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Who Can Make The Most Interesting/Funny Comments On This Picture


Nov 8, 2013
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I saw this picture of five supreme commanders of USA, I could only think of the comment," You better have a Cross ready if you ever get to come closer to any of these Goodfellas."
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Guys, goodfellas really continue to make their dislike of me evident by their actions. I have a fracture in my foot now since three persons almost attacked me when I was half asleep in the balcony of my house. As a direct consequence of their threatening stance, I had to land on the ground from the balcony and have a sprained ankle now. Since I was able to move towards the middle of open road outside my house, they became more benign due to their fear that everybody in the neigborhood will know the story. Good job by goodfellas.

Can somebody post the picture again from the broken link?
@CENTCOM @Jazzbot looking at the description of the link I worked out the following picture

the link was about a CNN's obscure page about Bush in center dedication

so one search yielded the 5 presidents with Bush junior in center. and by goodfellas I think the OP meant the "gansta" outlook of the people.

by the way post #9 is interesting.
I only like the one on the extreme right standing a little away from the rest. I think he is also prominent and distinct from the rest according to my limited knowledge. Though many people including himself(very little probability) may not like it, I would like to pray for him.
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