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WHO Report:The 10 Most Air-Polluted Cities in the World


Nov 4, 2011
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WHO Report:The 10 Most Air-Polluted Cities in the World

By Bryan WalshSept. 27
Environmentalists here in the U.S. are not happy with President Obama, in part because he pulled back on a promise to tighten ground-level ozone and smog standards for air pollution. But American greens should remember: much of the rest of the world has it far, far, far worse.

That’s one takeaway from a new report by the World Health Organization that looked at urban air pollution around the world. The most polluted cities tend to be found in developing countries. No surprise there—poorer countries tend to have dirtier cars, factories and power plants, and rarely have or enforce the kind of environmental regulations that have—over the course of decades—become common in the developed world. But what’s interesting is that the urban areas with the worst air aren’t the sort of Dickensian megacities one usually hears about: Beijing, Chongqing, Bangkok, Mexico City. The losers are smaller cities, many of them in Iran or South Asia, and none of them economic dynamos.

(PHOTOS: The Terrible Beauty of Industrial Pollution)

Here’s the top—or rather bottom—10:

1. Ahwaz, Iran

2. Ulan Bator, Mongolia

3. Sanadaj, Iran

4. Ludhiana, India

5. Quetta, Pakistan

6. Kermanshah, Iran

7. Peshawar, Pakistan

8. Gaberone, Botswana

9. Yasouj, Iran

10. Kanpor, India

The 10 Most Air-Polluted Cities in the World | TIME.com
Beijing adopts emergency measures for 'hazardous' pollution - CNN.com[/url]

Non liveable shitty......

Humans that can survive India can survive anywhere in this universe,the dirtist and most polluted place in the world.Beijing successfully hosted Olympic games,what about New Delhi or Mmumbai?two dirtiest cities in the world.

Mumbai voted world’s dirtiest city
Dec 14, 2012

Washington: India’s commercial capital, Mumbai, has been named among the world’s ‘dirtiest’ cities, ranking last in the ‘cleanest streets’ category, a global survey of 40 key tourist cities has found.

According to TripAdvisor’s Cities Survey, Tokyo grabbed the first place while Mumbai ranked last in the list of ‘cleanest streets’.

Similarly in the category of ‘ease of getting around’, Mumbai ranked at the last position while Zurich stood at first place, the company said in a press release.


The survey revealed the cities with rudest locals, dirtiest streets and worst shopping.

It found that Moscow was home to world’s least-friendly locals. The Russian city ranked last in a number of categories, including ‘friendliest locals’.

Tokyo was the most highly decorated world city, ranking number one for best taxi services, friendliest taxi drivers, best public transportation, cleanest streets and safety.

New York City took out the top spot for shopping, but travellers felt the city’s streets could use a sweep with the Big Apple ranking 28 out of 40 for cleanliness.

“New York City’s global reputation as a shopping mecca was reinforced by the opinions of the TripAdvisor community worldwide,” said Brooke Ferencsik, Director of communications of TripAdvisor.

The survey, completed by more than 75,000 people, looked into how travellers and locals viewed 40 key tourist cities around the world.
well quetta is not more polluted any more , and yeah peshawar is!!

Humans that can survive India can survive anywhere in this universe,the dirtist and most polluted place in the world.Beijing successfully hosted Olympic games,what about New Delhi or Mmumbai?two dirtiest cities in the world.

haahhaha!! yeah you are Right Friend !!

You forget to mention Beijing, @beijingwalker.

nope , you are wrong , Beijing is almost clean and clear then any vietnami city!! :china:
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Humans that can survive India can survive anywhere in this universe,the dirtist and most polluted place in the world.Beijing successfully hosted Olympic games,what about New Delhi or Mmumbai?two dirtiest cities in the world.
Tokyo is not topping the list if they sample more large cities. There are other major cities in Japan way better than Tokyo.
Beijing is right now suffering with days of smog.

Sir, India hardly has a leg to stand on in this regard so why poke fun at others? "When you point a finger, 4 point back at you" as they say. India doesn't need to worry about anyone else- just focus on their own issues and sort them out.
Quetta? How come? Peshawar May be polluted but Quetta is beautifull city with many trees
Sir, India hardly has a leg to stand on in this regard so why poke fun at others? "When you point a finger, 4 point back at you" as they say. India doesn't need to worry about anyone else- just focus on their own issues and sort them out.

You know these Chinese dude. :lol:
The fog fades off and the sky is pretty clear here now,may the same to Beijing.
Quetta....... hell no........

the ranking is probably a bit of far-fetched,all cities have bad days,but you are too big a city,you get big time global attention fits your size.
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