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Where India stands today on missile technology


Apr 4, 2012
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India’s Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP) has conclusively got past its crucial make-or-break stage.

The programme, that was envisioned under the leadership of Mrs Indira Gandhi in the late 1970s and was started in the early 1980s, has been further consolidated with an exponentially expanded plan in the latter years to include every tactical and strategic stand-off platforms deemed necessary for the nation’s defensive and offensive abilities.

Efforts by DRDO and other state-owned undertakings, some in joint ventures with Russian and Israeli defence firms, have produced a tactical ballistic missile series (Prithvi, versions of which have range varying between 150 and 750 km), a land-launched strategic ballistic missile series (Agni, whose versions range between 700 and 5000 km though the Agni V is believed to have a much greater range ), a submarine-launched ballistic missile series (K-series, whose versions tested till now, range between 750 and 3500 km but later versions are slated to travel beyond 6000 km), a solid-fuelled stand-alone 150-km range tactical ballistic missile (Prahaar), a third generation top attack anti-tank missile (Nag which is launched from NAMICA vehicles), a medium range surface-to-air (MRSAM) missile system (Akash), a long range surface-to-air missile (LRSAM) system in joint venture with Israel (Barak with range between 70 and 120 km), a 300-km range supersonic cruise missile system (Brahmos, whose actual range is actually believed to be much higher but the official range is stated to be 300 km to comply with Missile Technology Control Regime [MTCR] regulations as it is an Indo-Russian collaborative effort) among others.

Many of the above-mentioned platforms are operational with the various branches of the Indian Armed Forces. Some are in different stages of testing and fine-tuning.

Under development are further improvements of the Agni series, a hypersonic version of Brahmos, a long range cruise missile system (Nirbhay with range of 1000 km which is scheduled to be tested any day now). There are also murmurs about a ultra-long range surface-to-air missile system being under development though it has not been confirmed by the government. The said missile is supposed to complement the Swordfish/Green Pine radar system which is being integrated with other indigenous radar warning systems in an integrated seamless air defence network.

While the designs of the latter variants of the Agni series and the K-series, that is whatever is out there in the public domain, suggest that they will be capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs), there is a complete blackout of information on India’s research and progress in the MIRV field. The various state agencies involved with research on nuclear technology and every defence ministry official offer no comments about this. MIRVs allow a single missile to hit different targets spread over a large area with different nuclear warheads.

India’s quest for missile technology has not been smooth. After India test-fired the first Prithvi missile in 1988 and the first Agni missile in 1989, the Missile Technology Control Regime, led by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, decided to restrict access to any technology that would help India in its missile development programme. Russia was in tatters; the Soviet Union had just collapsed. To counter the MTCR attempt in ensuring western monopoly over critical missile technology, India had to become self-reliant. A slew of public sector firms with independent research laboratories were set up throughout country to develop the technologies, the sub systems, the materials, the testing facilities.

The fact that India tests its missiles many more times unlike its neighbour to the west is a testimony to the self-reliance that India’s missile development complexes have developed. Tried and tested technology platforms, whether imported, stolen (pirated) or smuggled, seldom require testing. But things developed from the scratch need to be put under repeated and rigorous tests.

Detractors or those who love to live in denial about India’s progress in missile technology development jumped the gun after the Agni-V tests saying the guidance chips were imported. The Semiconductor Complex Limited (SCL) with its research lab was established in Chandigarh in 1983. Nearly all flight instrumentation systems of the IGMDP programme have come from there.

The development of the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) is crucial in India gaining autonomy in accurate targeting of missiles in a war-time situation. There is no guarantee that India will have access to the American GPS system in times of a military exigency. India has also struck a deal with Russia about access to the GLONASS system, Moscow’s equivalent of GPS.

The IRNSS would consist of a constellation of seven satellites and a support ground segment. Three of the satellites in the constellation will be placed in geostationary orbit. These GEOs will be located at 34 East, 83 East and 132 East longitude. The GSOs will be in orbits with a 24,000 km apogee and 250 km perigee inclined at 29 degrees. Two of the GSOs will cross the equator at 55 East and two at 111 East. Such an arrangement would mean that all seven satellites would have continuous radio visibility with Indian control stations. The satellite payloads would consist of atomic clocks and electronic equipment to generate the navigation signals. The coverage is intended to extend the subcontinental boundaries by 2000 km on all sides. The absolute position accuracy is stated to be better than 10 mtrs on land and better than 20 mtrs in the Indian ocean.

While this system is likely to be operational by 2014, there are reportedly plans to extend the coverage further. India has come a long way in terms of missile technology. And the best part is that it has resisted the temptation of smuggling technology or reverse-engineering to have quickfire solutions. It has invested in research and the learning curve is finally beginning to show concrete results.

Where India stands today on missile technology | idrw.org
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While the article seems good, there was no need of bringing in Pakistan into the picture. Now, the trolls will have a field day.
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Even all missile experiments India did, world still have doubt about their accuracy and parameters which Indian scientists claimed. Even there is different of opinion inside of DRDO scientists about the authenticity of all parameters which Indian Defense ministry reportedly claim on media.
Even all missile experiments India did, world still have doubt about their accuracy and parameters which Indian scientists claimed. Even there is different of opinion inside of DRDO scientists about the authenticity of all parameters which Indian Defense ministry reportedly claim on media.

I think you should thank teh transparency thats exists in Indian institutions like DRDO that you can even think of making such claims. Indian missiles are 100%..i repeat 100% indigenous with all of the missile (whichever has celared the tests and is inducted/being inducted) has pin point accuracy (as projected and required) with all the missiles passing all other parameters. I shoudnt bring it up, but you should check with other countries if they have such record of 100% indigenous missile programe like India's
Even all missile experiments India did, world still have doubt about their accuracy and parameters which Indian scientists claimed. Even there is different of opinion inside of DRDO scientists about the authenticity of all parameters which Indian Defense ministry reportedly claim on media.
Turns out the most advanced nation in the world especially in missile technology wanted to work with India in Ballistic Missile Defence on its PAC-3 project. India has already successfully tested this BMD which proves DRDOs advancement in Missile Tech.

I think you will accept US version. As for failures, if one technology development doesn't fail that means you haven't reached to the extreme of your goal which can be achieved by putting more efforts, testing and re-calibrating. Research and Development is an evolutionary process not instantaneous one.
The fact that India tests its missiles many more times unlike its neighbour to the west is a testimony to the self-reliance that India’s missile development complexes have developed. Tried and tested technology platforms, whether imported, stolen (pirated) or smuggled, seldom require testing. But things developed from the scratch need to be put under repeated and rigorous tests.

i think someone should note this line.whenever we fail,troll brigade start trolling.but they forget one thing,those who make things by himself,sometime fails.those who get help from others generally seldom(or never :azn:) fail.
Even all missile experiments India did, world still have doubt about their accuracy and parameters which Indian scientists claimed. Even there is different of opinion inside of DRDO scientists about the authenticity of all parameters which Indian Defense ministry reportedly claim on media.

Please share the link...where world doubt the accuracy....there was a article with in India itself regarding the accuracy.....

Due to transparency this kind of news come to media...Tell me how many news comes regarding Pakistan where a test fail or so...

2-3 years back we were behind in Missile tech but today we have done good progress...

Read the thread....Agni IV achieved 2 decimal accuracy...what else you want.....
Even all missile experiments India did, world still have doubt about their accuracy and parameters which Indian scientists claimed. Even there is different of opinion inside of DRDO scientists about the authenticity of all parameters which Indian Defense ministry reportedly claim on media.

The reason for the doubts are quite obvious isnt it?They have never been put to use in real World scenario.No shots have been fired in anger till now,well except for the Pinaka MBRL.
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China tests Missiles over 10 times per months, but we don't like to make big mouth news

Then how do you know that "China tests Missiles over 10 times per months" ? :lol:


India has to catch up on long range cruise missiles, Sea-Skimming Missiles, MRIV, MANPAD anti-aircraft and anti-Tank , BVRs etc.
15000 Km......you mean it will take one revolution of earth and hit the same place where you launched it :rofl:


This is their ICBM .. which is more like a rocket :cheesy:
missile tech is one of those areas for which every indian is proud of. Its been a long period since the program like IGMDP were planned,developed,sucessfully executed and then officially ended. What this program has given india is a sucessfull serious of missiles which we can proudly call Indegenious.
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