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White House Petition for Law Against Blasphemy: Please sign now and spread

So you would rather believe some print material about a culture sitting thousands of miles away? Some print material by certain academics who may or may not have an agenda? Such incidents are not entirely unheard of in the academia FYI. Also, why should I counter M&W's paper with a peer reviewed work when their paper on AIPAC/Jewsish control of US is NOT peer reviewed in the first place.

Do you now understand how ridiculous your argument of believing a piece of paper over actual experiences of a person sounds? Its like believing a local radical Mullah's propaganda about Muslims being discriminated in the US over stories of religious freedom experienced by actual Muslims residing here.

Oh, FYI, I dont claim to understand ALL of US culture. I still dont understand the prom/home coming thing as I dont understand this American Football!
Just watch the documentaries and tell me do you see this Neo-Nazism in US.

What personal experience of yours? Do YOU know how ridiculous it sounds when an individual with no credentials in Political Science and Sociology is challenging people who have detail knowledge of it.

The article has been cited by many researchers too. Next time, don't believe any piece of paper or any sign and do everything. When there is written danger 10000 Volts, with skull cross, don't believe the sign, experience it.

Why should anyone believe an unknown poster on a forum whose credentials we don't know ?

Stop picking up one line and taking it on your ego. If you don't accept it, let it be. Don't admit and don't reply.

Seems like events like Neo-Nazi rallies can happen in US, while peaceful Muslims can't file even a petition.

Let me post the text of the first amendment here again:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Read this again carefully before shooting off uninformed drivel.
Just watch the documentaries and tell me do you see this Neo-Nazism in US.

What personal experience of yours? Do YOU know how ridiculous it sounds when an individual with no credentials in Political Science and Sociology is challenging people who have detail knowledge of it.

The article has been cited by many researchers too. Next time, don't believe any piece of paper or any sign and do everything. When there is written danger 10000 Volts, with skull cross, don't believe the sign, experience it.

ROFL. And you have impeccable credentials, no? Without even reading the text of the first amendment of Bill of Rights you came to a conclusion that peaceful Muslims have no right to petition the US govt. And you expect me to believe you have thorough understanding of affairs here. Okay!

The article you so lovingly cite here as a thinly veiled mask for anti-semitism (these hate speeches are again protected by the first amendment) is NOT a peer reviewed article. The groups which most often cite this article are the Neo-Nazis, the Anti-semites and many Fundamentalist Islamic groups. So there.

Neo Nazi groups' hate speeches are also protected by the US Constitution! So are religious fundamentalist speeches. Period.

BTW, havent you heard about this one - "you can gain a lot more knowledge by travelling a thousand miles than by reading a thousand books"!
Filing petition is a way of protest. Congress won't do anything as you pointed out. Its just a peaceful way. They can organize rallies. They can show their protest over disrespecting their religious figure. It happened with Hindus too. It happened in US.

Its about showing protest and applying pressure on the media or entertainment industry to avoid any future instance of making fun of religious figure. If the media has Freedom of Speech, so does these protesters.

Travel a thousand mile like I believe you. :coffee:

So no Pakistani should comment about India and vice versa. No Chinese should do so. As most of them haven't visited other countries or traveled thousand miles.

Lets just agree to disagree. Otherwise it will become problematic.

Have a nice day. Cheers.

P.S. No offense intended.
Filing petition is a way of protest. Congress won't do anything as you pointed out. Its just a peaceful way. They can organize rallies. They can show their protest over disrespecting their religious figure. It happened with Hindus too. It happened in US.

Its about showing protest and applying pressure on the media or entertainment industry to avoid any future instance of making fun of religious figure. If the media has Freedom of Speech, so does these protesters.

NOW you got it right!

Btw, again, 1st amendment protects any speech, even if it makes fun of any religious figures. That's why in my very first post, I said that this petition will NOT work.
NOW you got it right!

Btw, again, 1st amendment protects any speech, even if it makes fun of any religious figures. That's why in my very first post, I said that this petition will NOT work.

Wrong. It can work.
Wrong. It can work.
Razi...you restarted the whole argument. :D

I will show my opposition if someone mocks my religion by peaceful means as its my freedom of speech too. I CAN call these videos part of hate speech and propaganda. I can call it anything.
I am on your side bro, I support your opposition. But at the same time try to look at the scenario from their Point of View and Their Frame of Reference.

Hope there won't be any misunderstanding between us.
I want them to treat every one equal basis, irrespective of who they are or where they are from, but truthfully muslims are not being treated fairly in USA.
Pakistanis out of all people telling us to run our country :rofl:
You people really do need a reality check!
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