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When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?


Oct 1, 2010
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Most Pakistanis believe that unseen forces such as the CIA, RAW, Blackwater and Mossad, are behind most of the problems the country is confronted with. Inventing and narrating conspiracy theories is a favourite pastime of certain segments of society. These theories are further spread through the media. The exponents of conspiracy theories never express penitence or regret once the unfolding of events prove them wrong. This phenomenon is not confined only to Pakistan; people in all parts of the world formulate and believe in such theories. These are generally based on fallacies, termed as logic.

Some popular theories relate to security matters. A large percentage of our population believed in the theory that Jews were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. The video recording of Osama narrating the event to a Sheikh with pride, was rejected as engineered and fabricated. The last videos of the pilots alleged to have flown the two planes were also not considered as evidence whilst articles by anyone, who subscribed to the conspiracy theory, were widely circulated. Now there are few who discuss this theory.

American military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan are viewed as actions geared towards capturing oil and other mineral resources.

Furthermore, media hype was created about the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan. A channel showed houses in Islamabad, allegedly rented out by the organisation. Experts from strategic institutes appeared on TV shows to highlight the designs of Blackwater. The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan blamed Blackwater for two suicide bombings in which large numbers of innocent Pakistanis were killed. Different theories were presented about the motives of Blackwater in Pakistan. Where are the agents of Blackwater now? Have those houses, in various sectors of Islamabad, been vacated? Have they left Pakistan? And if so, why did they leave without accomplishing their assigned mission?

A clearly forged statement, in which the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, terms Pakistan a threat to the existence of Israel, is quoted on many websites.

The reason we need to desist from the tendency to believe in conspiracy theories is that they exonerate leaders, government servants and decision-makers actually responsible for running state affairs. Saying that RAW was behind the attack on the Sri Lanka cricket team absolves our own law-enforcement and intelligence agencies of any responsibility.

Blaming external forces for all the ills this country is plagued with, shields inefficient leaders. Alleging the involvement of RAW in militancy in Balochistan tends to hide the injustices done to the people of this province by successive regimes. The theory that India never accepted the creation of Pakistan promotes hatred and hampers peace efforts in the region. Instead of formulating conspiracy theories, we must look into ourselves and see what we have done wrong — and learn from those mistakes.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 18th, 2011.

When will we stop blaming the rest of the world? – The Express Tribune
and when did talibans become the every problem of the nation???? i remember that during the lahore attacks, without prove the media was throwing the garbage at the militants, talibans, the terrorists escaped and thus removing any chance of finding the real hands behind those attacks, terrorists have never been captured, and blamed on talibans, same goes to indian attitude towards pakistan regarding samjhota express..
Most Pakistanis believe that unseen forces such as the CIA, RAW, Blackwater and Mossad, are behind most of the problems the country is confronted with.

-It is clearly been proven that CIA is operating in Pakistan, but they are not apart of the problem they are apart of the solution to rid our nation of terrorists as they are collaborating with the ISI. :usflag:

-R.A.W. is involved in Baloch Insurgency. R.A.W. was involved in East Pakistan unrest, it is involved in terror activities on Pakistan soil. Come on people think. What the hell was R.A.W. created for? To bring a cup of sugar to Zaid Hamid when he runs out? R.A.W. is involved in most of Pakistan's Affairs just as ISI is involved in most of india's affairs.

Mullen raises Balochistan issue with India : Pakistan Defence

YouTube - Musharraf exposing RAW activities infront of Indian

-Blackwater I agree is a conspiracy theory. They are just a U.S. government contractor and are only in it for the money. Creating unrest in Pakistan would acheive nothing for them.

-Mossad, I can still see how people would blame Mossad because of their misadventures in the 80's to bomb Pakistan's nuclear facility. And Mossad involvement in killing Iranian nuclear scientists etc. But as for creating unrest in Pakistan now, I do not think they have anything to do with it because 1.) U.S. involvement with Pakistan and Pakistan status as an Major non-Nato Ally of U.S. 2.) They are trying to normalize relations with Pakistan 3.) Creating unrest in Pakistan would not acheive them anything. 4.) They may be in Pakistan spying but nothing more.
Do you have any Mushraff talks before he ran away from Pak? All I see now is a desperate politician seeking attention.
Do you have any Mushraff talks before he ran away from Pak? All I see now is a desperate politician seeking attention.

Those were hard times buddy.The BB assassination happened on the wrong time.Resigning and going off the grid would be an sane person s decision at that time in that type of situation.
What i see is a person who learned from his mistake of becoming a dictator(which did get us rid of those idiotic politicians)ans coming into power the right and constitutional way.He may not be the best option for Pakistan but he sure is the better one.

Why should he have talked and made public speeches when the whole nation didn't want him anymore at that time he would have definitely seemed like a desperate politician but right now he is trying to right the wrong that he did.
Those were hard times buddy.The BB assassination happened on the wrong time.Resigning and going off the grid would be an sane person s decision at that time in that type of situation.
What i see is a person who learned from his mistake of becoming a dictator(which did get us rid of those idiotic politicians)ans coming into power the right and constitutional way.He may not be the best option for Pakistan but he sure is the better one.

Why should he have talked and made public speeches when the whole nation didn't want him anymore at that time he would have definitely seemed like a desperate politician but right now he is trying to right the wrong that he did.

I believe Mushraff is the best option Pakistan has got, atleast watching from a distance. But his recent speeches are just erratic and seems to be aimed at making headlines. He is just another Pakistani politician now.

BTW, what is your take on the article?
An honest assessment by the author, who is also a retired bregadier of Pak Army. Now.. that should surely add some weight!!
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I believe Mushraff is the best option Pakistan has got, atleast watching from a distance. But his recent speeches are just erratic and seems to be aimed at making headlines. He is just another Pakistani politician now.

BTW, what is your take on the article?

To be honest mate i never read the article ,i never do.I assess the situation and then comment.

I read the article if its pretty damn interesting, not saying that this wasn't but i think we have heard this same thing one way or the other.
sorry and chill:smokin::pop:
i don't know why some Pakistanis have this hatred and obsession about USA. The Americans have helped us way more than any other nation on Earth (more than any Muslim nation has or ever will help us). They've given us hundreds of Billions in Aid. whenever Pakistan is hit by a disaster it's always the Americans who are first to help us. During the Earth-quake, Floods, refugee crisis in Swat, ect. , it were the Americans who have been the most generous towards us.

And i hate it how ungrateful some Pakistanis are towards the Americans. when Pakistanis burn the American flag, chant "death to USA", ect. we always complain about how ungrateful afghanis are towards us, but we are even more ungrateful than those afghans... think about it, we are total hypocrites.

even though sometimes i do feel angry at USA. but at the end of the day i love USA almost as much as i love Pakistan. :pakistan: :usflag:

we should try to build good relations with Israel. Israel is a powerful nation. we can only benefit from a healthy relationship with Israel.

We should never trust those indians. they have always wanted the worst for us. india is our #1 enemy.
i don't know why some Pakistanis have this hatred and obsession about USA. The Americans have helped us way more than any other nation on Earth (more than any Muslim nation has or ever will help us). They've given us hundreds of Billions in Aid. whenever Pakistan is hit by a disaster it's always the Americans who are first to help us. During the Earth-quake, Floods, refugee crisis in Swat, ect. , it were the Americans who have been the most generous towards us.

And i hate it how ungrateful some Pakistanis are towards the Americans. when Pakistanis burn the American flag, chant "death to USA", ect. we always complain about how ungrateful afghanis are towards us, but we are even more ungrateful than those afghans... think about it, we are total hypocrites.

even though sometimes i do feel angry at USA. but at the end of the day i love USA almost as much as i love Pakistan. :pakistan: :usa:

PS: we should never trust those indians. they have always wanted the worst for us. india is our #1 enemy.
That position is shared by isreal and india both.

My fellow,what you don't understand is the geopolitics surrounding us.In today's world you have to take every step and make every decision carefully.

USA is helping us(without a doubt)for its own interests.If you track the ties between Pak and US,you will see they became strong when the US needed us in the war against the soviets that wasn't exactly our war.We seemed the best Geo strategic ally at that time.After that it needed us in the anti terrorist operations.We still carry importance to the US because we are its suppliers to Afghanistan and if we stop supplying them they will starve to death.

That's my assessment i don't know the truth and i cant tell the truth either.Maybe US is a loyal friend and a good ally or maybe its just a traitor pretending to be good and waiting for the right time to strike and strike hard ,just watch out for that day.
An honest assessment by the author, who is also a retired bregadier of Pak Army. Now.. that should surely add some weight!!

How so? If you're going to go down that route, Musharraf is a retired GENERAL of Pakistan army. So what he says has even more weight.
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