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Who is really Patriotic to Pakistan? Govt, opposition, Agencies,Journalist!



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Apr 25, 2011
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Killing of Osama, a test for Pakistan Patriotism!!! (An Analysis)

It has been weeks since the world has heard the news that Osama was killed in a town nearby Islamabad. With the passage of time things have become muddier instead of clearer. Americans have changed their statements time and again. Pakistan government thanked americans and then they warned american not to do such an adventure again (really interesting). World has poured more pressure on Pakistan for “allegedly” helping the world most wanted terrorist.

Anyway i will be trying to keep this post small, so will be leaving upto you to open up your minds and think.

First Americans really killed OBL in Abbottabad (catch in this sentence is Abbosttabad). Certainly not. With the fake pictures and now the residence of the Abbottabad are saying that American helicopters didnt even land to pick up their soldiers then how can they take away OBL?
Watch the video here

Secondly Americans have always shown the live capturing of their most hated person, why nothing this time, no video, no picture (except for the fake ones).

Now the second Question is if they really caught and killed him then why did they buried him in the ocean? Whom are they following when they say that people could have created a tomb for him. OBL is/was a wahabi. and their is not a single mausoleum in the whole Saudi Arabia.

Secondly who told them that a dead person need to be buried in 24 hours.?? our own Prophet (S.A.W.S) was buried after 3 days. I dont believe they are so ignorant about islam and the person they so desperately were hunting for last 1 decade that they didnt even know what are his views.??

Those who still cant put the blame on the “great” USA then they need to reminded about that it was the same “great” USA who lied infront of the whole world in UNO when they said Iraq possesses chemical weapons. It was the same “great” USA who made this world-wide film out of a fake drama of Jessica lynch.
American lies in Jessica Lynch rescue Operation

Certainly this “great” USA has a long list of lies and more lies. so dont want to go into that detail. Just after this OBL killed drama, American said that Saudi Arabia didnt accept the dead body, but Saudi Arabia officially replied that they never recieved a request to recieve Osama’s dead body.

Now i think if any sensible person join these dots, can see that a “great” fake drama was created in Abbottabad but the question is why?

Its answer is pretty simple. American population is tired of Afghan war and any new drama or event in Afghanistan is not going to earn any vote for any party. So USA want to end this war, but they want to leave “victoriously”. But American warmongers need another war to quench their thirst and also to keep their economy on the roll. and nothing can be a better target then Pakistan. But how to find a reason to attack Pakistan. So this drama could be the best reason. So with a single fake drama they fullfilled two main objectives, firstly ended the reason to stay in afghanistan and at the same time created a reason to start a new war. Good Job but too many loose ends. The voices for attacking on Pakistan were already growing loud, so this just going to give them more energy.

Now the Question is which of our institution is with us??

We have seen the President supporting Americans, we have seen the Prime minister appreciating it, we have also seen our Establishment giving excuses. WHY??

Why dont we ask Americans, where is the dead body when we are the front line state in war on terror?
Why dont we ask Americans, Why there are so many discrepancies in your story? like OBL attacked, OBL didnt attack, OBL guards defended, OBL guards were sleeping, OBL was killed running on second floor, OBL was killed on 3rd floor.
Do Pakistan Army have any general left who is patriotic to the nation and not to the aid recieved from Americans??
We know Zardari & Prime Minister are ready to sell pakistanis if they get a commissions, what about the opposition, in the same boat probably. Because they are also not asking the main question that where is Osama, they are ready to blame agencies & establishment but first ask how they got Osama. Have they seen his face? has they found irrefutable proof that Osama was really in the house alive watching ****??

We only need to exposed “BIG FAT LIES” in the American drama and nobody in the world will be supporting America. and we need to do it soon. That is the reason everyone is ready to take the blame because they are making money out of it and its we common Pakistanis who are getting killed and blamed for. Army is getting aid, politicians are getting bribery and nobody is ready to talk sensibly and talk for PAKISTAN. Wikileaks have confirmed to us that these leaders say something else to us and have secret agreements with the foreign powers and anti-Pakistan forces.

Thoroughly disappointed in Media in Pakistan also, they didnt showed patriotism. Except for couple of shows everyone is trying to put a blame on someone, government, agencies, army or etc. Cant even they do investigative journalism in their own background?? its abottabad, take a three four person team, do a differential analysis of the situation. ask the locals. Before putting the blame on anyone we need to know how it really happened? then only we can put a blame on someone.

Question is do we have anyone in higher ups, who is ready to stand up for P A K I S T A N. or even among us??

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