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why afghanistan and India are so different?



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Jun 26, 2013
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why is indian culture/looks/food/clothing/attitudes etc... basically everything so different from afghans or Iranians? even pakistanis to be honest are hell lot different from Indians in most ways, my question is why though?
^ but indians love to claim they owned pakistan and even afghanistan, where is anything Indian in these countries, especially afghanistan?

Afghanistan is more like a west asian/middle eastern country then Indian (south asian)
^ but indians love to claim they owned pakistan and even afghanistan, where is anything Indian in these countries, especially afghanistan?

Afghanistan is more like a west asian/middle eastern country then Indian (south asian)

Alexander took these away from the Aryans and established settlements of his own, but Seleucus Nicator gave them to Sandrocottus (Chandragupta), upon terms of intermarriage and of receiving in exchange 500 elephants.
—Strabo, 64 BC – 24 AD ( ref. to present day afghanistan )

parts of afghanistan were persianized and some parts were Indianized with heavy influence of buddhism . with the arrival of islam indic culture gradually faded.

"This Indianization process was fully completed by 400 AD. Fourth-century Chinese Pilgrim Fa-hien who visited Woo-chang (Udyana) and Soohoto (Swat) of Kamboja in 402 AD attests that the inhabitants were similar to Central Indians in language, religion, food and dress (Oriental Literature, The Travels of Fa-hien, p 222, Richard James Horatio Gottheil, Epiphanius Wilson)"
^ but indians love to claim they owned pakistan and even afghanistan, where is anything Indian in these countries, especially afghanistan?
Don't talk nonsense! Indians don't and never claimed that they owned Pakistan or Afghanistan! Are you for real?

Why did I even waste my time replying your baloney?
Don't talk nonsense! Indians don't and never claimed that they owned Pakistan or Afghanistan! Are you for real?

Why did I even waste my time replying your baloney?

You responded to a troll.
One who opens a thread with this kind of statement is nothing but a troll.
Indians claim Afghanistan and Pakistan.huh!! Indians have no other work.
even pakistanis to be honest are hell lot different from Indians

there hell loads of difference even among Indians belonging to different regions in India so saying Pakistanis are similar to Indians(from all regions) is stupid although Pakistan has some similarities with indian regions of Punjab, UP, Bihar, Rajasthan and Gujarat that too mostly with people living in Punjab and Sindh while Balochs and Pashtuns have more in common with Persian culture
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