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Whereabouts of 9,120 arrestees from Karachi remain unknown: Asian human rights commission


Jan 20, 2011
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PAKISTAN: Whereabouts of 9,120 arrestees from Karachi remain unknown

December 12, 2013

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The suspects are missing after arrest and 150 have been extrajudicially killed during the last three months of the "Karachi operation"

The federal government has started an operation in Karachi, the capital of Sindh, under the title: "Targeted Operation" with the support of the police and Pakistan Rangers. The operation, which commenced on September 5, is supposedly against the increase in targeted killings, extortion, kidnappings and incidents of terrorism including bomb blasts. The Pakistan Rangers has been given powers of arrest and detention of the suspects including permission to shoot on sight. The operation has mainly focused on Lyari, the Baloch dominated area and one ethnic political party.

The photos on the left reveal that the arresting officers wore head masks during their targeted operations. The question which begs to be asked is, if indeed, the operations are perfectly legal why should they be afraid to reveal their identities. Also, the second picture shows the suspects also wearing head masks standing before a cache of weapons supposedly taken at the time of arrest. The photos are reproduced courtesy of News Tribe and the Daily News.

During the last three months of the operation, from September 5 to December 5, according to official report, 10,620 persons were arrested on several charges. However, contrary to this figure, the two jails operating in Karachi claim that only they have received 1,500 suspects. The police and Pakistan Rangers, who at the end of every 30 days issue their report on their successes, have not mentioned the whereabouts of the remaining 9120 suspects. The correct figures about the encounters and extra judicial killings were not available but through reports published in the media more than 150 persons were killed in mysterious encounters after their arrests and torture during the interrogation.

Prime Minister Sharif has taken step of commencing the operation in Karachi after the increase in crime, target killings, extortion, sectarian violence and bomb blasts. Chief Minister, Qaim Ali Shah, was designated the operational commander. Despite the operation there has been no reduction in the crime rate during the last three months. Every day in Karachi an average of ten persons become victims of targeted killing and sectarian violence and the so called 'operation' has not yielded any positive results to halt the crimes.

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is very much concerned about the number of missing persons after their arrest by the law enforcement authorities and the extrajudicial killings of 150 persons in encounters. Every day the news is received of the killing of at least one person in custody or in an encounter. In several cases the family members of the arrested erson stated that the victim was arrested from their homes but later it was announced that they were killed in an encounter or died in detention. The authorities have not produced any of these persons before the media for identification.

It is quite clear that the police and Rangers are working with ill-intent as not a single man has been presented in court after arrest during the last three months nor have the family members been told of their whereabouts or have been allowed to meet them.

It is also appalling that despite the large number of missing persons no questions have been raised in parliament.

The relatives are legitimately concerned that the victims would be killed in the illegal detention centers by the torture they are sure to be subjected to or in a fake encounter.

The AHRC terms the 'targeted operation' as a gross violation of the constitution and law of the land and believes that its purpose is to make the mockery of the rule of law. If the purpose of the operation was to control the killings and terrorism in Karachi then there would have been a visible reduction in such incidents. However, the law enforcement agencies, including the Rangers and the police are scoring to show their efficiency. There is always a blame game between the police and Rangers for interfering in each other's affairs and destroying the law and order situation. When the joint operation was started both the law enforcement authorities tried to show their effectiveness by conducting raids at the victim's houses, arresting as many as possible and killing them in so called encounters. In addition to extortion, target killings and sectarian violence the citizens are now facing new kind of state violence in the name of a targeted operation.

It is evident that the operation is being conducted in phases. The first and second parts of the operation have now been completed with the arrest and enforced disappearances of 9,120 persons and the extrajudicial killings of 150 persons. The third phase is likely to be even worse and it is expected that the numbers of disappeared persons, fake encounters and extrajudicial killings will increase. One can expect that many more innocent people will be disappeared.

The dignity and lives of the people means nothing to the government of Pakistan whose only action is a smokescreen to make it look as if they are doing something to fight crime. The people are merely cannon fodder in the name of 'law enforcement'. The authorities have once again proved themselves incapable of maintaining law and order and controlling the terrorism that virtually rules the country.

It is the sole responsibility of the government of Pakistan to either release the arrested persons or reveal their whereabouts. If, indeed, there are viable charges to be laid against them they must be produced in court immediately. It must be asked why the government of a democratic country is arrogantly ignoring the laws of the land and the international norms.

The AHRC urges the government to ensure the recovery of the 9,120 persons who were arrested during the operation, as according to official sources. These people must be immediately brought before a court of law. Furthermore, officers in charge of the Police and Pakistan Rangers must be prosecuted for keeping thousands of arrested persons in illegal custody and extrajudicially killing them in fake encounters.
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I don't understand you people.
When police doesn't do its job, you cry. And when police does its job, you cry even more.
I don't understand you people.
When police doesn't do its job, you cry. And when police does its job, you cry even more.

i don't understand you, what if it was your own family member who had been mysteriously picked up and disappeared like this? what had been your reaction

also this is ansar burney's comments btw


PTI and MQM to resist PPO passage from National Assembly | Business Recorder

December 13, 2013

Terming the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance 2013 (PPO) as 'black law', Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Thursday warned that it would resist the ordinance with tooth and nail if the government tabled it in the National Assembly for passage.

MQM and Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) lawmakers while participating in the debate on a motion moved by Minister for Science and Technology Zahid Hamid in the National Assembly regarding prevailing law and order situation in the country, said that the proposed ordinance is similar to Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) 1990 promulgated in occupied Kashmir by India, which allows the Indian forces to carryout inhuman actions against the Muslims of Kashmir with absolute impunity.

Taking part in the debate, Nabeel Gabol of MQM said that promulgation of the PPO may trigger grave human rights violations. The MQM would strongly resist if the government tabled the ordinance in the National Assmebly, he added. He feared that the PPO may be used to suppress the MQM in Karachi.

About the on going targeted operation against criminal elements in Karachi, he said that the operation was diverted toward MQM as around 35 MQM workers were missing since launching of the operation. He said that the MQM had objection on the strategy adopted for the operation, adding that MQM was also supported the operation against criminals in the mega city.

"We do not have any doubt on the will of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Interior Minister Chaudhry Nasir, but we have objection on the strategy being used during the operation in Karachi," he said. He proposed that the government should brief lawmakers about the current law and order situation during an in-camera meeting.

Dr. Shireen Mazari of PTI while participating in the debate strongly criticised the government's move to pass the PPO, saying that the TADA, which was promulgated in occupied Kashmir, is widely condemned by the entire world. She maintained the fundamental human rights violations would increase, if the ordinance was enacted.

She asked the government to detach itself from the ongoing war on terror as it is not their war and it should implement the decision of APC on the US drone attacks on Pakistani soil.

She also underlined that de-politicising of police is necessary to improve law and order, adding that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has depoliticized police while Punjab and Sindh have yet to take any initiative in this regard.

Chief of Awami Muslim League Shaikh Rashid Ahmed said that there is a need to monitor the source of funding to several religious organisations without any discrimination.

He deplored that law & order situation in the country is worst, adding that Islamabad is prone to terrorists' activities and measures should be taken to avert any untoward incident.

Meanwhile, on a point of order, Shaikh Rashid Ahmed urged speaker National Assembly to direct the relevant officials to issue development funds of MNAs as soon as possible. He asked the speaker to pass a ruling on the issue so that the funds could be released.

Responding to Shaikh Rashid point of order, State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Shaikh Aftab Ahmed assured the House to submit complete report on the situation.
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I don't understand you people.
When police doesn't do its job, you cry. And when police does its job, you cry even more.

They cry because MQM is a criminal organization with political facade. Give them opportunity and they will target kill all police officers just like they did after successful 1996 operation conducted by Naseerullah Babar.

Ask them about why thousands of people were killed when they were in the government, when the state is represented in the province by governor from their party & they will give you very nice justifications.
wow cool, finally someone found a way to kick out criminals, without putting pressure on People Taxes .. Good Work..

We can't afford criminals so should be removed like this..
i don't understand you, what if it was your own family member who had been mysteriously picked up and disappeared like this? what had been your reaction

also this is ansar burney's comments btw


PTI and MQM to resist PPO passage from National Assembly | Business Recorder

December 13, 2013

Terming the Protection of Pakistan Ordinance 2013 (PPO) as 'black law', Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Thursday warned that it would resist the ordinance with tooth and nail if the government tabled it in the National Assembly for passage.

MQM and Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) lawmakers while participating in the debate on a motion moved by Minister for Science and Technology Zahid Hamid in the National Assembly regarding prevailing law and order situation in the country, said that the proposed ordinance is similar to Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act (TADA) 1990 promulgated in occupied Kashmir by India, which allows the Indian forces to carryout inhuman actions against the Muslims of Kashmir with absolute impunity.

Taking part in the debate, Nabeel Gabol of MQM said that promulgation of the PPO may trigger grave human rights violations. The MQM would strongly resist if the government tabled the ordinance in the National Assmebly, he added. He feared that the PPO may be used to suppress the MQM in Karachi.

About the on going targeted operation against criminal elements in Karachi, he said that the operation was diverted toward MQM as around 35 MQM workers were missing since launching of the operation. He said that the MQM had objection on the strategy adopted for the operation, adding that MQM was also supported the operation against criminals in the mega city.

"We do not have any doubt on the will of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Interior Minister Chaudhry Nasir, but we have objection on the strategy being used during the operation in Karachi," he said. He proposed that the government should brief lawmakers about the current law and order situation during an in-camera meeting.

Dr. Shireen Mazari of PTI while participating in the debate strongly criticised the government's move to pass the PPO, saying that the TADA, which was promulgated in occupied Kashmir, is widely condemned by the entire world. She maintained the fundamental human rights violations would increase, if the ordinance was enacted.

She asked the government to detach itself from the ongoing war on terror as it is not their war and it should implement the decision of APC on the US drone attacks on Pakistani soil.

She also underlined that de-politicising of police is necessary to improve law and order, adding that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has depoliticized police while Punjab and Sindh have yet to take any initiative in this regard.

Chief of Awami Muslim League Shaikh Rashid Ahmed said that there is a need to monitor the source of funding to several religious organisations without any discrimination.

He deplored that law & order situation in the country is worst, adding that Islamabad is prone to terrorists' activities and measures should be taken to avert any untoward incident.

Meanwhile, on a point of order, Shaikh Rashid Ahmed urged speaker National Assembly to direct the relevant officials to issue development funds of MNAs as soon as possible. He asked the speaker to pass a ruling on the issue so that the funds could be released.

Responding to Shaikh Rashid point of order, State Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Shaikh Aftab Ahmed assured the House to submit complete report on the situation.

For your information, My brother was picked up one day, but not by police, but by MQM!
Police saved him.
My cousin is also in police, and he was attacked and recieved death threats for doing his job properly.

Most of these people are hardcore criminals, thus should be punished severly.

They cry because MQM is a criminal organization with political facade. Give them opportunity and they will target kill all police officers just like they did after successful 1996 operation conducted by Naseerullah Babar.

Ask them about why thousands of people were killed when they were in the government, when the state is represented in the province by governor from their party & they will give you very nice justifications.

I don't like MQM, and im not sure if the police is working for them or not.
If they are then its very bad, but if they're not ( which i heard, i know a few people in police) then its good. Sooner or later these MQM hooligans will start to disappear as well (hopefully)
For your information, My brother was picked up one day, but not by police, but by MQM!
Police saved him.
My cousin is also in police, and he was attacked and recieved death threats for doing his job properly.

Most of these people are hardcore criminals, thus should be punished severly.

I don't like MQM, and im not sure if the police is working for them or not.
If they are then its very bad, but if they're not ( which i heard, i know a few people in police) then its good. Sooner or later these MQM hooligans will start to disappear as well (hopefully)

i get it now :lol:

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