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Who defeated muslim world..

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May 27, 2015
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The real issue in the Muslim world is the monetary system. The Muslim world is defeated by the modern western banking system. The country that doesn't accept it gets destroyed. Because the western world pushes us to accept and do our business in artificial and printed paper money, this money accumulation in some circles of the Western world makes them too powerful. And that power is used to subdue Muslims and other resource-rich countries of the world. That's the reason why, no matter how rich and powerful a Muslim country is, it always is struggling with financial matters. We better build our own monetary system. The people who control Muslim countries usually have no long-term connection with local economies, and they make their assets in the same western countries who destroyed our civilization. The first step in defeating the western monetary system will be to establish justice, no matter what, in Muslim countries.

The same goes for the non-muslim countries, who became so rich due to their hard work, but they still are powerless, just because they are not in Europe or in America, they still are treated like a servant.
Examples of such countries are Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Some countries are direct beneficiaries of this injustice. Examples of such countries are Canada, South Africa, and Australia.

China and Russia are exceptions. China and Russia challenged this system but in their own way. Russia did as Russians do with things, and China did what the Chinese do with things. A different approach, same goal.
But Russia wants its share, just this. China wants everything. So yeah, not really against this system.

India is playing on the behalf of western powers. No matter how much money India has, no matter how many CEOs India has, it's still a third-world country and a servant. Ready to be fired at any time.

Contemporary Islamic Scholarship teaches Muslims that one day we all Muslims will gather and fight against Kufr. We will kill Jews and conquer Jerusalem again. And then we will establish a Kilafah, where Islam will rule this world. But, guess what, if we will not establish our own monetary system, if we will not enforce it on the world, and if we will not control it, then this Khilafah state will again be borrowing money from Kuffars, just like Sahaba were borrowing money from Kuffars. So dear Muslim world, whatever you plan, include the establishment of an Islamic monetary and education system in it, or it will fail, as it did before.
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The Muslim world defeated itself by abandoning Islam.

Be good Muslims and rise again.


A mob in Pakistan beat a man to death and dragged him through the streets. This is called vigilantism. Reason: alleged blasphemy.

Under shariah law, this is not allowed. A judge must rule over the case, and evidences brought forward etc. Things are taken into account such as mental state, and in cases of murder the family can even forgive the culprit.

However the non-muslims will see the first option as a true representation of Islam. Your people have failed on every level and act disgracefully.
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The Muslims world was defeated few hundred years ago when the Europe was technologically advacinng

The 3 major Muslim gun powder Empires Ottoman Mughal and Persian decided not to cope with the advancement.

Sicne then we have been behind and will remain behind.
. .
Ps you make a good point about the monetary system.

It's a great weapon. It benefits the few. Even in their own countries.
The Muslim world defeated itself by abandoning Islam.

Be good Muslims and rise again.


A mob in Pakistan beat a man to death and dragged him through the streets. This is called vigilantism. Reason: alleged blasphemy.

Under shariah law, this is not allowed. A judge must rule over the case, and evidences brought forward etc. Things are taken into account such as mental state, and in cases of murder the family can even forgive the culprit.

However the non-muslims will see the first option as a true representation of Islam. Your people have failed on every level and act disgracefully.

Not actually...

This world is not if someone only goes to temple or madrasa only

Being a religious is fine but having educated is more important than now.
India is playing on the behalf of western powers. No matter how much money India has, no matter how how many CEOs India has, its still a third world country, and servant. Ready to be fired at anytime.
The fact that you think like this is one of the symptoms for being left behind.

On a national level grab whatever opportunity you can to better yourself, to hell with your delusional notions of pride and shame, they don't fill empty stomachs and we have many. The path to prosperity demands perseverance above all else.

You want the Islamic world to prosper? Study geography, trade and economies start and end at geography. Exploit advantages and reduce risk for disadvantages, that is the essence.
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Not actually...

This world is not if someone only goes to temple or madrasa only

Being a religious is fine but having educated is more important than now.
What education?
Can you grow crops? If today the paper-based currency suddenly vanishes, then what will a guy whose Ph.D. is international settlements?
. .
What education?
Can you grow crops? If today the paper-based currency suddenly vanishes, then what will a guy whose Ph.D. is international settlements?
Might tomorrow we both go outside and meet an accident,will die...

So what?

I have simple way to? understand - if you need pass to the school exam than going temple or masjid will not help you.

Basically,we need to study hard,do well and pray to GOd/Allah for better result.
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The real issue in the Muslim world is the monetary system. The Muslim world is defeated by the modern western banking system. The country that doesn't accept it gets destroyed. Because the western world pushes us to accept and do our business in artificial and printed paper money, this money accumulation in some circles of the Western world makes them too powerful. And that power is used to subdue Muslims and other resource-rich countries of the world. That's the reason why, no matter how rich and powerful a Muslim country is, it always is struggling with financial matters. We better build our own monetary system. The people who control Muslim countries usually have no long-term connection with local economies, and they make their assets in the same western countries who destroyed our civilization. The first step in defeating the western monetary system will be to establish justice, no matter what, in msulim countries.

The same goes for the non-muslim countries, who became so rich due to their hard work, but they still are powerless, just because they are not in Europe or in America, they still are treated like a servant.
Examples of such countries are Korea, Japan, India, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Some countries are direct beneficiaries of this injustice. Examples of such countries are Canada, South Africa, and Australia.

China and Russia are exceptions. China and Russia challenged this system but in their own way. Russia did as Russians do with things, and China did what the Chinese do with things. A different approach, same goal.
But Russia wants its share, just this. China wants everything. So yeah, not really against this system.

India is playing on the behalf of western powers. No matter how much money India has, no matter how many CEOs India has, it's still a third-world country and a servant. Ready to be fired at any time.

Muslims defeated the Muslim world.
More specifically, the molvis, each and every one of them, defeated the muslim world.
India is playing on the behalf of western powers. No matter how much money India has, no matter how many CEOs India has, it's still a third-world country and a servant. Ready to be fired at any time.

West/US are masters of love/hate - divide and rule relationship, Right now for the west China is a much bigger fish to fry and without a big enough proxy it cannot achieve its objectives. Once west pulls the rug it's business as usual.
I don't think Muslim world is defeated, in fact most of them are thriving (GCC countries, Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Turkey etc).

Defeated are the ones who cannot fathom that their ideology developed during ancient times is not practical in the present time and still refuse to change.
. .
I don't think Muslim world is defeated, in fact most of them are thriving (GCC countries, Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Turkey etc).

Defeated are the ones who cannot fathom that their ideology developed during ancient times is not practical in the present time and still refuse to change.
What present times? I saw people fighting for 1kg flour during the initial days of Corona pandemic. You think its modern times, but except new gadgets, nothing is new. I developed technologies 2 and 3 years ago, which industry will see in 2027 or 28, and trust me, humans are the same, as they were 10000 years ago.

Turkey, Iran, India
Thats not true.
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