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White House is working to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

Sisi is an example of real munafik (hypocrite) person cited in Quran and Hadith. I dont get it, Does he really believe that someday he will die and meet his God ?

I feel sorry for what Egypt is turning now, from a democracy and promising Muslim leader into once again under Anti Islam dictator.
This 'tactic' have been tossed around on PDF since '09 when I was invited here. The Americans are still waiting for when the IMF, the UN, ASEAN, and assorted alphabet soup of international finance groups come to PDF and take the advice of its 'sages' on how to 'collapse' the US.
well its just an opinion, if so many countries do it at the same time then it will have some serious consequences.
This 'tactic' have been tossed around on PDF since '09 when I was invited here. The Americans are still waiting for when the IMF, the UN, ASEAN, and assorted alphabet soup of international finance groups come to PDF and take the advice of its 'sages' on how to 'collapse' the US.

Its a gradual process

The U.S has haemorrhaged standing over the last 20 years
well its just an opinion, if so many countries do it at the same time then it will have some serious consequences.
It is an economic issue. You have to convince enough countries that the alternative to the dollar WILL produce a BETTER economic outcome and pretty much the result must be immediate. I do not mean 'immediate' as in literally -- bang -- immediate. By that, I mean during the transition period of several yrs, any negative consequences are tolerable, will not last, and partners will help each other out.

The UN have about 150 member countries. Good luck in convincing at least half of that. :enjoy:
as i said in another thread, the day any country dare to go against America, a paid demonstration start in their country out of nowhere , and CIA will bring down the leader or govt and install their puppet once again .

Ever thought why it is possible to do that so easily in any country that dare while it is almost impossible to pull out the same in U.S.A even with more money to spend on the project??
Ever thought why it is possible to do that so easily in any country that dare while it is almost impossible to pull out the same in U.S.A even with more money to spend on the project??

Simple , you have to be Muslim with a beard , and you must be hate by either white people or Hindutva to get Terrorism designations , or maybe someone who doesn't like Israel .
It is an economic issue. You have to convince enough countries that the alternative to the dollar WILL produce a BETTER economic outcome and pretty much the result must be immediate. I do not mean 'immediate' as in literally -- bang -- immediate. By that, I mean during the transition period of several yrs, any negative consequences are tolerable, will not last, and partners will help each other out.

The UN have about 150 member countries. Good luck in convincing at least half of that. :enjoy:
that is what i said earlier, most countries are not ready to take the risk, but for example if Saudi Arabia took the lead then other Muslim countries will not refuse them (most likely), but that is not going to happen because OIC is dead and there is no leadership in Islamic world right now. Maybe not in our lifetime but sometime in the future some other currency will surely replace the USD.
Simple , you have to be Muslim with a beard , and you must be hate by either white people or Hindutva to get Terrorism designations , or maybe someone who doesn't like Israel .
So people in countries like Syria , Iraq , Libya were whites and Hindutva?as far as i know all these countries are absolute islamic so i think self introspection is needed
Simple , you have to be Muslim with a beard , and you must be hate by either white people or Hindutva to get Terrorism designations , or maybe someone who doesn't like Israel .

Your reply is completely out of context with what I asked.

What I just asked is why it is not almost impossible to instigate a protest in U.S.A or some European nations like the Jasmin revolution which swept through the Middle East and North Africa very easily??
I was thinking if all Muslim countries unite and ditch dollar and instead create a new currency for trade, they can blackmail USA into doing anything.

Seeing its Sisi and the Saudis that are pushing trump to do this a call for Muslim unity isn't going to get you very far.
Lets face it trump probably doesn't know what the Muslim Brotherhood is, we are after all talking about a guy that gets a verbal daily brief because he cant be bothered reading them.
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