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Who created Taliban in 1996 ?

PTI & PMLN were the only 2 parties that were not targeted by the Taliban during the 2013 general elections and indirectly helped these parties. MQM and ANP are the only parties which are not tainted by Taliban association.

PPP, ANP and MQM formed the government before those elections and this might be the reason why they were targeted exclusively.
ISI didnt create taliban but strengthened them enough to take over afghanistan. ISI began to take interest in taliban when they occupied kandahar without bloodshed, a rare phenomena in bloody civil war. The real help from ISI came to taliban at the time when they suffered a defeat with huge losses in kabul from ahmad shah masood. At that time ISI poured thousands of fighters from pakistani madrassas and huge supplies of weapons to help taliban. As a result taliban won.
ISI didnt create taliban but strengthened them enough to take over afghanistan. ISI began to take interest in taliban when they occupied kandahar without bloodshed, a rare phenomena in bloody civil war. The real help from ISI came to taliban at the time when they suffered a defeat with huge losses in kabul from ahmad shah masood. At that time ISI poured thousands of fighters from pakistani madrassas and huge supplies of weapons to help taliban. As a result taliban won.
Bottom line is, Without ISI, Pak military and GOP support, Taliban would not be what it is today.


call the mods, as them,this wikkipedia is not acceptable on PDF, now bring the official proves or shut up?

"CIA worked with Pakistan to create Taliban"


There was no such thing as a Taliban until the Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of Soviet troops’ withdrawal in 1989, after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February 1989, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.
Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools which, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists
. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict with over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986),

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.

As civil war was ravaging Afghanistan, Afghans were desperate for a stabilizing counter-force that would put an end to the violence.
The Taliban’s most original aims were, as Ahmed Rashid, the Pakistani journalist and author ofTaliban (2000), wrote, to “restore peace, disarm the population, enforce Sharia law and defend the integrity and Islamic character of Afghanistan.

As most of them were part-time or full-time students at madrassas, the name they chose for themselves was natural. A talib is an Islamic student, one who seeks knowledge compared to the mullah who is one who gives knowledge. By choosing such a name the Taliban (plural of Talib) distanced themselves from the party politics of the mujahideen and signaled that they were a movement for cleansing society rather than a party trying to grab power.”

For their leader in Afghanistan, the Taliban turned to Mohammed Omar, an itinerant preacher likely born in 1959 in Nodeh village near Kandahar, in southeastern Afghanistan. He had neither tribe nor religious pedigree. He had fought the Soviets and been wounded four times, including once in the eye. His reputation was that of a pious ascetic.

Omar's reputation grew when he ordered a group of Taliban militants to arrest a warlord who had captured two teenage girls and raped them. The 30 Talibs, with just 16 rifles between them—or so goes the story, one of many near-mythical accounts that have grown around Omar’s history—attacked the commander’s based, freed the girls, and hanged the commander by their favorite means: from the barrel of a tank, in full view, as an example of Taliban justice.

The Taliban’s reputation grew through similar feats.

Religious indoctrination in Pakistan’s madrassas and Omar’s campaigns against rapists alone were not the light that lit the Taliban fuse. The Pakistani intelligence services known as the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISI, the Pakistani military and Benazir Bhutto, who was prime minister of Pakistan during the Taliban’s most politically and militarily formative years (1993-96), all saw in the Taliban a proxy army they could manipulate to Pakistan’s ends.
In 1994, Bhutto’s government appointed the Taliban as protector of Pakistani convoys through Afghanistan. Controlling trade routs and the lucrative windfalls those routes provide in Afghanistan is a major source of lucre and power. The Taliban proved uniquely effective, swiftly defeating other warlords and conquering major Afghan cities.

Beginning in 1994, The Taliban rose to power and established their brutal, totalitarian rule over 90 percent of the country, in part by leading a genocidal campaign against Afghanistan’s Shiite, orHazara.

Following Pakistan’s lead, the Clinton administration initially supported the Taliban’s rise. Clinton’s judgment was clouded by the question that has often led American policy astray in the region: Who can best check Iran’s influence? In the 1980s, the Reagan administration armed and financed Saddam Hussein under the assumption that a totalitarian Iraq was more acceptable than an unbridled, Islamic Iran. The policy backfired in the form of two wars, one of which has yet to end.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration also funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan as well as their Islamist supporters in Pakistan. That blowback took the form of al-Qaeda. As the Soviets withdrew and the cold war ended, American support for Afghan mujahideen stopped abruptly, but military and diplomatic support for Afghanistan did not. Under the influence of Benazir Bhutto, the Clinton administration voiced itself willing to open a dialogue with the Taliban in the mid-1990s, especially as the Taliban was the only force in Afghanistan capable of guaranteeing another American interest in the region — potential oil pipelines.

On Sept. 27, 1996, Glyn Davies, a State Department spokesman, expressed hope that the Taliban “will move quickly to restore order and security and to form a representative interim government that can begin the process of reconciliation nationwide.” Davies called the Taliban’s execution of former Afghan President Najibullah merely “regrettable,” and said the United States would send diplomats to Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban, potentially to re-establishing full diplomatic ties. The Clinton’s administration’s flirtation with the Taliban did not last, however, as Madeleine Albright, incensed by the Taliban’s treatment of women, among other regressive measures, halted it when she became secretary of state in January 1997.

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The Yanks really screwed Pakistan when it comes to "freedom fighters" against the Russians :D
Bottom line is, Without ISI, Pak military and GOP support, Taliban would not be what it is today.

Exactly!!! What many people fail to realize is that these Jihadis/Talebans/Salafists (same people different names) are just doing what they were taught to do in those madrasas that popped up like mushrooms in FATA and KPK during the jihad against the Soviets. The only purpose of those madrasas was to produce cannon fodders that were being used by the troika of Saudis, ISI and CIA to pursue their own agenda in the region. The children of Afghan refugees were living in squalid refugee camps and had no access to universal education. They, and other local Pashtun kids, were literally forced to join those madrasas where they developed radical political and religious views. Instead of teaching them those values that make children law-abiding and responsible citizens, their young minds were inculcated with a very radical, rigid, distorted and perverted version of Islam. They were meant to become what they eventually became. Now who should be held responsible for the pandemonium spreading like wild fire, just the Jihadis? Those madrasas are still operating in FATA and KPK. Cure the disease, don’t kill patient.
First you ask for evidence of ISI involvement with Taliban creation. When I provide you with Wikipedia evidence you reject it saying Wikipedia is not reliable. Next when I provide an independent source evidence, you claim it as anti-Pakistan propaganda. This is height of state of denial. But you would blindly accept any conspiracy theories which support your beliefs.
Admit it, there is absolutely no way to win this argument with you, right?
give us prove, in any official catagry that PAKARMY or even any PAK govt , officially accepted the claim of the , western journalists who allways wants to paint pakistan red?
beyond that, you can find a lot of garbage, but again its nothing official?
never was, never will be?
so cut the crap, to prove yourself right!
if you go against my country, yes you not hve any way to win against me?
. .


"CIA worked with Pakistan to create Taliban"


There was no such thing as a Taliban until the Afghanistan’s civil war in the wake of Soviet troops’ withdrawal in 1989, after a decade-long occupation. But by the time their last troops withdrew in February 1989, they’d left a nation in social and economic shards, 1.5 million dead, millions of refugees and orphans in Iran and Pakistan, and gaping political vacuum that warlords attempted to fill. Afghan mujahideen warlords replaced their war with the Soviets with a civil war.
Thousands of Afghan orphans grew up never knowing Afghanistan or their parents, especially their mothers. They were schooled in Pakistan’s madrassas, religious schools which, in this case, were encouraged and financed by Pakistani and Saudi authorities to develop militantly inclined Islamists
. Pakistan nurtured that corps of militants as proxy fighters in Pakistan’s ongoing conflict with over Muslim-dominated (and disputed) Kashmir. But Pakistan consciously intended to use the madrassas’ militants as leverage in its attempt to control Afghanistan as well.

As Jeri Laber of Human Rights Watch wrote in the New York Review of Books of the origins of the Taliban in refugee camps (recalling an article he’d written in 1986),

Hundreds of thousands of youths, who knew nothing of life but the bombings that destroyed their homes and drove them to seek refuge over the border, were being raised to hate and to fight, “in the spirit of Jihad,” a “holy war” that would restore Afghanistan to its people. “New kinds of Afghans are being born in the struggle,” I reported. “Caught in the midst of a grownups’ war, the young Afghans are under intense political pressure from one side or another, almost from birth." [...] The children that I interviewed and wrote about in 1986 are now young adults. Many are now with the Taliban.

As civil war was ravaging Afghanistan, Afghans were desperate for a stabilizing counter-force that would put an end to the violence.
The Taliban’s most original aims were, as Ahmed Rashid, the Pakistani journalist and author ofTaliban (2000), wrote, to “restore peace, disarm the population, enforce Sharia law and defend the integrity and Islamic character of Afghanistan.

As most of them were part-time or full-time students at madrassas, the name they chose for themselves was natural. A talib is an Islamic student, one who seeks knowledge compared to the mullah who is one who gives knowledge. By choosing such a name the Taliban (plural of Talib) distanced themselves from the party politics of the mujahideen and signaled that they were a movement for cleansing society rather than a party trying to grab power.”

For their leader in Afghanistan, the Taliban turned to Mohammed Omar, an itinerant preacher likely born in 1959 in Nodeh village near Kandahar, in southeastern Afghanistan. He had neither tribe nor religious pedigree. He had fought the Soviets and been wounded four times, including once in the eye. His reputation was that of a pious ascetic.

Omar's reputation grew when he ordered a group of Taliban militants to arrest a warlord who had captured two teenage girls and raped them. The 30 Talibs, with just 16 rifles between them—or so goes the story, one of many near-mythical accounts that have grown around Omar’s history—attacked the commander’s based, freed the girls, and hanged the commander by their favorite means: from the barrel of a tank, in full view, as an example of Taliban justice.

The Taliban’s reputation grew through similar feats.

Religious indoctrination in Pakistan’s madrassas and Omar’s campaigns against rapists alone were not the light that lit the Taliban fuse. The Pakistani intelligence services known as the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate, or ISI, the Pakistani military and Benazir Bhutto, who was prime minister of Pakistan during the Taliban’s most politically and militarily formative years (1993-96), all saw in the Taliban a proxy army they could manipulate to Pakistan’s ends.
In 1994, Bhutto’s government appointed the Taliban as protector of Pakistani convoys through Afghanistan. Controlling trade routs and the lucrative windfalls those routes provide in Afghanistan is a major source of lucre and power. The Taliban proved uniquely effective, swiftly defeating other warlords and conquering major Afghan cities.

Beginning in 1994, The Taliban rose to power and established their brutal, totalitarian rule over 90 percent of the country, in part by leading a genocidal campaign against Afghanistan’s Shiite, orHazara.

Following Pakistan’s lead, the Clinton administration initially supported the Taliban’s rise. Clinton’s judgment was clouded by the question that has often led American policy astray in the region: Who can best check Iran’s influence? In the 1980s, the Reagan administration armed and financed Saddam Hussein under the assumption that a totalitarian Iraq was more acceptable than an unbridled, Islamic Iran. The policy backfired in the form of two wars, one of which has yet to end.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration also funded the mujahideen in Afghanistan as well as their Islamist supporters in Pakistan. That blowback took the form of al-Qaeda. As the Soviets withdrew and the cold war ended, American support for Afghan mujahideen stopped abruptly, but military and diplomatic support for Afghanistan did not. Under the influence of Benazir Bhutto, the Clinton administration voiced itself willing to open a dialogue with the Taliban in the mid-1990s, especially as the Taliban was the only force in Afghanistan capable of guaranteeing another American interest in the region — potential oil pipelines.

On Sept. 27, 1996, Glyn Davies, a State Department spokesman, expressed hope that the Taliban “will move quickly to restore order and security and to form a representative interim government that can begin the process of reconciliation nationwide.” Davies called the Taliban’s execution of former Afghan President Najibullah merely “regrettable,” and said the United States would send diplomats to Afghanistan to meet with the Taliban, potentially to re-establishing full diplomatic ties. The Clinton’s administration’s flirtation with the Taliban did not last, however, as Madeleine Albright, incensed by the Taliban’s treatment of women, among other regressive measures, halted it when she became secretary of state in January 1997.

those were not TALIBANS, & were a decade old afghan mujaheedins?
dont google it, cause its nothing in there?

Chacha G, what have you been smoking? :cheesy:
in love of IMRAN , he can even accept mullha sawaati as his AMIR UL MOMEENIN?
here it is, the thread to blame PAKARMY, ISI & every other dam donkey, just to put the broken image of IMRAN the taliban khan?
this why, PTI its leader IMRAN KHAN & its supporters bieng seen , the security risks
& traitors working on the jew , agenda,s for the destruction of pakistan by the hands of TTp?:nono:
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Taliban has turned out to be much worse than what LTTE became for India (though the dynamics of formulation and the objectives behind the support were different). India did not get burnt (except poor Rajiv Gandhi) much because it saw the writing on the wall and dumped them as hot potatoes when LTTE started turning terrorists.. Pakistan on the other hand held on to the strategic depth dream thru Taliban just a tad too long and had to pay the price.. But its not too late even now.. Apart from the loss of life, its mostly 7-10 years that wont be impossible (though not easy) to recover in next decade or 2.. This operation if done right is a good step in that direction
One of the easiest way of solving a problem is to accept that it exists and understand what started it all. going by the posts here many members here dont want to accept that the Taliban was a product of their own intelligence agencies. How then will they destroy it?
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2. Originally, Taliban were indeed from the Afghan Pashtuns, but their origins were in the Madrasas in Pakistani side of the border. Pakistan's ISI was very active in formation of Taliban from the Pashtun remnants of the Anti-soviet Mujaheddin. Ex-DG of ISI, Rtd. Gen. Hamid Gul is called the 'Father of Taliban' for some reason. Taliban was formed during Gen. Gul's tenure in ISI

the taliban were created by Gen. Nasirullah Babar, interior minister in PPP govt. of BB. Hamid Gul just carried the work further.
. .
its old news but the "dethi" liars of ppp wont talk about it.........
northern alliance was not before TALIBANs , it was after when talaibans had thier control on most of afghanistan? idiot?lolzzz

oo baba gi what is in the name

The point is that the now Northern alliance or groups in them did that under what ever name or warlord at that time and in reaction another group was born
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