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Which group would win a possible WW3


May 3, 2019
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United States
United States
which group would win. final post. who on each sides.

rules no nukes, both sides population support the war. Leadership is equal.

Group B is the Attacking force to begin the war.

Group B is made up of
China (major military and economic power of this group).
North Korea

Group A is made up of
NATO (Minus Turkey)
New Zealand

group A is more of a balanced and powerful of the two groups.

and this is why you see both Russia and China trying to pull USA away from NATO & it different pacific military allies.
Group A hands down. But this is not a balanced group as group B is weak.
Where is Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and all those country who hate US? Also if it's not a Nuclear war then where it will be fought..Asia? Middle East or Europe?

iran is not dumb there would be no gain from them fighting. Belarus only in it because they are Russia's puppet.

Pakistan and Turkey also do better not being involved into a clear winner is likely or not getting involved at all.

North Korea, ROK & Taiwan are only in it because if Russia and China lost North korea would be in trouble. same if the USA and japan lost. both ROK & Taiwan would be in a greatly weaken position.
which group would win. final post. who on each sides.

rules no nukes, both sides population support the war. Leadership is equal.

Group B is the Attacking force to begin the war.

Group B is made up of
China (major military and economic power of this group).
North Korea

Group A is made up of
NATO (Minus Turkey)
New Zealand

group A is more of a balanced and powerful of the two groups.

and this is why you see both Russia and China trying to pull USA away from NATO & it different pacific military allies.

Looking at the performance so far, Group A would not win. So the possible outcome is a draw or Group A will lose.
Ran out of Iraq and ran out of Afghanistan, ran out of Vietnam, ran out of Lebanon etc, need I say more?
the US military wasn't run out of any of those places.

Russia run out of afghanistan, couldn't get air dominance against Georgia didn't have a AF. Ukraine is holding it own against russian now. lost vs Cheahen war

on the conventional warfare level.

when the last time a US Military brigade or higher has lost a battle? then ask your self that same question with either China or Russia armed forces?
the US military wasn't run out of any of those places.

Russia run out of afghanistan, couldn't get air dominance against Georgia didn't have a AF. Ukraine is holding it own against russian now. lost vs Cheahen war

on the conventional warfare level.

when the last time a US Military brigade or higher has lost a battle? then ask your self that same question with either China or Russia armed forces?

Can't face the truth can you? One million soldiers in Vietnam, US forces left so quick they had to dump their helis in the sea. Same story in Afghanistan (100K soldiers) and Iraq (300K soldiers).
the US military wasn't run out of any of those places.

Russia run out of afghanistan, couldn't get air dominance against Georgia didn't have a AF. Ukraine is holding it own against russian now. lost vs Cheahen war

on the conventional warfare level.

when the last time a US Military brigade or higher has lost a battle? then ask your self that same question with either China or Russia armed forces?
How are your school children doing? I heard they jump out the window when the door slightly opens. I've seen the fear in the eyes of the people there. You should worry about your own crumbling house before worrying about new wars you cant win.
Can't face the truth can you? One million soldiers in Vietnam, US forces left so quick they had to dump their helis in the sea. Same story in Afghanistan (100K soldiers) and Iraq (300K soldiers).

once again how many military battle were lost. this is solely about conventional warfare. when the last time a US Company was defeated on a battle by another conventional military force.

there a big difference from losing battle and losing wars. Russia/USSR & China has lost both in the same time frame you are putting on the US since vietnam.

once again name the last time a US Brigade size element or larger has been defeated in a conventional battle?? i will wait. (Korea).

in conventional warfare Vietnam inflicted about 25,000 KIA on China forces in one month of fighting. china did inflict 33k kia on Vietnam. compared to 12 years the USA lost a lil over 58k. while Vietnam military lost about 900k. china forces having failed to oust vietnam forces from Cambodia retreated back to China.

USSR/Russia had how many soldiers in Afghanistan and how many were killed??? what 13k killed in 9 years of fighting. while the USA has lost what 2500 in 18 years. come on. and russian military forces lost battles.

once again i'm not saying the USA has the market cornered on tactics or doctrine. but ppl sometimes makes it seem like China and russia have had a great record in conventional warfare or that the US Military has been taking Ls. the USA Govt has been taking Ls for putting the USA military into conflicts that doesn't have conventional war solutions.

Russia has struggled in the conventional warfare part.
Group A hands down. But this is not a balanced group as group B is weak.

you are correct. not all alliances are built the same or have same military capabilities.

Group B is the weaker alliance. China is the Dominate forces in this. China is the only one in it group really improving it military's capabilities. Russia in a lot of areas is not only not improving capabilities but are also getting worst. North Korea would make a great combat power if it was still the late 60s and 70s.

by balanced i mean the Group A more balanced with in it self. with the US making up about 45% of the combat capabilities while NATO is another 40% and the remaining Asian/Pacific members 15% and all of the groups overall are improving their capabilities.

this is why you see Russia & China are so hell bent breaking up the USA and it Geopolitical/military alliances.
which group would win. final post. who on each sides.

rules no nukes, both sides population support the war. Leadership is equal.

Group B is the Attacking force to begin the war.

Group B is made up of
China (major military and economic power of this group).
North Korea

Group A is made up of
NATO (Minus Turkey)
New Zealand

group A is more of a balanced and powerful of the two groups.

and this is why you see both Russia and China trying to pull USA away from NATO & it different pacific military allies.

There would be no winner in WW3. This war would be the near total annihilation of humanity. If the West (Zionist-Swines) believes that they would prevail, and wait out the Nuclear Winter (lasting a thousand years). Then they are more deluded than any nation or kingdom or empire before them.
There would be no winner in WW3. This war would be the near total annihilation of humanity. If the West (Zionist-Swines) believes that they would prevail, and wait out the Nuclear Winter (lasting a thousand years). Then they are more deluded than any nation or kingdom or empire before them.

it a no nuke. what if. not real life. LOL LOL
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