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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

With what? Of how Muslims are discriminated against? LOL
Go for it

Muslims, Jews, Gays, Blacks...

What does it matter?

After all the government will give into pressure.

Until then, keep burning crosses.
Pakistanis out of all people telling us to run our country :rofl:
You people really do need a reality check!
Please go out and give a breather to your neurons....... and then we will take about "who is trying to dictate who".
So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????

You have some maturity you will understand that cursing of god does no harm to him. God is capable enough to handle his own problems. We have many instances of people insulting hindu gods in India, very few were people might have reacted. The reaction mostly is filling court cases, hardly we have seen senseless rioting of killing someone who might be Hindu himself. Like what happened in Pakistan, the people killed were Muslims and Pakistani had nothing to do with movie.

That was foolishness to the highest level.
Muslims, Jews, Gays, Blacks...

What does it matter?

After all the government will give into pressure.

Until then, keep burning crosses.

We're not the ones executing our own citizens for being a different religion. Sad thing is that it's law in your country.
So this means that anybody can curse your religion "Hinduism" and Your God "KRISHNA" within open public in the USA according to the Ist amendment_Freedom of Speech....????
Yes. Is that so shocking to you?

I really hate it whenever people ask this type of question. They seem to think that it will put the Americans on the defensive because we may start making excuses/exemptions for other religions and will appear as hypocrites.

Piss Christ is a 1987 photograph by the American artist and photographer Andres Serrano. It depicts a small plastic crucifix submerged in a glass of the artist's urine.
People have been insulting religions in the US for decades and no Hindu or Christians have rioted over those insults.

This petition is going nowhere.
Girls Who Admitted To Drawing Swastikas In Maple Syrup Reportedly Expelled From School « CBS Los Angeles

So girls as young as 14 can be expelled from school for pulling a prank on a jew, but hey you are free to say whatever you like about Muslims!
That is a LOCAL issue, meaning if that girl call a muslim 'rag head', she can and probably will be expelled as well. But there are no laws at the national level that will allow discrimination to one religion at the expense of another when it comes to criticisms or defamation. So in order to have a credible argument/rebuttal, you need to show a pattern of such discrimination and HOW is that discrimination supported legally.
Well, I guess you are right. They do go there and respect the laws. But often, their passports are taken away and their condition is little better than those of slaves. Their right to freedom of religion is taken away. But if they are fine with it - it is their choice.

Really? It's not as if the American mainstream views Islam in a positive light anyway.

Understand their side as well. Most people working their are lower class labors. What they earn their is way higher than what they can earn in India. Example person earning 10000 Rs in India can save 40000 Rs a month in middle east. Now for them it is 4 times more and over a period of time it changes their lives a lot.

Now it is not bad at all.

Islam and Judaism are blasphemous according to Chrisianity as according they don't accept Christ to be the God.
Christianity is blasphemous according to Islam as it claims that a human is a God
Hinduism, Buddhism, other pagans are blasphemous according to all Abrahamic religions as they break all the first 3 commandments.
Ahmadis are blaspehmous according to Islam as they don't accept Mohammed to be the last prophet.
Atheists and Agnostics are blasphemers according to every religion.
So, if blasphemy laws are really implemented, then every single human being living and ever lived are blasphemers according to one or other religion.
Good luck with implementing Anti-blasphemy laws.

You did not read the (whole) article, or maybe just the title.

At the bottom it says:

Correction: An earlier version of this article inaccurately stated that Google’s revenues from Pakistan were $500 million. That figure represents the total size of the Pakistani advertising market and not Google’s revenues. The error is regretted.

Further clarification:

Badar Khushnood, Google’s Country Consultant for Pakistan, who just spoke to me to clarify things, said that out of this total USD 500 million dollar market the online marketing spend is mere 1 percent or USD 5 million dollars – out of which Google has a notable share.

Google Sees Pakistan as $500 Million Ad Market [Updated]

So yeah, I'm pretty sure.
It's okay...

Just permanently delete Google, and everyone is happy :D

Well....there would go learning though :rofl:
People who believe that there is a need for such a petition actually do not believe in God, Allah or whichever supreme being they claim they believe in. If you believe in your Allah, then also believe that He and his prophets are beyond insults. Insult is a direct derivative of ego. If I do not have any ego, I can not be insulted. Ego is a direct derivative of comparison where one person feels that he is superior/better than others.. With Gods and Prophets, there can be no comparison, hence no Ego and no insults. If you can not buy into this logic, then I am sorry to say that your faith is really not true.. And all those people clamoring around for UN laws against blasphemy and this petition in the US Congress, I am sorry to say are not really as devout Muslims as they think they are...
So girls as young as 14 can be expelled from school for pulling a prank on a jew, but hey you are free to say whatever you like about Muslims!

No, in the US they expel students for any racist remark/actions.

For example, there was this girl in Florida, who posted a youtube video about black people. They were expelled/disciplined.

Similarly, a girl in Canada, said something about Indians/Pakistanis - basically brown people :rofl:

She was disciplined/expelled too.

So its not like in the west people are not taken to task for racial vilification. We are solely talking about Movies and cartoons. They are allowed and they shouldnt be restricted. Because they criticize religion or religious practices, they dont single out muslims.
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