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Where does the Taliban get its weapons?

You need elaboration, how about this.

India then went on to blame LeT as usual and there were so many holes in the story produced through a captured 'Pakistan'. Even all the world media and your own said that this was clearly done for sympathy.

Sikhs demand fresh probe into Chattisinghpora massacre - Yahoo! India News

First of all I have never heard heard of the All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee.

I always thought that Shriomani gurudawara Prabandak Committee is the organisation who looks after interests of sikhs.

secondly , dont try to blame Indian army ..............why would sikhs will be killed by organisation which is full of sikhs????

You are totally failed to prove anything.

Sorry ..........
Taliban have a huge number of field that grown heroin and opium.The secound largest in the world after Colombia.They sell it to other drag dealer and make alot off money.In that money they buy from Mafia member around the world.
Taliban have a huge number of field that grown heroin and opium.The secound largest in the world after Colombia.They sell it to other drag dealer and make alot off money.In that money they buy from Mafia member around the world.

There is huge numbers of army from around the world in Afghanistan pr today.

How Taliban selling and doing business in these such ruff conditions?
Finally the question remains: Where does the Taliban get its weapons?

Lets not talk of India now. Where are the weapons manufactured. Not in India for sure. if that was the case US would be knocking on Indian doors instead of having a strategic dialog due coming month!

Where does the Taliban get its weapons?

1) Stealing ( can happens so..............heard that US has huge stockpile of weapons missing in Afghanistan)
2) self manufacturing ( extremly high possibilty)
3) buying from any other country ( not possible)
4) buying from black market ( highly possible)
5) US supplying them ( hell no........why will US give them weapons that will kill them)
6) Russia giving them ( nop.........because Russia has always supported northern alliance)
7) India ( nop..........because India too support northern alliance )
AOa, getting weapons :sniper: !! is it the main issue ??or who funds them!! Operation" blue tulsi " :taz::taz:
Darra made weapons even not used by darra people and whole of tribal or i would say whole of nwfp because of its low quality. Taliban, being professional in weaponary are mostly using advance weapons of advance manufacturers. By the way the so called arm market already closed and heavy forces deployed there n even no chance to sell a an air gun now a days.
jagjitnatt...I'm glad you're taking me a person with no knowledge because for you i am being like that, and why should I disclose more intl to indian members.

I gave you itsy bitsy information..I've more that I can't share with indians.
you are talking about various reports from where new papers/magazines/tv now thats pathetic come back from you, my information comes from reliable sources primarily of which is world's famous one you know that, I'll let you believe in little green aliens.

Do you have control over all kashmir, why drag Pakistan Army it has enemies from all side, Pakistan Army has done more than enough, The world knows you have no control of 70 different groups with-in india who are on the verge of creating chaos and destabilization of india at some point of time in the future not far off.
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jin...agreed with jin those weapons are mostly useless and not in major quantity and when ISI men are wandering day/night those areas there is 0% possibilites of them being exported or transported..a few indian members you are sitting in india you have no idea of the area and how ISI/Pakistan Army operates against such people..unless you've visited there:) have you?
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