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WHO says it 'regrets' US decision to halt the funding

reviewing the impact on its work from the withdrawal of US funding" and would work with its partners to fill the gaps left by the defunding to ensure that its work continued uninterrupted.

In other words, here is the middle finger to America and its cheerleaders like India and its internet troll army.

Honestly, Trump wouldn't care. All we know is that WHO is the one saying they regret. So they feel like they are getting the finger.
Honestly, Trump wouldn't care. All we know is that WHO is the one saying they regret. So they feel like they are getting the finger.
Those who are jumping with joy saying that WHO showed USA a middle finger, must hope that China will shoulder the burden of fund of 15% of WHO's budget (which USA gives). They can even give more, after all they are super rich.
I am a resident of a Govt Medical College and serving in govt health service for quite long. I know about public health a bit more than an average person do. I know the protocol of an outbreak, the surveillance method, data collection, analysis, response framework etc. WHO has a clear cut protocol, when something new is emerging, be prepared for the worst. But in this case, they didnot follow their own rules. You people are saying that what would they do if they do not get access to all the Govt data in a country? You are right, but they could say that they could not get adequte information about COVID, so be prepared for the worst. But they said otherwise. No one is blaming them for others' failure to respond in a better way and accusing them for all the death. But they also just cannot blow off their resposibility.
By the way, did you work with WHO? They are not a toothless organization with bunch of doctors, if you give them proper access. In our state a WHO advisor is attached to each district headquarter to look after all the public health issues and national programme in liaison with the district public health officer. He has access to all the public health data available, can make field visit at will, stays in all important meetings and gives input in all policy framing regarding public health issues, and his opinion is always taken with utmost impotance. So this is possible if you give him PROPER ACCESS into your system.

Thing is, only America has been left in lurch with its critism of WHO. And like ususal its cheerleaders like India are left scratching their head, not doing proper homework and following the script mindlessly send from Washington. Even the usual suspects like European countries who 9 out of 10 time will follow America have told the yanks that you are on your own on this. Clearly, people in power know more about the actual situation on ground then average joes. As I mentioned, only those governments who were caught napping will be finding excuses , be it WHO or some ethnic or religious minority within.
On the 14th of January the WHO was telling us from Beijing that the virus isn't spreading from people to people, they were busy criticising the US for banning arrivals from China! One month later they declared a global pandemic and their main concern was not to call the virus chinese or Wuhan virus. They're a useless organisation, politicised by China and EU states should follow US lead and cut the funds.
So what did the WHO base those comments on? Chinese government information, correct?

So the question is whether the WHO was mandated to conduct its own investigation and come to its own conclusions in a situation like this and, if yes, whether it had the resources to do so in the time frame available.

Merely pointing to a WHO statement that ended up being incorrect is not sufficient to malign or blame the whole organization. It needs to be established that the WHO did not follow its mandate and set protocol.
Honestly, Trump wouldn't care. All we know is that WHO is the one saying they regret. So they feel like they are getting the finger.

I guess you are a newbie. Word "regret" is commonly used in diplomatic lingo and what follow is more important. It is a middle finger to Trump and his America.
So what did the WHO base those comments on? Chinese government information, correct?

So the question is whether the WHO was mandated to conduct its own investigation and come to its own conclusions in a situation like this and, if yes, whether it had the resources to do so in the time frame available.

Merely pointing to a WHO statement that ended up being incorrect is not sufficient to malign or blame the whole organization. It needs to be established that the WHO did not follow its mandate and set protocol.
They could at least shut up and not politicise the whole matter by criticising the US for JUSTIFIABLY banning arrivals from China.
Anyway at least we agree that China lied to everyone at first.,including the WHO, thus aiding the spread of the chinese virus.
They could at least shut up and not politicise the whole matter by criticising the US for JUSTIFIABLY banning arrivals from China.
Anyway at least we agree that China lied to everyone at first.,including the WHO, thus aiding the spread of the chinese virus.
This is where we need to make a distinction between a government providing information and the UN/WHO making statements based on said provided information.

Again, if the WHO did not follow the correct protocol in the timeframe it had, by all means it should be criticized.

But if the failure was because the WHO does not have resources (or mandate) to deploy and work closely with infectious disease institutions within various countries, then they shouldn't be made collateral damage.

Please keep in mind that the US & China are probably both going to be the first in line to oppose any kind of 'intrusive' WHO/UN/International presence that can independently verify and investigate (in collaboration with government institutions) future infectious disease outbreaks. Instead of knee jerk reactions and blaming the WHO, it's more important that a proper investigation be conducted into where the WHO failed and what can be done in the future to improve that response.
They could at least shut up and not politicise the whole matter by criticising the US for JUSTIFIABLY banning arrivals from China.
Anyway at least we agree that China lied to everyone at first.,including the WHO, thus aiding the spread of the chinese virus.
This is where we need to make a distinction between a government providing information and the UN/WHO making statements based on said provided information.

Again, if the WHO did not follow the correct protocol in the timeframe it had, by all means it should be criticized.

But if the failure was because the WHO does not have resources (or mandate) to deploy and work closely with infectious disease institutions within various countries, then they shouldn't be made collateral damage.

Please keep in mind that the US & China are probably both going to be the first in line to oppose any kind of 'intrusive' WHO/UN/International presence that can independently verify and investigate (in collaboration with government institutions) future infectious disease outbreaks. Instead of knee jerk reactions and blaming the WHO, it's more important that a proper investigation be conducted into where the WHO failed and what can be done in the future to improve that response.
And the important fact ia that, even Pakistan has a larger contribution in WHO's fund than Lord China.

Thing is, only America has been left in lurch with its critism of WHO. And like ususal its cheerleaders like India are left scratching their head, not doing proper homework and following the script mindlessly send from Washington. Even the usual suspects like European countries who 9 out of 10 time will follow America have told the yanks that you are on your own on this. Clearly, people in power know more about the actual situation on ground then average joes. As I mentioned, only those governments who were caught napping will be finding excuses , be it WHO or some ethnic or religious minority within.
1) Neither India is caught helpless in this catastrophe, nor they are finding excuses, nor the Govt of India officially supported the move of the USA. Rather the cheerleaders of China are trying hard to cover the fact that China got caught blatantly lying and WHO knowingly or unknowingly fell into their words.
2) I may be an average Joe, but I know the ground situation of at least my district better than many, as I am on the frontline of the ground.
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1) Neither India is caught helpless in this catastrophe, nor they are finding excuses, nor the Govt of India officially supported the move of the USA. Rather the cheerleaders of China are trying hard to cover the fact that China got caught blatantly lying and WHO knowingly or unknowingly fell into their words.
2) I may be an average Joe, but I know the ground situation of at least my district better than many, as I am on the frontline of the ground.

Unless you been living under the rock, the Indian establishment run media and its internet troll army are all over internet chattering non sense about WHO. Ofcourse India is nobody so wont take its position officially but there is enough evidence out there as to see which line India peddling and on whose behest.

As I said, things like WHO , local minorities, are the punching bags, to divert attention form the nation states own government incompetency.
Unless you been living under the rock, the Indian establishment run media and its internet troll army are all over internet chattering non sense about WHO. Ofcourse India is nobody so wont take its position officially but there is enough evidence out there as to see which line India peddling and on whose behest.

As I said, things like WHO , local minorities, are the punching bags, to divert attention form the nation states own government incompetency.
1)Media or netigens are not the representatives of the Govt. The Govt. could declare if they had to support USA. Moreover, India has a greater stake in WHO than mighty China, as India's contribution to its fund is much larger than the Master(of some people), and yes, in case of pandemic, no one is nobody, as the disease affect almost every part of the globe.
2) There are many like me, who always shout at the drawbacks of the policy of our Govts (wheather central or state), when it is necessary. For e.g., nowadays I and the likemindeds of me are continuously demanding for more vigorous testing, more PPEs for healthcare personnel, and more commitment to the poor, whose earning has been stopped. We are criticising the Govts for not nationalizing all private sector, for their incompetency to procure larger amount of testing kits, PPEs and ventilators quickly, and the grassroot level distribution of relief to the poor etc. We need no one to enlighten us if they really do not have anything constructive to share.
1)Media or netigens are not the representatives of the Govt.

That's why I said, you been living under the rock. Media is an arm of establishment specially in todays fifth gen warfare. Indian media specially is mouth piece of the Indian establishment. And Indian internet troll army follow its que from the establishment.
That's why I said, you been living under the rock. Media is an arm of establishment specially in todays fifth gen warfare. Indian media specially is mouth piece of the Indian establishment. And Indian internet troll army follow its que from the establishment.
Indian media is not Peoples' daily. There are numerous media in this country, all of them cannot be dragged into the line of the Govt untill and unless it becomes like China. There are many articles criticising the Govt policy published everyday, and ironically many of those are used here to make threads. And everything is not related to warfare. We are not like a garrison state, so we do not find warfare in everything.
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