our courts, why should we? If you don't want to interact with our courts, **** you then we won't either. And his premature hanging only adds more suspicions about who Ajmal Kassab really was and why a guy supposedly from Punjab had a very thick Bihari accent. I suppose we'll never know now.

And remember that "terror list" they sent Pakistan? Funny...where did India end up finding most of those terrorists? Most of them were RESIDING IN INDIA in the open public. Remember those Pakistanis who were claimed to have "crossed the border into India" to perpetrate "terrorist attacks". Who were they? They all ended up being traders from Lahore whose pictures were taken from Facebook. Name any time Indians were mistreated or abused in Pakistan? Never! Our Pakistani culture teaches us to treat all guests with respect. What respect did Pakistanis receive when they were blown up in the Samjhtoha Express in 2007 when a member of the Indian Army Lt. Col. Purohit planted and detonated bombs? Is this the way India treats it's guests?

You expect Pakistanis to trust a country, who's entire judicial system has been hijacked by political parties to protect the rich, a country who's armed forces are incapable for stopping a guy in a rubber boat from bringing your largest city to it's knees for 3 days, a country which can't even control members of it's own Armed Forces from joining radical Hindu extremist groups Please, spare us your Delhi bullshit. Who do you think we are?
Here starts the denial drama again !!

Prematurely ! He was hung not a moment too soon.

Please post a link to this tripe .
HAHAHA pakistanis making fun of themselves again...they dont understand that these type of "spin offs" dont convince anyone except themselves instead it only reaffirms the image that they are the breeder of muslim terrorism(which is not completely wrong)
Any poster below 50 posts has to start one of the interesting threads once atleast. Its a passage ritual into adulthood.

May be this is why former secretary of state Hillary Clinton said that conspiracy theories abound in Pakistan. We can't blame her.
HAHAHA pakistanis making fun of themselves again...they dont understand that these type of "spin offs" dont convince anyone except themselves instead it only reaffirms the image that they are the breeder of muslim terrorism(which is not completely wrong)

You made fun of yourself the day you people started blaming Pakistan without any evidence or proof and threatened Surgical strikes and Backed off like pussies,Even more fun was made when your own Home ministry accused Govt for orchisterating these false flag attacks....After all Hindutva terrorists rule your country..
I had a feeling that after Mr Satish bursted the demon out while sitting in his bathroom today, these threads will follow.
Nawaz Sharif & pakistani media were also admitted that kasab was pakistani citizen so technically both are pawn of GOI
Nawaz Sharif & pakistani media were also admitted that kasab was pakistani citizen so technically both are pawn of GOI

lol nawaz sharif

he is also known the have been helped by indians in order to save him from the noose at the time of musharraf

it was india who helped nawaz sign agreement for his safe exile from pakistan into saudi arabia a businessman in india saved him

he is also rumored to have several investments in india himself

he is the one who broke information to india about pakistani operation in kargil
geo news has been proven to have accepted indian money so what do you except pal?

If the news was false, am sure your Govt. would have countered it and sued them but it wasn't the case. Your National Security Adviser also acknowledged that he was a pakistani, Did we bribe him also? Did we bribe even your current PrimeMinister Nawaz Sharif?

OK. I forgot who i am talking to. You guys are used to living in denial.
probably Jail officials were running out of 'Biryanis'.
If the news was false, am sure your Govt. would have countered it and sued them but it wasn't the case. Your National Security Adviser also acknowledged that he was a pakistani, Did we bribe him also? Did we bribe even your current PrimeMinister Nawaz Sharif?

OK. I forgot who i am talking to. You guys are used to living in denial.

my friend government also did nothing when india blamed pakistan for samjhota express incident

it was your own government after then who accepted the responsible, this is a tradition going on for many years now, denial and then acceptance

same happened with surjeet singh, same happened after dead body of sarbjeet singh came to india, samjhota express indian parliament attacks and now mumbai attacks
geo news has been proven to have accepted indian money so what do you except pal?

Pakistani media was so powerful that they told Ecuador about the problems our helicopters have but at the same time they couldn't prove that Geonews sting was false.
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