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White Hawk Hunts South African Crow? By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Although India is implementing various regional plots against Pakistan, China, Iran, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka, yet South Africa is its another target, where Indians are already well-entrenched in order to conduct conspiracy. The covert victimizations of Blacks have been started through a game plan code name “Hunt Crow and Win Gold” .in this connection all out support to the local whites is being provided by MI6 in collaboration with Research and Analysis wing (RAW) of India. In fact the old master of black has decided to regain the control over South Africa after departure of great spiritual leader Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. In this connection, UK Prime Minister David Cameron also deliberated the timings of final executions, probably repercussion and plus and minuses of plan with Indian counter partner Manmohan Singh

In this regard, by availing its historical connections of the past—especially by exploiting the satyagraha led by Gandhiji in South Africa, New Delhi is encouraging its South African citizens to strengthen their grip in political, social, educational and economic fields. In this context, the Indian community has placed a premium on university education and has the highest number of graduates per capita of population. In contrast, Blacks have the poorest performance record of all the different racial groups. Traditionally, only Whites have had access to private education in South Africa. In recent years, Indians have started to make dramatic inroads in the establishment of private schools, colleges and universities. For example, a group of Indian academics have established a private college, the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) to offer distance education management programmes, franchised from British universities. After four years of operation and facing competition from forty other private colleges they have become the largest providers of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree in South Africa.

As part of its plot, India is enhancing its hold on South Africa both on official and non-official level. On official level, a number of bilateral agreements have been concluded between the two countries in diverse areas ranging from economic and commercial cooperation, defence, culture, heath, human settlements, public administration science and technology and education.

On May 8, 2009, Indian Vice President M. Hamid Ansari visited South Africa to attend the Inauguration of Mr. Jacob Zuma, the 4th democratically elected President of South Africa, while Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made an official visit to South Africa from September 30 to October 3, 2006. During his visit, the Tshwane Declaration was signed, reaffirming and deepening the strategic partnership between India and South Africa, laying down benchmarks in all areas of cooperation including heath, science and technology, trade and investment, defence, culture and education.
On June 2, 2010 President Jacob Zuma went to India. His talks with Manmohan Singh were focused on deepening strategic partnership between South Africa and India including various sectors. Both the leaders agreed to focus on the expansion of economic, trade and investment relationship between the two countries.
On non-official level, almost all the persons of the South African-Indian community are making strenuous efforts to increase their influence in South Africa. Even, Indian secret agency RAW plays a key role in this respect as it is directing its well-paid Indian agents of South African origin to get hold of that country’s resources gradually, but clandestinely.
It is notable that South Africa is replete with the precious minerals such as gold, diamond and uranium. Hence, India is increasing its influence in South Africa with a view to making it target of Indian neo-imperialism. The real tragedy of the post-apartheid South Africa is that its people are not aware of Indian sinister designs against the Black. In this regard, India is not only playing double game with the South African people by manipulating their division, but is also trying to get grip on the resources of the country.

It is mentionable that several Indian companies such as Tata Steel, Tata Motors, TCS, Mahindra & Mahindra, Cipla, Ranbaxy, Ashok Leyland, Apollo Tyres have ventured in South Africa by making huge investments, while banks like the SBI and ICICI are engaged in establishing their branches in the country, partly with a view to taping into the million-strong People of Indian Origin (PIOs) there. VSNL is in the process of investing US$ 200 million in the telecom sector in South Africa. Totally, some 36 Indian corporations have established their presence in the country, and more are likely to join the race soon. Over the ongoing year, investment from India Inc. is expected to reach the US $ 500 millions in South African economy.
However, the post-apartheid period of South Africa proved a blessing for the Indian plotters. In this context, the first truly democratic election in South Africa had substantial implications for the South African Indian community. The high profile of the Indians in the African National Congress (ANC) hierarchy was very beneficial for the Indian conspirators. In this respect, when Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa, he included six Indians in his cabinet of sixteen members. The Indians, making up three percent of the population, were over-represented at executive level. They also had a proportionally larger number of members of Parliament. Seeing this scenario, even Blacks of South Africa objected that there were too many Indians in the Government’s legislative and executive institutions.
Besides, the ANC Government systematically began to abolish all previous discriminatory legislation which disadvantaged less developed communities. The Indians prospered the most owing to their superior education and greater wealth. Especially, the Indian business community prospered in the post-apartheid South Africa. They were now able to enter many sectors of commerce and industry which were previously not open to them. Particularly, wealthy Indians could now move into residential areas which were previously restricted to Whites. The ANC Government introduced legislation to empower previously disadvantaged communities. Many companies had previously discriminated against local Blacks. Therefore, their affirmative action polices tended to favour the Black. They also interpreted Blacks as meaning people of African origin. The Indian community objected strongly and on several occasions, Nelson Mandela and his senior officials assured the Indian community that all previously disadvantaged communities should be treated equally in the programmes of affirmative action.

Notably, during South Africa’s transition from apartheid to democracy, Nelson Mandela has endeavoured to make the country’s minority communities feel more secure. He held a number of meetings with white, coloured and Indian opinion-makers to address their insecurities. Despite government assurances, the Indian community felt that they were being marginalised. Mandela was surprised at the level of insecurity expressed by the Indian youth. In fact, as part of its conspiracy, India wants to increase its hold on South Africa overtly or covertly.

Nevertheless, a major tragedy of the post-apartheid South Africa is that although Blacks are in majority and have their own government, yet the Whites have dominant influence in the economic field as they have actual control on the resources of the country. They are wealthier than the blacks. They have also sympathies of the American and European countries and people who favour them through business investments.

It is of particular attention that we can note in case of the United States that the Jews are in minority, but have a greater influence in the politics of that country because they dominate the economics of the US. With the help of strong Hindu-Jewish lobbies, India and Israel fulfill their overt and covert interests. Same is true regarding South Africa. Outwardly, Indians favour the blacks, but inwardly, they support Whites with whom they are doing their business. While, implementing their conspiracy against South Africa, Indian lobbies have also been influencing the government in order to get more political and economic benefits. In this connection, India is also availing the opportunity by exploiting the discriminatory situation of South Africa clandestinely as prejudice is still prevalent between Blacks and Whites.

The author is defence and International Relations Analyst and can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com
This is the reason I joined this forum. Amazing analysis. BTW where do you work?
Okay, so here is what I gathered:

- There are lot of ethnic Indians in South Africa...I guess that was never a secret
- Indians have a high level of education compared to the local population...I guess that is perceived well by any sensible person. And that is the case in any country Indians live in.
- India has excellent diplomatic relations with the South Africans...that's good to know
- Indian companies are investing heavily in South Africa...speaks for the ability of Indian companies

Where in all this does one see a conspiracy or plot? Or has the author lost it?
the writer also mind to note that their is large indian population in uae and other ME countries, maldives, singapore, us,europe.....
hell ....we will plot against each of these countries and bring them under evil axis or watever
Author forgot to mention Fiji, Kenya, Canada ,US,UK, Carabian countries and now Australia where Indians are in vast numbers where Indian state is trying to create puppet governments.
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